1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | < h3 class = "top" >Terms and Conditions</ h3 > < p >< strong >Legal stuff</ strong ></ p > < ul > < li >Respect others.</ li > < li >You are legally responsible for what you write.</ li > < li >Do not write things you will be ashmed of in 5 years.</ li > < li >We may send you an email from time to time with respect to the use of this service.</ li > < li >We are not going to spam you in any way.</ li > < li >We reserve the right to disable accounts with a non functional email address.</ li > </ ul > < p >< strong >Technical stuff</ strong ></ p > < ul > < li >You will need to enable cookies in your browser.</ li > < li >The interface will look nicer with Javascript enabled.</ li > < li >We will send you an email to validate your account.</ li > </ ul > < p >< strong >Very important stuff</ strong ></ p > < p >You are < strong >welcome!</ strong ></ p > |