<?php /* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of InDefero, an open source project management application. # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Céondo Ltd and contributors. # # InDefero is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # InDefero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * Git utils. * */ class IDF_Scm_Git extends IDF_Scm { public $mediumtree_fmt = 'commit %H%nAuthor: %an <%ae>%nTree: %T%nParents: %P%nDate: %ai%n%n%s%n%n%b' ; /* ============================================== * * * * Common Methods Implemented By All The SCMs * * * * ============================================== */ public function __construct( $repo , $project =null) { $this ->repo = $repo ; $this ->project = $project ; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getChanges() * * Git command output is like : * M doc/Guide utilisateur/Manuel_distrib.tex * M doc/Guide utilisateur/Manuel_intro.tex * M doc/Guide utilisateur/Manuel_libpegase_exemples.tex * M doc/Guide utilisateur/Manuel_page1_version.tex * A doc/Guide utilisateur/images/ftp-nautilus.png * M doc/Guide utilisateur/textes/log_boot_PEGASE.txt * * Status letters mean : Added (A), Deleted (D), Modified (M), Renamed (R) */ public function getChanges( $commit ) { $cmd = sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' show %s --name-status --pretty="format:" --diff-filter="[A|D|M|R]" -M' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), escapeshellarg ( $commit )); $out = array (); $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). $cmd ; self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getChanges' , $cmd , $out ); $return = (object) array ( 'additions' => array (), 'deletions' => array (), 'renames' => array (), 'copies' => array (), 'patches' => array (), 'properties' => array (), ); foreach ( $out as $line ) { $line = trim( $line ); if ( $line != '' ) { $action = $line [0]; if ( $action == 'A' ) { $filename = trim( substr ( $line , 1)); $return ->additions[] = $filename ; } else if ( $action == 'D' ) { $filename = trim( substr ( $line , 1)); $return ->deletions[] = $filename ; } else if ( $action == 'M' ) { $filename = trim( substr ( $line , 1)); $return ->patches[] = $filename ; } else if ( $action == 'R' ) { $matches = preg_split( "/\t/" , $line ); $return ->renames[ $matches [1]] = $matches [2]; } } } return $return ; } public function getRepositorySize() { if (! file_exists ( $this ->repo)) { return 0; } $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). 'du -sk ' . escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo); $out = explode ( ' ' , self::shell_exec( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getRepositorySize' , $cmd ), 2); return (int) $out [0]*1024; } public function isAvailable() { try { $branches = $this ->getBranches(); } catch (IDF_Scm_Exception $e ) { return false; } return ( count ( $branches ) > 0); } public function getBranches() { if (isset( $this ->cache[ 'branches' ])) { return $this ->cache[ 'branches' ]; } $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ) .sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' branch' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo)); self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getBranches' , $cmd , $out , $return ); if ( $return != 0) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( $this ->error_tpl, $cmd , $return , implode( "\n" , $out ))); } $res = array (); foreach ( $out as $b ) { $b = substr ( $b , 2); if (false !== strpos ( $b , '/' )) { $res [ $this ->getCommit( $b )->commit] = $b ; } else { $res [ $b ] = '' ; } } $this ->cache[ 'branches' ] = $res ; return $res ; } public function getMainBranch() { $branches = $this ->getBranches(); if ( array_key_exists ( 'master' , $branches )) return 'master' ; static $possible = array ( 'main' , 'trunk' , 'local' ); for ( $i = 0; 3 > $i ; ++ $i ) { if ( array_key_exists ( $possible [ $i ], $branches )) return $possible [ $i ]; } return key( $branches ); } /** * Note: Running the `git branch --contains $commit` is * theoritically the best way to do it, until you figure out that * you cannot cache the result and that it takes several seconds * to execute on a big tree. */ public function inBranches( $commit , $path ) { if (isset( $this ->cache[ 'inBranches' ][ $commit ])) { return $this ->cache[ 'inBranches' ][ $commit ]; } $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ) .sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s %s branch --contains %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ), escapeshellarg ( $commit )); self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::inBranches' , $cmd , $out , $return ); if (0 != $return ) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( $this ->error_tpl, $cmd , $return , implode( "\n" , $out ))); } $res = array (); foreach ( $out as $line ) { $res [] = substr ( $line , 2); } $this ->cache[ 'inBranches' ][ $commit ] = $res ; return $res ; } /** * Will find the parents if available. */ public function getExtraProperties( $obj ) { return (isset( $obj ->parents)) ? array ( 'parents' => $obj ->parents) : array (); } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getTags() **/ public function getTags() { if (isset( $this ->cache[ 'tags' ])) { return $this ->cache[ 'tags' ]; } $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ) .sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s %s for-each-ref --format="%%(objectname) %%(refname)" refs/tags' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' )); self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getTags' , $cmd , $out , $return ); if (0 != $return ) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( $this ->error_tpl, $cmd , $return , implode( "\n" , $out ))); } $res = array (); foreach ( $out as $b ) { $elts = explode ( ' ' , $b , 2); $tag = substr (trim( $elts [1]), 10); // Remove refs/tags/ prefix $res [ $tag ] = '' ; } krsort( $res ); $this ->cache[ 'tags' ] = $res ; return $res ; } /** * @see IDF_Scm::inTags() **/ public function inTags( $commit , $path ) { if (isset( $this ->cache[ 'inTags' ][ $commit ])) { return $this ->cache[ 'inTags' ][ $commit ]; } $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ) .sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s %s tag --contains %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ), escapeshellarg ( $commit )); self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::inTags' , $cmd , $out , $return ); // `git tag` gained the `--contains` option in 1.6.2, earlier // versions report a bad usage error (129) which we ignore here if (129 == $return ) { $this ->cache[ 'inTags' ][ $commit ] = array (); return array (); } // any other error should of course get noted if (0 != $return ) { throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf( $this ->error_tpl, $cmd , $return , implode( "\n" , $out ))); } $res = array (); foreach ( $out as $line ) { $res [] = $line ; } $this ->cache[ 'inTags' ][ $commit ] = $res ; return $res ; } /** * Git "tree" is not the same as the tree we get here. * * With git each commit object stores a related tree object. This * tree is basically providing what is in the given folder at the * given commit. It looks something like that: * * <pre> * 100644 blob bcd155e609c51b4651aab9838b270cce964670af AUTHORS * 100644 blob 87b44c5c7df3cc90c031317c1ac8efcfd8a13631 COPYING * 100644 blob 2a0f899cbfe33ea755c343b06a13d7de6c22799f INSTALL.mdtext * 040000 tree 2f469c4c5318aa4ad48756874373370f6112f77b doc * 040000 tree 911e0bd2706f0069b04744d6ef41353faf06a0a7 logo * </pre> * * You can then follow what is in the given folder (let say doc) * by using the hash. * * This means that you will have not to confuse the git tree and * the output tree in the following method. * * */ public function getTree( $commit , $folder = '/' , $branch =null) { $folder = ( $folder == '/' ) ? '' : $folder ; // now we grab the info about this commit including its tree. if (false == ( $co = $this ->getCommit( $commit ))) { return false; } if ( $folder ) { // As we are limiting to a given folder, we need to find // the tree corresponding to this folder. $tinfo = $this ->getTreeInfo( $commit , $folder ); if (isset( $tinfo [0]) and $tinfo [0]->type == 'tree' ) { $tree = $tinfo [0]->hash; } else { throw new Exception(sprintf(__( 'Folder %1$s not found in commit %2$s.' ), $folder , $commit )); } } else { $tree = $co ->tree; } $res = array (); foreach ( $this ->getTreeInfo( $tree ) as $file ) { // Now we grab the files in the current tree with as much // information as possible. if ( $file ->type == 'blob' ) { $file -> date = $co -> date ; $file ->log = '----' ; $file ->author = 'Unknown' ; } $file ->fullpath = ( $folder ) ? $folder . '/' . $file ->file : $file ->file; $file ->efullpath = self::smartEncode( $file ->fullpath); if ( $file ->type == 'commit' ) { // We have a submodule $file = $this ->getSubmodule( $file , $commit ); } $res [] = $file ; } // Grab the details for each blob and return the list. return $this ->getTreeDetails( $res ); } /** * Given the string describing the author from the log find the * author in the database. * * @param string Author * @return mixed Pluf_User or null */ public function findAuthor( $author ) { // We extract the email. $match = array (); if (!preg_match( '/<(.*)>/' , $author , $match )) { return null; } // FIXME: newer git versions know a i18n.commitencoding setting which // leads to another header, "encoding", with which we _could_ try to // decode the string into utf8. Unfortunately this does not always // work, especially not in older repos, so we would then still have // to supply some fallback. if (!mb_check_encoding( $match [1], 'UTF-8' )) { return null; } $sql = new Pluf_SQL( 'login=%s' , array ( $match [1])); $users = Pluf::factory( 'Pluf_User' )->getList( array ( 'filter' => $sql ->gen())); if ( $users -> count () > 0) { return $users [0]; } return Pluf::factory( 'IDF_EmailAddress' )->get_user_for_email_address( $match [1]); } public static function getAnonymousAccessUrl( $project , $commit =null) { return sprintf(Pluf::f( 'git_remote_url' ), $project ->shortname); } public static function getAuthAccessUrl( $project , $user , $commit =null) { // if the user haven't registred a public ssh key, // he can't use the write url which use the SSH authentification if ( $user != null) { $keys = $user ->get_idf_key_list(); if ( count ( $keys ) == 0) return self::getAnonymousAccessUrl( $project ); } return sprintf(Pluf::f( 'git_write_remote_url' ), $project ->shortname); } /** * Returns this object correctly initialized for the project. * * @param IDF_Project * @return IDF_Scm_Git */ public static function factory( $project ) { $rep = sprintf(Pluf::f( 'git_repositories' ), $project ->shortname); return new IDF_Scm_Git( $rep , $project ); } public function validateRevision( $commit ) { $type = $this ->testHash( $commit ); if ( 'commit' == $type || 'tag' == $type ) return IDF_Scm::REVISION_VALID; return IDF_Scm::REVISION_INVALID; } /** * Test a given object hash. * * @param string Object hash. * @return mixed false if not valid or 'blob', 'tree', 'commit', 'tag' */ public function testHash( $hash ) { $cmd = sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' cat-file -t %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), escapeshellarg ( $hash )); $ret = 0; $out = array (); $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). $cmd ; self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::testHash' , $cmd , $out , $ret ); if ( $ret != 0) return false; return trim( $out [0]); } /** * Get the tree info. * * @param string Tree hash * @param bool Do we recurse in subtrees (true) * @param string Folder in which we want to get the info ('') * @return array Array of file information. */ public function getTreeInfo( $tree , $folder = '' ) { if (!in_array( $this ->testHash( $tree ), array ( 'tree' , 'commit' , 'tag' ))) { throw new Exception(sprintf(__( 'Not a valid tree: %s.' ), $tree )); } $cmd_tmpl = 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' ls-tree -l %s %s' ; $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ) .sprintf( $cmd_tmpl , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), escapeshellarg ( $tree ), escapeshellarg ( $folder )); $out = array (); $res = array (); self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getTreeInfo' , $cmd , $out ); foreach ( $out as $line ) { list( $perm , $type , $hash , $size , $file ) = preg_split( '/ |\t/' , $line , 5, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $res [] = (object) array ( 'perm' => $perm , 'type' => $type , 'size' => $size , 'hash' => $hash , 'file' => $file ); } return $res ; } /** * Get the file info. * * @param string File * @param string Commit ('HEAD') * @return false Information */ public function getPathInfo( $totest , $commit = 'HEAD' ) { $cmd_tmpl = 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' ls-tree -r -t -l %s' ; $cmd = sprintf( $cmd_tmpl , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), escapeshellarg ( $commit )); $out = array (); $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). $cmd ; self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getPathInfo' , $cmd , $out ); foreach ( $out as $line ) { list( $perm , $type , $hash , $size , $file ) = preg_split( '/ |\t/' , $line , 5, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if ( $totest == $file ) { $pathinfo = pathinfo ( $file ); return (object) array ( 'perm' => $perm , 'type' => $type , 'size' => $size , 'hash' => $hash , 'fullpath' => $file , 'file' => $pathinfo [ 'basename' ]); } } return false; } public function getFile( $def , $cmd_only =false) { $cmd = sprintf(Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' cat-file blob %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), escapeshellarg ( $def ->hash)); return ( $cmd_only ) ? $cmd : self::shell_exec( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getFile' , $cmd ); } /** * Get commit details. * * @param string Commit * @param bool Get commit diff (false) * @return array Changes */ public function getCommit( $commit , $getdiff =false) { if ( $getdiff ) { $cmd = sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' show --date=iso --pretty=format:%s %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), "'" . $this ->mediumtree_fmt. "'" , escapeshellarg ( $commit )); } else { $cmd = sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' log -1 --date=iso --pretty=format:%s %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), "'" . $this ->mediumtree_fmt. "'" , escapeshellarg ( $commit )); } $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). $cmd ; $out = self::shell_exec( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getCommit' , $cmd ); if ( strlen ( $out ) == 0) { return false; } $diffStart = false; if (preg_match( '/^diff (?:--git a|--cc)/m' , $out , $m , PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $diffStart = $m [0][1]; } $diff = '' ; if ( $diffStart !== false) { $log = substr ( $out , 0, $diffStart ); $diff = substr ( $out , $diffStart ); } else { $log = $out ; } $out = self::parseLog(preg_split( '/\r\n|\n/' , $log )); $out [0]->diff = $diff ; $out [0]->branch = implode( ', ' , $this ->inBranches( $out [0]->commit, null)); return $out [0]; } /** * Check if a commit is big. * * @param string Commit ('HEAD') * @return bool The commit is big */ public function isCommitLarge( $commit = 'HEAD' ) { $cmd = sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' log --numstat -1 --pretty=format:%s %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), "'commit %H%n'" , escapeshellarg ( $commit )); $out = array (); $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). $cmd ; self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::isCommitLarge' , $cmd , $out ); $affected = count ( $out ) - 2; $added = 0; $removed = 0; $c =0; foreach ( $out as $line ) { $c ++; if ( $c < 3) { continue ; } list( $a , $r , $f ) = preg_split( "/[\s]+/" , $line , 3, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $added += $a ; $removed += $r ; } return ( $affected > 100 or ( $added + $removed ) > 20000); } /** * Get latest changes. * * @param string Commit ('HEAD'). * @param int Number of changes (10). * @return array Changes. */ public function getChangeLog( $commit = 'HEAD' , $n =10) { if ( $n === null) $n = '' ; else $n = ' -' . $n ; $cmd = sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' log%s --date=iso --pretty=format:\'%s\' %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), $n , $this ->mediumtree_fmt, escapeshellarg ( $commit )); $out = array (); $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). $cmd ; self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::getChangeLog' , $cmd , $out ); return self::parseLog( $out ); } /** * Parse the log lines of a --pretty=medium log output. * * @param array Lines. * @return array Change log. */ public static function parseLog( $lines ) { $res = array (); $c = array (); $inheads = true; $next_is_title = false; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if (preg_match( '/^commit (\w{40})$/' , $line )) { if ( count ( $c ) > 0) { $c [ 'full_message' ] = trim( $c [ 'full_message' ]); $c [ 'full_message' ] = IDF_Commit::toUTF8( $c [ 'full_message' ]); $c [ 'title' ] = IDF_Commit::toUTF8( $c [ 'title' ]); if (isset( $c [ 'parents' ])) { $c [ 'parents' ] = explode ( ' ' , trim( $c [ 'parents' ])); } $res [] = (object) $c ; } $c = array (); $c [ 'commit' ] = trim( substr ( $line , 7, 40)); $c [ 'full_message' ] = '' ; $inheads = true; $next_is_title = false; continue ; } if ( $next_is_title ) { $c [ 'title' ] = trim( $line ); $next_is_title = false; continue ; } $match = array (); if ( $inheads and preg_match( '/(\S+)\s*:\s*(.*)/' , $line , $match )) { $match [1] = strtolower ( $match [1]); $c [ $match [1]] = trim( $match [2]); if ( $match [1] == 'date' ) { $c [ 'date' ] = gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , strtotime ( $match [2])); } continue ; } if ( $inheads and ! $next_is_title and $line == '' ) { $next_is_title = true; $inheads = false; } if (! $inheads ) { $c [ 'full_message' ] .= trim( $line ). "\n" ; continue ; } } $c [ 'full_message' ] = ! empty ( $c [ 'full_message' ]) ? trim( $c [ 'full_message' ]) : '' ; $c [ 'full_message' ] = IDF_Commit::toUTF8( $c [ 'full_message' ]); $c [ 'title' ] = IDF_Commit::toUTF8( $c [ 'title' ]); if (isset( $c [ 'parents' ])) { $c [ 'parents' ] = preg_split( '/ /' , trim( $c [ 'parents' ]), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } else { // this is actually an error state because we should _always_ // be able to parse the parents line with every git version $c [ 'parents' ] = null; } $res [] = (object) $c ; return $res ; } public function getArchiveStream( $commit , $prefix = 'repository/' ) { $cmd = sprintf(Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' archive --format=zip --prefix=%s %s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo), escapeshellarg ( $prefix ), escapeshellarg ( $commit )); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_CommandPassThru( $cmd , 'application/x-zip' ); } /** * @see IDF_Scm::getDiffPathStripLevel() */ public function getDiffPathStripLevel() { return 1; } /* * ===================================================== * Specific Git Commands * ===================================================== */ /** * Get submodule details. * * Given a "commit" file in the tree, find the submodule details. * * @param stdClass File description of the module * @param string Current commit * @return stdClass File description */ public function getSubmodule( $file , $commit ) { $file ->type = 'extern' ; $file ->extern = '' ; $info = $this ->getPathInfo( '.gitmodules' , $commit ); if ( $info == false) { return $file ; } $gitmodules = $this ->getFile( $info ); if (preg_match( '#\[submodule\s+\"' . $file ->fullpath. '\"\]\s+path\s=\s(\S+)\s+url\s=\s(\S+)#mi' , $gitmodules , $matches )) { $file ->extern = $matches [2]; } return $file ; } /** * Foreach file in the tree, find the details. * * @param array Tree information * @return array Updated tree information */ public function getTreeDetails( $tree ) { $n = count ( $tree ); $details = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $n ; $i ++) { if ( $tree [ $i ]->type == 'blob' ) { $details [ $tree [ $i ]->hash] = $i ; } } if (! count ( $details )) { return $tree ; } $res = $this ->getCachedBlobInfo( $details ); $toapp = array (); foreach ( $details as $blob => $idx ) { if (isset( $res [ $blob ])) { $tree [ $idx ]-> date = $res [ $blob ]-> date ; $tree [ $idx ]->log = $res [ $blob ]->title; $tree [ $idx ]->author = $res [ $blob ]->author; } else { $toapp [ $blob ] = $idx ; } } if ( count ( $toapp )) { $res = $this ->appendBlobInfoCache( $toapp ); foreach ( $details as $blob => $idx ) { if (isset( $res [ $blob ])) { $tree [ $idx ]-> date = $res [ $blob ]-> date ; $tree [ $idx ]->log = $res [ $blob ]->title; $tree [ $idx ]->author = $res [ $blob ]->author; } } } return $tree ; } /** * Append build info cache. * * The append method tries to get only the necessary details, so * instead of going through all the commits one at a time, it will * try to find a smarter way with regex. * * @see self::buildBlobInfoCache * * @param array The blob for which we need the information * @return array The information */ public function appendBlobInfoCache( $blobs ) { $rawlog = array (); $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ) .sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' log --raw --abbrev=40 --pretty=oneline -5000 --skip=%%s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo)); $skip = 0; $res = array (); self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::appendBlobInfoCache' , sprintf( $cmd , $skip ), $rawlog ); while ( count ( $rawlog ) and count ( $blobs )) { $rawlog = implode( "\n" , array_reverse ( $rawlog )); foreach ( $blobs as $blob => $idx ) { if (preg_match( '/^\:\d{6} \d{6} [0-9a-f]{40} ' . $blob . ' .*^([0-9a-f]{40})/msU' , $rawlog , $matches )) { $fc = $this ->getCommit( $matches [1]); $res [ $blob ] = (object) array ( 'hash' => $blob , 'date' => $fc -> date , 'title' => $fc ->title, 'author' => $fc ->author); unset( $blobs [ $blob ]); } } $rawlog = array (); $skip += 5000; if ( $skip > 20000) { // We are in the case of the import of a big old // repository, we can store as unknown the commit info // not to try to retrieve them each time. foreach ( $blobs as $blob => $idx ) { $res [ $blob ] = (object) array ( 'hash' => $blob , 'date' => '0' , 'title' => '----' , 'author' => 'Unknown' ); } break ; } self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::appendBlobInfoCache' , sprintf( $cmd , $skip ), $rawlog ); } $this ->cacheBlobInfo( $res ); return $res ; } /** * Build the blob info cache. * * We build the blob info cache 500 commits at a time. */ public function buildBlobInfoCache() { $rawlog = array (); $cmd = Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ) .sprintf( 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' log --raw --abbrev=40 --pretty=oneline -500 --skip=%%s' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo)); $skip = 0; self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::buildBlobInfoCache' , sprintf( $cmd , $skip ), $rawlog ); while ( count ( $rawlog )) { $commit = '' ; $data = array (); foreach ( $rawlog as $line ) { if ( substr ( $line , 0, 1) != ':' ) { $commit = $this ->getCommit( substr ( $line , 0, 40)); continue ; } $blob = substr ( $line , 56, 40); $data [] = (object) array ( 'hash' => $blob , 'date' => $commit -> date , 'title' => $commit ->title, 'author' => $commit ->author); } $this ->cacheBlobInfo( $data ); $rawlog = array (); $skip += 500; self:: exec ( 'IDF_Scm_Git::buildBlobInfoCache' , sprintf( $cmd , $skip ), $rawlog ); } } /** * Get blob info. * * When we display the tree, we want to know when a given file was * created, who was the author and at which date. This is a very * slow operation for git as we need to go through the full * history, find when then blob was introduced, then grab the * corresponding commit. This is why we need a cache. * * @param array List as keys of blob hashs to get info for * @return array Hash indexed results, when not found not set */ public function getCachedBlobInfo( $hashes ) { $cache = new IDF_Scm_Cache_Git(); $cache ->_project = $this ->project; return $cache ->retrieve( array_keys ( $hashes )); } /** * Cache blob info. * * Given a series of blob info, cache them. * * @param array Blob info * @return bool Success */ public function cacheBlobInfo( $info ) { $cache = new IDF_Scm_Cache_Git(); $cache ->_project = $this ->project; return $cache ->store( $info ); } public function getFileCachedBlobInfo( $hashes ) { $res = array (); $cache = Pluf::f( 'tmp_folder' ). '/IDF_Scm_Git-' .md5( $this ->repo). '.cache.db' ; if (! file_exists ( $cache )) { return $res ; } $data = file_get_contents ( $cache ); if (false === $data ) { return $res ; } $data = explode ( chr (30), $data ); foreach ( $data as $rec ) { if (isset( $hashes [ substr ( $rec , 0, 40)])) { $tmp = explode ( chr (31), substr ( $rec , 40), 3); $res [ substr ( $rec , 0, 40)] = (object) array ( 'hash' => substr ( $rec , 0, 40), 'date' => $tmp [0], 'title' => $tmp [2], 'author' => $tmp [1]); } } return $res ; } /** * File cache blob info. * * Given a series of blob info, cache them. * * @param array Blob info * @return bool Success */ public function fileCacheBlobInfo( $info ) { // Prepare the data $data = array (); foreach ( $info as $file ) { $data [] = $file ->hash. $file -> date . chr (31). $file ->author. chr (31). $file ->title; } $data = implode( chr (30), $data ). chr (30); $cache = Pluf::f( 'tmp_folder' ). '/IDF_Scm_Git-' .md5( $this ->repo). '.cache.db' ; $fp = fopen ( $cache , 'ab' ); if ( $fp ) { flock ( $fp , LOCK_EX); fwrite( $fp , $data , strlen ( $data )); fclose( $fp ); // releases the lock too return true; } return false; } public function repository( $request , $match ) { // authenticate: authenticate connection through "extra" password if (isset( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' ] != '' ) list( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_AUTH_USER' ], $_SERVER [ 'PHP_AUTH_PW' ]) = explode ( ':' , base64_decode ( substr ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' ], 6))); if (isset( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_AUTH_USER' ])) { $sql = new Pluf_SQL( 'login=%s' , array ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_AUTH_USER' ])); $users = Pluf::factory( 'Pluf_User' )->getList( array ( 'filter' => $sql ->gen())); if (( count ( $users ) == 1) && ( $users [0]->active)) { $user = $users [0]; $realkey = substr (sha1( $user ->password.Pluf::f( 'secret_key' )), 0, 8); if ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_AUTH_PW' ] == $realkey ) { $request ->user = $user ; } } } if (IDF_Precondition::accessSource( $request ) !== true) { $response = new Pluf_HTTP_Response( "" ); $response ->status_code = 401; $response ->headers[ 'WWW-Authenticate' ]= 'Basic realm="git for ' . $this ->project. '"' ; return $response ; } $path = $match [2]; // update files before delivering them if (( $path == 'objects/info/pack' ) || ( $path == 'info/refs' )) { $cmd = sprintf(Pluf::f( 'idf_exec_cmd_prefix' , '' ). 'GIT_DIR=%s ' .Pluf::f( 'git_path' , 'git' ). ' update-server-info -f' , escapeshellarg ( $this ->repo)); self::shell_exec( 'IDF_Scm_Git::repository' , $cmd ); } // smart HTTP discovery if (( $path == 'info/refs' ) && ( array_key_exists ( 'service' , $request ->GET))){ $service = $request ->GET[ "service" ]; switch ( $service ) { case 'git-upload-pack' : case 'git-receive-pack' : $content = sprintf( '%04x' , strlen ( $service )+15). '# service=' . $service . "\n0000" ; $content .= self::shell_exec( 'IDF_Scm_Git::repository' , $service . ' --stateless-rpc --advertise-refs ' . $this ->repo); $response = new Pluf_HTTP_Response( $content , 'application/x-' . $service . '-advertisement' ); return $response ; default : throw new Exception( 'unknown service: ' . $service ); } } switch ( $path ) { // smart HTTP RPC case 'git-upload-pack' : case 'git-receive-pack' : $response = new Pluf_HTTP_Response_CommandPassThru( $path . ' --stateless-rpc ' . $this ->repo, 'application/x-' . $path . '-result' ); return $response ; // regular file default : // make sure we're inside the repo hierarchy (ie. no break-out) if ( is_file ( $this ->repo. '/' . $path ) && strpos ( realpath ( $this ->repo. '/' . $path ), $this ->repo. '/' ) == 0) { return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_File( $this ->repo. '/' . $path , 'application/octet-stream' ); } else { return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_NotFound( $request ); } } } } |