
Indefero Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
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blob .gitattributes 13 years 11 months Thomas Keller: Add basic source version tracking. 37 bytes
blob .gitignore 13 years 5 months Thomas Keller: Ignore a couple of file patterns more and sort the list for easier reading. 286 bytes
blob AUTHORS 13 years 4 months Thomas Keller: Turkish and Brazilian Portuguese translations started. Russian translation included by default (>= 80% translated). Remaining translations updated / merged. 2.29 kB
blob CONTRIBUTE.mdtext 13 years 11 months Thomas Keller: Fix the transifex URL and re-wrap this section slightly. 4.41 kB
blob COPYING 16 years 7 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added installation instructions and configuration example. 15.12 kB
blob INSTALL.mdtext 13 years 4 months Thomas Keller: Implement archive extraction and file handling and note in NEWS and INSTALL that PHP's zip extension is now needed. 8.10 kB
blob Makefile 13 years 4 months Thomas Keller: Properly quote paths. 5.56 kB
blob NEWS.mdtext 13 years 3 months Jean-Philippe Fleury: Fix issue 773. 11.98 kB
blob phpunit.xml 13 years 11 months Thomas Keller: Ignore a couple of files for code coverage that should not be covered; add a simle run-tests script that steals some code from photon to return the code coverage at the end of the test execution (we're only at about 8% - lots of work left...) 793 bytes
blob release-script 14 years 1 month Thomas Keller: Add the PHP command to extract the i18n contents from Pluf's template files 852 bytes
blob run-tests 13 years 11 months Thomas Keller: Ignore a couple of files for code coverage that should not be covered; add a simle run-tests script that steals some code from photon to return the code coverage at the end of the test execution (we're only at about 8% - lots of work left...) 456 bytes

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