1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 | {extends "idf/gadmin/usher/base.html"} {block docclass}yui-t3{assign $inUsher=true}{/block} {block body} < table class = "recent-issues" > < tr > < th >{trans "server name"}</ th > < th >{trans "status"}</ th > < th >{trans "action"}</ th > </ tr > {foreach $servers as $server} < tr > < td >{$}</ td > < td >{$server.status}</ td > < td > {if preg_match("/ACTIVE|WAITING|RUNNING|SLEEPING/", $server.status)} < a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::usherServerControl', array($, 'stop')}" > {trans 'stop'}</ a > {elseif $server.status == "STOPPED"} < a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::usherServerControl', array($, 'start')}" > {trans 'start'}</ a > {/if} {if preg_match("/ACTIVE|WAITING|SLEEPING|STOPPING/", $server.status)} | < a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::usherServerControl', array($, 'kill')}" > {trans 'kill'}</ a > {/if} {if preg_match("/STOPPING|ACTIVE/", $server.status)} | < a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::usherServerConnections', array($}" > {trans 'active connections'}</ a > {/if} </ tr > {/foreach} </ table > {/block} {block context} < div class = "issue-submit-info" > < p >< strong >{trans 'Status explanation'}</ strong ></ p > < ul > < li >REMOTE: {trans 'remote server without open connections'}</ li > < li >ACTIVE n: {trans 'server with n open connections'}</ li > < li >WAITING: {trans 'local server running, without open connections'}</ li > < li >SLEEPING: {trans 'local server not running, waiting for connections'}</ li > < li >STOPPING n: {trans 'local server is about to stop, n connections still open'}</ li > < li >STOPPED: {trans 'local server not running, not accepting connections'}</ li > < li >SHUTDOWN: {trans 'usher is shut down, not running and not accepting connections'}</ li > </ ul > </ div > {/block} |