
Indefero Git Source Tree


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blob base-full.html 14 years 1 month Thomas Keller: Beef up the branch and tag lists as per issue 601 - currently only for the monotone plugin's source view. 4.05 kB
blob base-simple.html 14 years 1 month Thomas Keller: Beef up the branch and tag lists as per issue 601 - currently only for the monotone plugin's source view. 2.34 kB
blob base.html 14 years 1 month Thomas Keller: Beef up the branch and tag lists as per issue 601 - currently only for the monotone plugin's source view. 4.15 kB
blob faq-api.html 16 years 3 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added the first work on an API. 2.43 kB
blob faq.html 14 years 5 days Thomas Keller: Fix some spelling mistakes (closes issue 441) 2.55 kB
blob index.atom 15 years 5 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed issue 268, atom feed corrupt. 345 bytes
blob index.html 14 years 4 days Thomas Keller: Mark the header string for translation. 1.76 kB
blob js-hotkeys.html 14 years 5 months Thomas Keller: Make the timeline view and RSS feeds filterable by model (closes issue 543). 1.01 kB
blob list-filter.html 14 years 1 month Thomas Keller: Add a clear button to the tag / branch filter input fields; simplify the jQuery code a bit. 1.93 kB
blob login_form.html 14 years 18 days William MARTIN: Rewrite a string to better handle i18n 1.24 kB
blob main-menu.html 14 years 4 months Thomas Keller: Add a popup menu in the main menu which allows to quickly jump between projects. 1.30 kB
blob tags-cloud.html 14 years 17 days William MARTIN: Fix url in the tag cloud 412 bytes
blob terms.html 15 years 27 days Brian Armstrong: Fixed ticket 393, bad English on the Terms Page. 791 bytes

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