
Indefero Git Source Tree


{extends "idf/source/base.html"}
{block docclass}yui-t2{assign $inHelp=true}{/block}
{block body}

<p>{blocktrans}The team behind {$project} is using
the <strong>subversion</strong> software to manage the source

<h3>{trans 'Command-Line Access'}</h3>

<p><kbd>svn co {$project.getRemoteAccessUrl()}</kbd></p>

{if $isOwner or $isMember}
<h3>{trans 'Write Access Authentication'}</h3>

{aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_User::myAccount'}
<p>{blocktrans}To get write access to the repository, you need to use your username and your <a href="{$url}">extra password</a>.{/blocktrans}</p>

<p><kbd>svn co {$project.getRemoteAccessUrl()} --username {$user.login}</kbd></p>


{block context}
<div class="issue-submit-info">
<p>{blocktrans}Find here more details on how to access {$project} source code.{/blocktrans}</p>

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