
Indefero Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
blob ProjectCreate.php 14 years 10 months Loic d'Anterroches: Changed to force the shortname to be lower case. 9.86 kB
blob ProjectDelete.php 15 years 9 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed issue 105 point 2, added deletion of a project. 3.11 kB
blob ProjectUpdate.php 15 years 6 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed issue 219, notification when adding a wrong user in a project. 3.58 kB
blob UserCreate.php 14 years 9 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added the ability to manually create a user. 9.89 kB
blob UserUpdate.php 15 years 7 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed bad sequence of the tests. 9.99 kB

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