
Indefero Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
blob idf.php-dist 13 years 8 months Thomas Keller: Rework idf.php-dist a bit more: - move "Binary section" into "Path section" - make individual sections more prominent and therefor easier to grasp / scan for - fix the language and expand the explanations for a couple of items - remove the 'debug_scm' configuration variable (it is used nowhere in the source and just confuses people) - update the copyright 20.25 kB
blob path.php-dist 15 years 3 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed issue 261, default paths for gitcron.php and gitserve.php can't find Pluf. 1.57 kB
blob urls.php 13 years 6 months William MARTIN: Add an sub-tab under Issue to add a summury view 18.92 kB

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