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Index: LinuxBIOSv1/src/include/cpu/i786/cpufixup.h
--- LinuxBIOSv1/src/include/cpu/i786/cpufixup.h (Revision 0)
+++ LinuxBIOSv1/src/include/cpu/i786/cpufixup.h (Revision 665)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#ifndef CPU_I786_CPUFIXUP_H
+#define CPU_I786_CPUFIXUP_H
+void i786_cpufixup(struct mem_range *mem);
+#define L3_CACHE_DISABLE 0x40
+#endif /* CPU_I786_CPUFIXUP_H */
Eigenschafts�nderungen: LinuxBIOSv1\src\include\cpu\i786\cpufixup.h
Hinzugef�gt: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Hinzugef�gt: svn:eol-style
   + native
Index: LinuxBIOSv1/src/mainboard/tyan/guiness/cmos.layout
--- LinuxBIOSv1/src/mainboard/tyan/guiness/cmos.layout  (Revision 0)
+++ LinuxBIOSv1/src/mainboard/tyan/guiness/cmos.layout  (Revision 665)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#start-bit length  config config-ID    name
+#0            8       r       0        seconds
+#8            8       r       0        alarm_seconds
+#16           8       r       0        minutes
+#24           8       r       0        alarm_minutes
+#32           8       r       0        hours
+#40           8       r       0        alarm_hours
+#48           8       r       0        day_of_week
+#56           8       r       0        day_of_month
+#64           8       r       0        month
+#72           8       r       0        year
+#80           4       r       0        rate_select
+#84           3       r       0        REF_Clock
+#87           1       r       0        UIP
+#88           1       r       0        auto_switch_DST
+#89           1       r       0        24_hour_mode
+#90           1       r       0        binary_values_enable
+#91           1       r       0        square-wave_out_enable
+#92           1       r       0        update_finished_enable
+#93           1       r       0        alarm_interrupt_enable
+#94           1       r       0        periodic_interrupt_enable
+#95           1       r       0        disable_clock_updates
+#96         288       r       0        temporary_filler
+0          384       r       0        reserved_memory
+384          1       e       4        boot_option
+385          1       e       4        last_boot
+386          3       e       5        baud_rate
+392          4       e       6        debug_level
+396          1       e       1        power_on_after_fail
+#401          1       e       1        ECC_memory
+#402          1       e       2        hda_disk
+#403          1       e       2        hdb_disk
+#404          1       e       2        hdc_disk
+#405          1       e       2        hdd_disk
+#406          2       e       7        boot_device
+#ID value   text
+1     0     Disable
+1     1     Enable
+#2     0     No
+#2     1     Yes
+4     0     Fallback
+4     1     Normal
+5     0     115200
+5     1     57600
+5     2     38400
+5     3     19200
+5     4     9600
+5     5     4800
+5     6     2400
+5     7     1200
+6     6     Notice
+6     7     Info
+6     8     Debug
+6     9     Spew
+#7     0     Network
+#7     1     HDD
+#7     2     Floppy
+#7     3     ROM
Eigenschafts�nderungen: LinuxBIOSv1\src\mainboard\tyan\guiness\cmos.layout
Hinzugef�gt: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Hinzugef�gt: svn:eol-style
   + native
Index: LinuxBIOSv1/src/config/linuxbios_c.ld
--- LinuxBIOSv1/src/config/linuxbios_c.ld   (Revision 0)
+++ LinuxBIOSv1/src/config/linuxbios_c.ld   (Revision 665)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * Memory map:
+ *
+ * _RAMBASE       
+ *             : data segment
+ *             : bss segment
+ *             : heap
+ *             : stack
+ */
+ * Bootstrap code for the STPC Consumer
+ * Copyright (c) 1999 by Net Insight AB. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+ * Written by Johan Rydberg, based on work by Daniel Kahlin.
+ *      Rewritten by Eric Biederman
+ */
+ * We use ELF as output format. So that we can
+ * debug the code in some form.
+ */
+INCLUDE ldoptions
+   . = _RAMBASE;
+   /*
+    * First we place the code and read only data (typically const declared).
+    * This get placed in rom.
+    */
+   .text : {
+       _text = .;
+       *(.text);
+       *(.text.*);
+       . = ALIGN(16);
+       _etext = .;
+   }
+   .rodata : {
+       _rodata = .;
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       streams = . ;
+       *(.rodata.streams)
+       estreams = .;
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       pci_drivers = . ;
+       *(.rodata.pci_drivers)
+       epci_drivers = . ;
+       *(.rodata)
+       *(.rodata.*)
+       _erodata = .;
+   }  
+   /*
+    * After the code we place initialized data (typically initialized
+    * global variables). This gets copied into ram by startup code.
+    * __data_start and __data_end shows where in ram this should be placed,
+    * whereas __data_loadstart and __data_loadend shows where in rom to
+    * copy from.
+    */
+   .data : {
+       _data = .;
+       *(.data)
+       _edata = .;
+   }
+   /*
+    * bss does not contain data, it is just a space that should be zero
+    * initialized on startup. (typically uninitialized global variables)
+    * crt0.S fills between _bss and _ebss with zeroes.
+    */
+   _bss = .;
+   .bss . : {
+       *(.bss)
+       *(.sbss)
+       *(COMMON)
+   }
+   _ebss = .;
+   _end = .;
+   _stack = .;
+   .stack . : {
+       /* Reserve a stack for each possible cpu, +1 extra */
+       . = ((MAX_CPUS * STACK_SIZE) + STACK_SIZE) ;
+   }
+   _estack = .;
+   _heap = .;
+   .heap . : {
+       /* Reserve 256K for the heap */
+       . = HEAP_SIZE ;
+       . = ALIGN(4);
+   }
+   _eheap = .;
+   /* The ram segment
+    * This is all address of the memory resident copy of linuxBIOS.
+    */
+   _ram_seg = _text;
+   _eram_seg = _eheap;
+   /DISCARD/ : {
+       *(.comment)
+       *(.note)
+   }
Eigenschafts�nderungen: LinuxBIOSv1\src\config\linuxbios_c.ld
Hinzugef�gt: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Hinzugef�gt: svn:eol-style
   + native
Index: LinuxBIOSv1/src/arch/i386/include/arch/rom_segs.h
--- LinuxBIOSv1/src/arch/i386/include/arch/rom_segs.h   (Revision 0)
+++ LinuxBIOSv1/src/arch/i386/include/arch/rom_segs.h   (Revision 665)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifndef ROM_SEGS_H
+#define ROM_SEGS_H
+#define ROM_CODE_SEG 0x08
+#define ROM_DATA_SEG 0x10
+#define CACHE_RAM_CODE_SEG 0x18
+#define CACHE_RAM_DATA_SEG 0x20
+#endif /* ROM_SEGS_H */
Eigenschafts�nderungen: LinuxBIOSv1\src\arch\i386\include\arch\rom_segs.h
Hinzugef�gt: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Hinzugef�gt: svn:eol-style
   + native
Index: LinuxBIOSv1/src/arch/i386/lib/c_start.S
--- LinuxBIOSv1/src/arch/i386/lib/c_start.S (Revision 0)
+++ LinuxBIOSv1/src/arch/i386/lib/c_start.S (Revision 665)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#include <arch/asm.h>
+#include <arch/intel.h>
+#ifdef SMP
+#include <cpu/p6/apic.h>
+   .section ".text"
+   .code32
+   .globl _start
+   cli
+   lgdt    %cs:gdtaddr
+   ljmp    $0x10, $1f
+1: movl    $0x18, %ax
+   movl    %eax, %ds
+   movl    %eax, %es
+   movl    %eax, %ss
+   movl    %eax, %fs
+   movl    %eax, %gs
+   intel_chip_post_macro(0x13)     /* post 12 */
+   /** clear stack */
+   leal    EXT(_stack), %edi
+   movl    $EXT(_estack), %ecx
+   subl    %edi, %ecx
+   xorl    %eax, %eax
+   rep
+   stosb
+   /** clear bss */
+   leal    EXT(_bss), %edi
+   movl    $EXT(_ebss), %ecx
+   subl    %edi, %ecx
+   jz  .Lnobss
+   xorl    %eax, %eax
+   rep
+   stosb
+   /* set new stack */
+   movl    $_estack, %esp
+#ifdef SMP
+   /* Get the cpu id */
+   movl    $APIC_DEFAULT_BASE, %edi
+   movl    APIC_ID(%edi), %eax
+   shrl    $24, %eax
+   /* Get the cpu index (MAX_CPUS on error) */
+   movl    $-4, %ebx
+1: addl    $4, %ebx
+   cmpl    $(MAX_CPUS << 2), %ebx
+   je  2
+   cmpl    %eax, EXT(initial_apicid)(%ebx)
+   jne 1b
+2: shrl    $2, %ebx
+   /* Now compute the appropriate stack */
+   movl    %ebx, %eax
+   movl    $STACK_SIZE, %ebx
+   mull    %ebx
+   subl    %eax, %esp
+   /* push the boot_complete flag */
+   pushl   %ebp
+   /* Save the stack location */
+   movl    %esp, %ebp
+   /*
+    *  Now we are finished. Memory is up, data is copied and
+    *  bss is cleared.   Now we call the main routine and
+    *  let it do the rest.
+    */
+   intel_chip_post_macro(0xfe) /* post fe */
+   /* Resort the stack location */
+   movl    %ebp, %esp
+   /* The boot_complete flag has already been pushed */
+   call    EXT(hardwaremain)
+   intel_chip_post_macro(0xee) /* post fe */
+   hlt
+   jmp .Lhlt
+   .globl gdt, gdt_end, gdt_limit
+gdt_limit = gdt_end - gdt - 1 /* compute the table limit */
+   .word   gdt_limit
+   .long   gdt                /* we know the offset */
+// selgdt 0
+   .word   0x0000, 0x0000      /* dummy */
+   .byte   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+// selgdt 8
+   .word   0x0000, 0x0000      /* dummy */
+   .byte   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+// selgdt 0x10
+/* flat code segment */
+   .word   0xffff, 0x0000     
+   .byte   0x00, 0x9b, 0xcf, 0x00 
+//selgdt 0x18
+/* flat data segment */
+   .word   0xffff, 0x0000     
+   .byte   0x00, 0x93, 0xcf, 0x00 
+//selgdt 0x20
+   .word   0x0000, 0x0000      /* dummy */
+   .byte   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+#if defined(CONFIG_VGABIOS) && (CONFIG_VGABIOS == 1)
+   // from monty:
+   /* 0x00009a00,0000ffffULL,   20h: 16-bit 64k code at 0x00000000 */
+        /* 0x00009200,0000ffffULL    28h: 16-bit 64k data at 0x00000000 */
+// selgdt 0x28
+/*16-bit 64k code at 0x00000000 */
+   .word 0xffff, 0x0000
+   .byte 0, 0x9a, 0, 0
+// selgdt 0x30
+/*16-bit 64k data at 0x00000000 */
+   .word 0xffff, 0x0000
+   .byte 0, 0x92, 0, 0
+#endif // defined(CONFIG_VGABIOS) && (CONFIG_VGABIOS == 1)
Eigenschafts�nderungen: LinuxBIOSv1\src\arch\i386\lib\c_start.S
Hinzugef�gt: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Hinzugef�gt: svn:eol-style
   + native

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