1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 | {extends "idf/issues/base.html"} {block titleicon}{if $form}< form class = "star" method = "post" action = "{url 'IDF_Views_Issue::star', array($project.shortname, $}" >< input type = "image" src = "{if $starred}{media '/idf/img/star.png'}{else}{media '/idf/img/star-grey.png'}{/if}" name = "submit" /></ form > {/if}{/block} {block body} {assign $i = 0} {assign $nc = $comments.count()} {foreach $comments as $c} < div class = "issue-comment{if $i == 0} issue-comment-first{/if}{if $i == ($nc-1)} issue-comment-last{/if}" id = "ic{$}" >{assign $who = $c.get_submitter()}{aurl 'whourl', 'IDF_Views_User::view', array($who.login)} {if $i == 0} < p >{blocktrans}Reported by < a href = "{$whourl}" >{$who}</ a >, {$c.creation_dtime|date}{/blocktrans}</ p > {else} {aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_Issue::view', array($project.shortname, $} {assign $id = $} {assign $url = $url~'#ic'~$} < p >{blocktrans}Comment < a href = "{$url}" >{$i}</ a > by < a href = "{$whourl}" >{$who}</ a >, {$c.creation_dtime|date}{/blocktrans}</ p > {/if} < pre class = "issue-comment-text" >{if strlen($c.content) > 0}{issuetext $c.content, $request}{else}< i >{trans '(No comments were given for this change.)'}</ i >{/if}</ pre > {assign $attachments = $c.get_attachment_list()} {if $attachments.count() > 0} < hr align = "left" class = "attach" /> < ul > {foreach $attachments as $a}< li >< a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Issue::getAttachment', array($project.shortname, $, $a.filename)}" >{$a.filename}</ a > - {$a.filesize|size}</ li >{/foreach} </ ul >{/if} {if $i> 0 and $c.changedIssue()} < div class = "issue-changes" > {foreach $c.changes as $w => $v} < strong >{if $w == 'su'}{trans 'Summary:'}{/if}{if $w == 'st'}{trans 'Status:'}{/if}{if $w == 'ow'}{trans 'Owner:'}{/if}{if $w == 'lb'}{trans 'Labels:'}{/if}</ strong > {if $w == 'lb'}{assign $l = implode(', ', $v)}{$l}{else}{$v}{/if}< br /> {/foreach} </ div > {/if} </ div >{assign $i = $i + 1}{if $i == $nc and false == $form} < div class = "issue-comment-signin" > {aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views::login'}{blocktrans}< a href = "{$url}" >Sign in</ a > to reply to this comment.{/blocktrans} </ div > {/if} {/foreach} {if $form} < hr /> {if $form.errors} < div class = "px-message-error" > < p >{trans 'The form contains some errors. Please correct them to change the issue.'}</ p > {if $form.get_top_errors} {$form.render_top_errors|unsafe} {/if} </ div > {/if} {if $closed and (!$isOwner and !$isMember)} < p >< img src = "{media '/idf/img/warning.png'}" style = "vertical-align: text-bottom;" alt = " " /> {blocktrans}This issue is marked as closed, add a comment only if you think this issue is still valid and more work is needed to fully fix it.{/blocktrans}</ p > {/if} < form method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" action = "{url 'IDF_Views_Issue::view', array($project.shortname, $}" > < table class = "form" summary = "" > < tr > < th >< strong >{$form.f.content.labelTag}:</ strong ></ th > < td >{if $form.f.content.errors}{$form.f.content.fieldErrors}{/if} {$form.f.content|unsafe} </ td > </ tr > < tr > < th >{$form.f.attachment.labelTag}:</ th > < td >{if $form.f.attachment.errors}{$form.f.attachment.fieldErrors}{/if} {$form.f.attachment|unsafe} </ td > </ tr >{if $isOwner or $isMember} < tr > < th >< strong >{$form.f.summary.labelTag}:</ strong ></ th > < td >{if $form.f.summary.errors}{$form.f.summary.fieldErrors}{/if} {$form.f.summary|unsafe} </ td > </ tr > < tr > < th >< strong >{$form.f.status.labelTag}:</ strong ></ th > < td >{if $form.f.status.errors}{$form.f.status.fieldErrors}{/if} {$form.f.status|unsafe} </ td > </ tr > < tr > < th >{$form.f.owner.labelTag}:</ th > < td >{if $form.f.owner.errors}{$form.f.owner.fieldErrors}{/if} {$form.f.owner|unsafe} </ td > </ tr > < tr > < th >{$form.f.label1.labelTag}:</ th > < td > {if $form.f.label1.errors}{$form.f.label1.fieldErrors}{/if}{$form.f.label1|unsafe} {if $form.f.label2.errors}{$form.f.label2.fieldErrors}{/if}{$form.f.label2|unsafe} {if $form.f.label3.errors}{$form.f.label3.fieldErrors}{/if}{$form.f.label3|unsafe}< br /> {if $form.f.label4.errors}{$form.f.label4.fieldErrors}{/if}{$form.f.label4|unsafe} {if $form.f.label5.errors}{$form.f.label5.fieldErrors}{/if}{$form.f.label5|unsafe} {if $form.f.label6.errors}{$form.f.label6.fieldErrors}{/if}{$form.f.label6|unsafe} </ td > </ tr >{/if} < tr > < td > </ td > < td >< input type = "submit" value = "{trans 'Submit Changes'}" name = "submit" /> | < a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Issue::view', array($project.shortname, $}" >{trans 'Cancel'}</ a > </ td > </ tr > </ table > </ form > {/if} {/block} {block context} < div class = "issue-info" > {assign $submitter = $issue.get_submitter()}{aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_User::view', array($submitter.login)} < p >< strong >{trans 'Created:'}</ strong > < span class = "nobrk" >{$issue.creation_dtime|dateago}</ span > < span class = "nobrk" >{blocktrans}by < a href = "{$url}" >{$submitter}</ a >{/blocktrans}</ span ></ p > {if $issue.modif_dtime != $issue.creation_dtime}< p > < strong >{trans 'Updated:'}</ strong > < span class = "nobrk" >{$issue.modif_dtime|dateago}</ span ></ p >{/if} < p > < strong >{trans 'Status:'}</ strong > {$}</ p > {if $issue.get_owner != null}< p >{aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_User::view', array($issue.get_owner().login)} < strong >{trans 'Owner:'}</ strong > < a href = "{$url}" >{$issue.get_owner}</ a > </ p >{/if}{assign $tags = $issue.get_tags_list()}{if $tags.count()} < p > < strong >{trans 'Labels:'}</ strong >< br /> {foreach $tags as $tag}{aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_Issue::listLabel', array($project.shortname, $, 'open')} < span class = "label" >< a href = "{$url}" class = "label" >< strong >{$tag.class}:</ strong >{$}</ a ></ span >< br /> {/foreach} </ p >{/if} </ div > {/block} {block javascript}{if $form}{include 'idf/issues/js-autocomplete.html'}{/if}{/block} |