1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | {extends "idf/issues/base.html"} {block docclass}yui-t2{assign $inMyIssues = true}{/block} {block body} {$issues.render} {if !$user.isAnonymous()} {aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_Issue::create', array($project.shortname)} < p >< a href = "{$url}" >< img style = "vertical-align: text-bottom;" src = "{media '/idf/img/add.png'}" alt = "+" align = "bottom" /></ a > < a href = "{$url}" >{trans 'New Issue'}</ a ></ p >{/if} {/block} {block context} {aurl 'owner_url', 'IDF_Views_Issue::myIssues', array($project.shortname, 'owner')} {aurl 'submit_url', 'IDF_Views_Issue::myIssues', array($project.shortname, 'submit')} {aurl 'owner_closed_url', 'IDF_Views_Issue::myIssues', array($project.shortname, 'ownerclosed')} {aurl 'submit_closed_url', 'IDF_Views_Issue::myIssues', array($project.shortname, 'submitclosed')} < p >< strong >{trans 'Submitted issues:'}</ strong > < a href = "{$submit_url}" >{$nb_submit}</ a > {if $nb_submit_closed}< br />< span class = "helptext" >{blocktrans $nb_submit_closed}See the < a href = "{$submit_closed_url}" >{$nb_submit_closed} closed</ a >.{plural}See the < a href = "{$submit_closed_url}" >{$nb_submit_closed} closed</ a >.{/blocktrans}</ span >{/if}</ p > {if $nb_owner > 0} < p >< strong >{trans 'Working issues:'}</ strong > < a href = "{$owner_url}" >{$nb_owner}</ a > {if $nb_owner_closed}< br />< span class = "helptext" >{blocktrans $nb_owner_closed}See the < a href = "{$owner_closed_url}" >{$nb_owner_closed} closed</ a >.{plural}See the < a href = "{$owner_closed_url}" >{$nb_owner_closed} closed</ a >.{/blocktrans}</ span >{/if}</ p >{/if} {/block} |