
Indefero Git Source Tree


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blob base-full.html 12 years 9 months Simon Holywell: Upgrade to jquery 1.7.2 4.45 kB
blob base-simple.html 12 years 9 months Simon Holywell: Upgrade to jquery 1.7.2 2.37 kB
blob base.html 12 years 9 months Simon Holywell: Upgrade to jquery 1.7.2 5.12 kB
blob faq-api.html 16 years 1 month Loic d'Anterroches: Added the first work on an API. 2.43 kB
blob faq-archive-format.html 13 years 6 days Thomas Keller: Limit the allowed number of labels to six, otherwise our form upload view breaks and document that limit. 4.48 kB
blob faq.html 13 years 1 month Thomas Keller: Hrm... better use [[!ResourceName]] to avoid conflicts with Markdown. 5.12 kB
blob index.atom 15 years 3 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed issue 268, atom feed corrupt. 345 bytes
blob index.html 13 years 13 days Thomas Keller: Make it a little easier to style the forge page and to view horizontal lines at all. 628 bytes
blob js-hotkeys.html 13 years 1 month Thomas Keller: Rename a couple of view methods and templates to better accomodate the upcoming changes. 1.05 kB
blob list-filter.html 13 years 11 months Thomas Keller: Add a clear button to the tag / branch filter input fields; simplify the jQuery code a bit. 1.93 kB
blob listProjects.html 12 years 8 months Thomas Keller: - move getProjectsWithLabelCounts to IDF_Views (where the other functions reside as well) and make it static - refactor out the code from getProjects that determines which projects are visible by a user and use the same code to restrict the count that we calculate for all available project tags - calculating the project stats is now no longer O(5n) but simply O(5) when it comes to SQL queries (where n is the number of filtered projects); remove the member statistic since it makes no sense in this context 2.63 kB
blob login_form.html 13 years 1 month Jean-Philippe Fleury: Improve the wording in some source strings where we refer to "here" which might be hard to grasp when read out of context, e.g. for screen readers. 1.23 kB
blob main-menu.html 13 years 16 days Thomas Keller: Implement a simple form to save custom markdown-enabled content in the forge's admin area that is displayed instead of the default project list. Sanitize the URLs that we're using and make a redirect to the listProjects page when no custom forge page is enabled. 1.49 kB
blob project-list.html 13 years 13 days Thomas Keller: Custom forge page rendering with project listing, home link, improved contextual help. 1.88 kB
blob tags-cloud.html 12 years 10 months Thomas Keller: Remove the superfluous <dl>. 350 bytes
blob terms.html 14 years 10 months Brian Armstrong: Fixed ticket 393, bad English on the Terms Page. 791 bytes

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