1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | {extends "idf/base-simple.html"} {block docclass}yui-t2{/block} {block tabhome} class="active"{/block} {block subtabs}< a href = "{url 'IDF_Views::index'}" class = "active" >{trans 'Projects'}</ a >{/block} {block body} {if $projects.count() == 0} < p >{trans 'No projects managed with InDefero were found.'}</ p > {if $isAdmin} {aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_Admin::projectCreate'} < p >< a href = "{$url}" >< img style = "vertical-align: text-bottom;" src = "{media '/idf/img/add.png'}" alt = "+" align = "bottom" /></ a > < a href = "{$url}" >{trans 'Create Project'}</ a ></ p >{/if} {else} {foreach $projects as $p} < div class = "p-list-img" > < a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Project::home', array($p.shortname)}" > < img src = "{url 'IDF_Views_Project::logo', array($p.shortname)}" alt = "{trans 'Project logo'}" /> </ a > {if $p.private} < div class = "p-list-private" > < a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Project::home', array($p.shortname)}" > < img style = "float:right" src = "{media '/idf/img/lock.png'}" alt = "{trans 'Private project'}" /> </ a > </ div > {/if} </ div > < div class = "p-list-prj" > < p > < a href = "{url 'IDF_Views_Project::home', array($p.shortname)}" >< strong >{$p}</ strong ></ a > {if $p.private} - {trans 'Private project'}{/if} </ p > < p >{$p.shortdesc}</ p > </ div > < div style = "clear: both" ></ div > {/foreach} {/if} {/block} {block context} < div id = "stats" class = "issue-submit-info" > < h3 class = "a-c" >{trans 'Forge statistics'}</ h3 > < table > < tr >< td class = "right" >{trans 'Projects:'}</ td >< td >{$stats.projects}</ td ></ tr > < tr >< td class = "right" >{trans 'Members:'}</ td >< td >{$stats.members}</ td ></ tr > < tr >< td class = "right" >{trans 'Issues:'}</ td >< td >{$stats.issues}</ td ></ tr > < tr >< td class = "right" >{trans 'Commits:'}</ td >< td >{$stats.commits}</ td ></ tr > < tr >< td class = "right" >{trans 'Documentations:'}</ td >< td >{$stats.docpages}</ td ></ tr > < tr >< td class = "right" >{trans 'Downloads:'}</ td >< td >{$stats.downloads}</ td ></ tr > < tr >< td class = "right" >{trans 'Code reviews:'}</ td >< td >{$}</ td ></ tr > </ table > </ div > {/block} {block foot}< div id = "branding" >Powered by < a href = "" title = "InDefero, bug tracking and more" >InDefero</ a >,< br />a < a href = "" >Céondo Ltd</ a > initiative.</ div >{/block} |