
Indefero Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
blob attachment.html 16 years 2 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added ticket 86, preview attached files to issues. 1.24 kB
blob base.html 13 years 5 months Thomas Keller: Re-order the issue links so that "New Issue" goes to the very right just before the search input field. Also rename "Open Issues" to "All Issues" (since one can view both, open and closed issues under this view, just like in every other issue list view we have) and mark "All Issues" as active if we filter by label. 1.25 kB
blob by-label.html 12 years 10 months Simon Holywell: The {aurl} must be outside the {blocktrans} 1.25 kB
blob create.html 12 years 10 months Simon Holywell: Try to avoid anchors with '#' as target and use 'javascript:void(0);' instead 6.29 kB
blob feedfragment.xml 12 years 11 months Simon Holywell: Issue #14 The Atom feed is missing a section label for Due date changes 1.12 kB
blob forge-watchlist.html 12 years 10 months Simon Holywell: The {aurl} must be outside the {blocktrans} 554 bytes
blob index.html 12 years 10 months Simon Holywell: The {aurl} must be outside the {blocktrans} 1.01 kB
blob issue-created-email.txt 12 years 11 months Simon Holywell: Issue #16 Make the date format uniform with the rest of Indefero 1.02 kB
blob issue-updated-email.txt 12 years 11 months Simon Holywell: Issue #16 Make the date format uniform with the rest of Indefero 1.73 kB
blob js-autocomplete.html 13 years 5 months Thomas Keller: The autocompleter for the issue relations feature broke the review view, do'h 3.42 kB
blob project-watchlist.html 12 years 10 months Simon Holywell: The {aurl} must be outside the {blocktrans} 927 bytes
blob search.html 12 years 11 months Simon Holywell: Closes issue 3: Issues list left hand navigation - controls for issue due date 2.02 kB
blob summary.html 12 years 10 months Simon Holywell: Change route to remove ability to pass through due status 4.12 kB
blob userIssues.html 13 years 5 months William MARTIN: Fix an issue with "unasigned issues" Rename the view to userIssues 1.57 kB
blob view.html 12 years 10 months Simon Holywell: Try to avoid anchors with '#' as target and use 'javascript:void(0);' instead 11.31 kB

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