
Indefero Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
blob ForgeConf.php 12 years 11 months Thomas Keller: Implement a simple form to save custom markdown-enabled content in the forge's admin area that is displayed instead of the default project list. Sanitize the URLs that we're using and make a redirect to the listProjects page when no custom forge page is enabled. 1.98 kB
blob LabelConf.php 12 years 11 months Thomas Keller: Actually validate project labels. 2.67 kB
blob ProjectCreate.php 13 years 12 days Thomas Keller: Add a relation between IDF_Project and IDF_Tag (again), this time its a many-to-many. We store project tags in IDF_Tag with a project id "0" (this has minimal to no impact on existing code) and therefor only need to ensure that the new relation table exists in the migration. 19.20 kB
blob ProjectDelete.php 13 years 8 months William MARTIN: Update copyrigt 3.12 kB
blob ProjectUpdate.php 13 years 12 days Thomas Keller: Add a relation between IDF_Project and IDF_Tag (again), this time its a many-to-many. We store project tags in IDF_Tag with a project id "0" (this has minimal to no impact on existing code) and therefor only need to ensure that the new relation table exists in the migration. 8.59 kB
blob UserCreate.php 13 years 8 months William MARTIN: Update copyrigt 9.64 kB
blob UserUpdate.php 13 years 24 days Jean-Philippe Fleury: Multiple fixes to English language strings. 15.94 kB

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