<?php /* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of InDefero, an open source project management application. # Copyright (C) 2008 Céondo Ltd and contributors. # # InDefero is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # InDefero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Based on work under GNU LGPL copyright, from the Pluf Framework # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * Class implementing the search engine * * It is a modified version of the Pluf_Search class to be able to * cluster the results by project. */ class IDF_Search extends Pluf_Search { /** * Search. * * Returns an array of array with model_class, model_id and * score. The list is already sorted by score descending. * * You can then filter the list as you wish with another set of * weights. * * @param string Query string. * @param int Project id to limit the results (null) * @param string Model class (null) * @param string Stemmer class ('Pluf_Text_Stemmer_Porter') * @return array Results */ public static function mySearch( $query , $project =null, $model =null, $stemmer = 'Pluf_Text_Stemmer_Porter' ) { $query = Pluf_Text::cleanString(html_entity_decode( $query , ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' )); $words = Pluf_Text::tokenize( $query ); if ( $stemmer != null) { $words = self::stem( $words , $stemmer ); } $words_flat = array (); foreach ( $words as $word => $c ) { $words_flat [] = $word ; } $word_ids = self::getWordIds( $words_flat ); if (in_array(null, $word_ids ) or count ( $word_ids ) == 0) { return array (); } return self::mySearchDocuments( $word_ids , $project , $model ); } /** * Search documents. * * Only the total of the ponderated occurences is used to sort the * results. * * @param array Ids. * @param IDF_Project Project to limit the search. * @param string Model class to limit the search. * @return array Sorted by score, returns model_class, model_id and score. */ public static function mySearchDocuments( $wids , $project , $model ) { $db =& Pluf::db(); $gocc = new IDF_Search_Occ(); $where = array (); foreach ( $wids as $id ) { $where [] = $db ->qn( 'word' ). '=' .(int) $id ; } $prj = ( is_null ( $project )) ? '' : ' AND project=' .(int) $project ->id; $md = ( is_null ( $model )) ? '' : ' AND model_class=' . $db ->esc( $model ); $select = 'SELECT model_class, model_id, SUM(pondocc) AS score FROM ' . $gocc ->getSqlTable(). ' WHERE ' .implode( ' OR ' , $where ). $prj . $md . ' GROUP BY model_class, model_id HAVING COUNT(*)=' . count ( $wids ). ' ORDER BY score DESC' ; return $db ->select( $select ); } /** * Index a document. * * See Pluf_Search for the disclaimer and informations. * * @param Pluf_Model Document to index. * @param Stemmer used. ('Pluf_Text_Stemmer_Porter') * @return array Statistics. */ public static function index( $doc , $stemmer = 'Pluf_Text_Stemmer_Porter' ) { $words = Pluf_Text::tokenize( $doc ->_toIndex()); if ( $stemmer != null) { $words = self::stem( $words , $stemmer ); } // Get the total number of words. $total = 0.0; $words_flat = array (); foreach ( $words as $word => $occ ) { $total += (float) $occ ; $words_flat [] = $word ; } // Drop the last indexation. $gocc = new IDF_Search_Occ(); $sql = new Pluf_SQL( 'DELETE FROM ' . $gocc ->getSqlTable(). ' WHERE model_class=%s AND model_id=%s' , array ( $doc ->_model, $doc ->id)); $db =& Pluf::db(); $db ->execute( $sql ->gen()); // Get the ids for each word. $ids = self::getWordIds( $words_flat ); // Insert a new word for the missing words and add the occ. $n = count ( $ids ); $new_words = 0; $done = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $n ; $i ++) { if ( $ids [ $i ] === null) { $word = new Pluf_Search_Word(); $word ->word = $words_flat [ $i ]; try { $word ->create(); $new_words ++; $ids [ $i ] = $word ->id; } catch (Exception $e ) { // 100% of the time, the word has been created // by another process in the background. $r_ids = self::getWordIds( array ( $word ->word)); if ( $r_ids [0]) { $ids [ $i ] = $r_ids [0]; } else { // give up for this word continue ; } } } if (isset( $done [ $ids [ $i ]])) { continue ; } $done [ $ids [ $i ]] = true; $occ = new IDF_Search_Occ(); $occ ->word = new Pluf_Search_Word( $ids [ $i ]); $occ ->model_class = $doc ->_model; $occ ->model_id = $doc ->id; $occ ->project = $doc ->get_project(); $occ ->occ = $words [ $words_flat [ $i ]]; $occ ->pondocc = $words [ $words_flat [ $i ]]/ $total ; $occ ->create(); } // update the stats $sql = new Pluf_SQL( 'model_class=%s AND model_id=%s' , array ( $doc ->_model, $doc ->id)); $last_index = Pluf::factory( 'Pluf_Search_Stats' )->getList( array ( 'filter' => $sql ->gen())); if ( $last_index -> count () == 0) { $stats = new Pluf_Search_Stats(); $stats ->model_class = $doc ->_model; $stats ->model_id = $doc ->id; $stats ->indexations = 1; $stats ->create(); } else { $last_index [0]->indexations += 1; $last_index [0]->update(); } return array ( 'total' => $total , 'new' => $new_words , 'unique' => $n ); } /** * Remove an item from the index. * * You must call this function when you delete items wich are * indexed. Just add the call: * * IDF_Search::remove($this); * * in the preDelete() method of your object. * * @param mixed Item to be removed * @return bool Success */ public static function remove( $item ) { if ( $item ->id > 0) { $sql = new Pluf_SQL( 'model_id=%s AND model_class=%s' , array ( $item ->id, $item ->_model)); $items = Pluf::factory( 'IDF_Search_Occ' )->getList( array ( 'filter' => $sql ->gen())); foreach ( $items as $tl ) { $tl -> delete (); } } return true; } } |