
Indefero Git Source Tree


{extends "idf/base-simple.html"}
{block docclass}yui-t2{/block}
{block body}
{if $projects.count() == 0}
<p>{trans 'No projects managed with InDefero were found.'}</p>
{if $isAdmin}
{aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_Admin::projectCreate'}
<p><a href="{$url}"><img style="vertical-align: text-bottom;" src="{media '/idf/img/add.png'}" alt="+" align="bottom" /></a> <a href="{$url}">{trans 'Create Project'}</a></p>{/if}
{include 'idf/project-list.html'}
{block context}
<strong>{trans 'Filter projects by label'}</strong>
{if count($projectLabels) == 0}
<p class="smaller">{trans 'No projects with labels found.'}</p>
    <dl class="tagscloud smaller">{foreach $projectLabels as $class => $labels}
        <dt class="label">{$class}</dt>
        {foreach $labels as $idx => $label}
            {* 0.75 - or 75% - is the minimum font size we'd like to see in this tag cloud *}
            {assign $fontScale = round($label.rel_project_count * 100) + 75}
            <dd><a href="{url 'IDF_Views::listProjectsByLabel', array($label->id, $order)}"
                   title="{blocktrans $label.project_count}1 project{plural}{$label.project_count} projects{/blocktrans}"
                   style="font-size: {$fontScale}%">{$}{if $idx != count($labels) - 1},{/if}</a></dd>
    {if $tag}
        <p class="smaller"><a href="{url 'IDF_Views::listProjectsByLabel', array('all', $order)}">
            {blocktrans}Remove filter for {$tag}{/blocktrans}</a></p>
<br />
<strong>{trans 'Order'}</strong>
{assign $labelPart = 'all'}
{if $tag}{assign $labelPart = $tag->id}{/if}
<p class="smaller">
{if $order != 'name'}<a href="{url 'IDF_Views::listProjectsByLabel', array($labelPart, 'name')}">{/if}
{trans 'By name'}{if $order != 'name'}</a>{/if}
{if $order != 'activity'}<a href="{url 'IDF_Views::listProjectsByLabel', array($labelPart, 'activity')}">{/if}
{trans 'By activity'}{if $order != 'activity'}</a>{/if}
<br />
<strong>{trans 'Filtered project stats'}</strong>
<dl class="statistics smaller">
<dt>{trans 'Issues:'}</dt><dd>{$stats.issues}</dd>
<dt>{trans 'Commits:'}</dt><dd>{$stats.commits}</dd>
<dt>{trans 'Documentations:'}</dt><dd>{$stats.docpages}</dd>
<dt>{trans 'Downloads:'}</dt><dd>{$stats.downloads}</dd>
<dt>{trans 'Code reviews:'}</dt><dd>{$}</dd>
{block foot}<div id="branding">Powered by <a href="" title="InDefero, bug tracking and more">InDefero</a>,<br />a <a href="">Céondo Ltd</a> initiative.</div>{/block}

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