<?php /* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of InDefero, an open source project management application. # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Céondo Ltd and contributors. # # InDefero is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # InDefero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ Pluf::loadFunction( 'Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView' ); Pluf::loadFunction( 'Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse' ); Pluf::loadFunction( 'Pluf_Shortcuts_GetObjectOr404' ); Pluf::loadFunction( 'Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel' ); /** * Base views of InDefero. */ class IDF_Views { /** * The index view. */ public function index( $request , $match ) { $forge = IDF_Forge::instance(); if (! $forge ->isCustomForgePageEnabled()) { $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView( 'IDF_Views::listProjects' ); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/index.html' , array ( 'page_title' => __( 'Welcome' ), 'content' => $forge ->getCustomForgePageContent(), ), $request ); } /** * List all projects unfiltered * * @param unknown_type $request * @param unknown_type $match * @return Pluf_HTTP_Response */ public function listProjects( $request , $match ) { $match = array ( '' , 'all' , 'name' ); return $this ->listProjectsByLabel( $request , $match ); } /** * List projects, optionally filtered by label * * @param unknown_type $request * @param unknown_type $match * @return Pluf_HTTP_Response */ public function listProjectsByLabel( $request , $match ) { list(, $tagId , $order ) = $match ; $tag = false; if ( $tagId !== 'all' ) { $tag = Pluf::factory( 'IDF_Tag' )->get( $match [1]); // ignore non-global tags if ( $tag !== false && $tag ->project > 0) { $tag = false; } } $order = in_array( $order , array ( 'name' , 'activity' )) ? $order : 'name' ; $projects = self::getProjects( $request ->user, $tag , $order ); $stats = self::getProjectsStatistics( $projects ); $projectLabels = self::getProjectLabelsWithCounts( $request ->user); return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/listProjects.html' , array ( 'page_title' => __( 'Projects' ), 'projects' => $projects , 'projectLabels' => $projectLabels , 'tag' => $tag , 'order' => $order , 'stats' => new Pluf_Template_ContextVars( $stats )), $request ); } /** * Login view. */ public function login( $request , $match ) { if (isset( $request ->POST[ 'action' ]) and $request ->POST[ 'action' ] == 'new-user' ) { $login = (isset( $request ->POST[ 'login' ])) ? $request ->POST[ 'login' ] : '' ; $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView( 'IDF_Views::register' , array (), array ( 'login' => $login )); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } $v = new Pluf_Views(); $request ->POST[ 'login' ] = (isset( $request ->POST[ 'login' ])) ? mb_strtolower( $request ->POST[ 'login' ]) : '' ; return $v ->login( $request , $match , Pluf::f( 'login_success_url' ), array (), 'idf/login_form.html' ); } /** * Logout view. */ function logout( $request , $match ) { $views = new Pluf_Views(); return $views ->logout( $request , $match , Pluf::f( 'after_logout_page' )); } /** * Registration. * * We just ask for login, email and to agree with the terms. Then, * we go ahead and send a confirmation email. The confirmation * email will allow to set the password, first name and last name * of the user. */ function register( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'Create Your Account' ); $params = array ( 'request' => $request ); if ( $request ->method == 'POST' ) { $form = new IDF_Form_Register( array_merge ( ( array ) $request ->POST, ( array ) $request ->FILES ), $params ); if ( $form ->isValid()) { $user = $form ->save(); // It is sending the confirmation email $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView( 'IDF_Views::registerInputKey' ); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } } else { if (isset( $request ->GET[ 'login' ])) { $params [ 'initial' ] = array ( 'login' => $request ->GET[ 'login' ]); } $form = new IDF_Form_Register(null, $params ); } $context = new Pluf_Template_Context( array ()); $tmpl = new Pluf_Template( 'idf/terms.html' ); $terms = Pluf_Template::markSafe( $tmpl ->render( $context )); return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/register/index.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'form' => $form , 'terms' => $terms ), $request ); } /** * Input the registration confirmation key. * * Very simple view just to redirect to the register confirmation * views to input the password. */ function registerInputKey( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'Confirm Your Account Creation' ); if ( $request ->method == 'POST' ) { $form = new IDF_Form_RegisterInputKey( $request ->POST); if ( $form ->isValid()) { $url = $form ->save(); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } } else { $form = new IDF_Form_RegisterInputKey(); } return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/register/inputkey.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'form' => $form ), $request ); } /** * Registration confirmation. * * Input first/last name, password and sign in the user. * * Maybe in the future send the user to its personal page for * customization. */ function registerConfirmation( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'Confirm Your Account Creation' ); $key = $match [1]; // first "check", full check is done in the form. $email_id = IDF_Form_RegisterInputKey::checkKeyHash( $key ); if (false == $email_id ) { $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView( 'IDF_Views::registerInputKey' ); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } $user = new Pluf_User( $email_id [1]); $extra = array ( 'key' => $key , 'user' => $user ); if ( $request ->method == 'POST' ) { $form = new IDF_Form_RegisterConfirmation( $request ->POST, $extra ); if ( $form ->isValid()) { $user = $form ->save(); $request ->user = $user ; $request ->session->clear(); $request ->session->setData( 'login_time' , gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )); $user ->last_login = gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $user ->update(); $request ->user->setMessage(__( 'Welcome! You can now participate in the life of your project of choice.' )); $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView( 'IDF_Views::index' ); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } } else { $form = new IDF_Form_RegisterConfirmation(null, $extra ); } return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/register/confirmation.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'new_user' => $user , 'form' => $form ), $request ); } /** * Password recovery. * * Request the login or the email of the user and if the login or * email is available in the database, send an email with a key to * reset the password. * * If the user is not yet confirmed, send the confirmation key one * more time. */ function passwordRecoveryAsk( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'Password Recovery' ); if ( $request ->method == 'POST' ) { $form = new IDF_Form_Password( $request ->POST); if ( $form ->isValid()) { $url = $form ->save(); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } } else { $form = new IDF_Form_Password(); } return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/user/passrecovery-ask.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'form' => $form ), $request ); } /** * If the key is valid, provide a nice form to reset the password * and automatically login the user. * * This is also firing the password change event for the plugins. */ public function passwordRecovery( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'Password Recovery' ); $key = $match [1]; // first "check", full check is done in the form. $email_id = IDF_Form_PasswordInputKey::checkKeyHash( $key ); if (false == $email_id ) { $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView( 'IDF_Views::passwordRecoveryInputKey' ); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } $user = new Pluf_User( $email_id [1]); $extra = array ( 'key' => $key , 'user' => $user ); if ( $request ->method == 'POST' ) { $form = new IDF_Form_PasswordReset( $request ->POST, $extra ); if ( $form ->isValid()) { $user = $form ->save(); $request ->user = $user ; $request ->session->clear(); $request ->session->setData( 'login_time' , gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )); $user ->last_login = gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $user ->update(); $request ->user->setMessage(__( 'Welcome back! Next time, you can use your broswer options to remember the password.' )); $url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView( 'IDF_Views::index' ); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } } else { $form = new IDF_Form_PasswordReset(null, $extra ); } return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/user/passrecovery.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'new_user' => $user , 'form' => $form ), $request ); } /** * Just a simple input box to provide the code and redirect to * passwordRecovery */ public function passwordRecoveryInputCode( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'Password Recovery' ); if ( $request ->method == 'POST' ) { $form = new IDF_Form_PasswordInputKey( $request ->POST); if ( $form ->isValid()) { $url = $form ->save(); return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect( $url ); } } else { $form = new IDF_Form_PasswordInputKey(); } return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/user/passrecovery-inputkey.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'form' => $form ), $request ); } /** * FAQ. */ public function faq( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'Here to Help You!' ); $projects = self::getProjects( $request ->user); return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/faq.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'projects' => $projects , ), $request ); } /** * Download archive FAQ. */ public function faqArchiveFormat( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'InDefero Upload Archive Format' ); $projects = self::getProjects( $request ->user); return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/faq-archive-format.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'projects' => $projects , ), $request ); } /** * API FAQ. */ public function faqApi( $request , $match ) { $title = __( 'InDefero API (Application Programming Interface)' ); $projects = self::getProjects( $request ->user); return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( 'idf/faq-api.html' , array ( 'page_title' => $title , 'projects' => $projects , ), $request ); } /** * Returns a list of ids of projects that are visible for the given user * * @param Pluf_User $user */ private static function getUserVisibleProjectIds( $user ) { $db =& Pluf::db(); // the administrator can see all projects if ( $user ->administrator) { $ids = array (); $sql_results = $db ->select( 'SELECT id FROM ' .Pluf::f( 'db_table_prefix' , '' ). 'idf_projects' ); foreach ( $sql_results as $id ) { $ids [] = $id [ 'id' ]; } return $ids ; } // anonymous users can only see non-private projects $false = Pluf_DB_BooleanToDb(false, $db ); $sql_results = $db ->select( 'SELECT id FROM ' . $db ->pfx. 'idf_projects ' . 'WHERE ' . $db ->qn( 'private' ). '=' . $false ); $ids = array (); foreach ( $sql_results as $id ) { $ids [] = $id [ 'id' ]; } // registered users may additionally see private projects with which // they're somehow affiliated if (! $user ->isAnonymous()) { $perms = array ( Pluf_Permission::getFromString( 'IDF.project-member' ), Pluf_Permission::getFromString( 'IDF.project-owner' ), Pluf_Permission::getFromString( 'IDF.project-authorized-user' ) ); $permSql = new Pluf_SQL( "model_class='IDF_Project' AND owner_class='Pluf_User' " . "AND owner_id=%s AND negative=" . $false , $user ->id ); $rows = Pluf::factory( 'Pluf_RowPermission' )->getList( array ( 'filter' => $permSql ->gen())); if ( $rows -> count () > 0) { foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if (in_array( $row ->model_id, $ids )) continue ; $ids [] = $row ->model_id; } } } return $ids ; } /** * Returns a list of projects accessible for the user and optionally filtered by tag. * * @param Pluf_User * @param IDF_Tag * @return ArrayObject IDF_Project */ public static function getProjects( $user , $tag = false, $order = 'name' ) { $db =& Pluf::db(); $sql = new Pluf_SQL( '1=1' ); if ( $tag !== false) { $sql ->SAnd( new Pluf_SQL( 'idf_tag_id=%s' , $tag ->id)); } $projectIds = self::getUserVisibleProjectIds( $user ); if ( count ( $projectIds ) == 0) { return new ArrayObject(); } $sql ->SAnd( new Pluf_SQL(sprintf( $db ->pfx. ' IN (%s)' , implode( ', ' , $projectIds )))); $orderTypes = array ( 'name' => 'name ASC' , 'activity' => 'value DESC, name ASC' , ); return Pluf::factory( 'IDF_Project' )->getList( array ( 'filter' => $sql ->gen(), 'view' => 'join_activities_and_tags' , 'order' => $orderTypes [ $order ], )); } /** * Returns a list of global tags each carrying the number of projects that have the * particular tag set * * @param Pluf_User $user * @return array */ public static function getProjectLabelsWithCounts( $user ) { $sql = new Pluf_SQL( 'project IS NULL' ); $projectIds = self::getUserVisibleProjectIds( $user ); if ( count ( $projectIds ) == 0) { return new ArrayObject(); } $sql ->SAnd( new Pluf_SQL(sprintf( 'idf_project_id IN (%s)' , implode( ', ' , $projectIds )))); $tagList = Pluf::factory( 'IDF_Tag' )->getList( array ( 'filter' => $sql ->gen(), 'view' => 'join_projects' , 'order' => 'class ASC, lcname ASC' )); $maxProjectCount = 0; foreach ( $tagList as $tag ) { $maxProjectCount = max( $maxProjectCount , $tag ->project_count); } $tags = array (); foreach ( $tagList as $tag ) { // group by class if (! array_key_exists ( $tag -> class , $tags )) { $tags [ $tag -> class ] = array (); } $tag ->rel_project_count = $tag ->project_count / (double) $maxProjectCount ; $tags [ $tag -> class ][] = $tag ; } return $tags ; } /** * Returns statistics on a list of projects. * * @param ArrayObject IDF_Project * @return Associative array of statistics */ public static function getProjectsStatistics( $projects ) { $projectIds = array (0); foreach ( $projects as $project ) { $projectIds [] = $project ->id; } $forgestats = array (); // count overall project stats $forgestats [ 'total' ] = 0; $what = array ( 'downloads' => 'IDF_Upload' , 'reviews' => 'IDF_Review' , 'issues' => 'IDF_Issue' , 'docpages' => 'IDF_Wiki_Page' , 'commits' => 'IDF_Commit' , ); foreach ( $what as $key => $model ) { $count = Pluf::factory( $model )->getCount( array ( 'filter' => sprintf( 'project IN (%s)' , implode( ', ' , $projectIds )) )); $forgestats [ $key ] = $count ; $forgestats [ 'total' ] += $count ; } return $forgestats ; } } |