{assign $url = 'http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/'}␊ |
{assign $eurl = 'http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/'}␊ |
{assign $burl = 'http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax'}␊ |
{blocktrans}␊ |
<p><strong>Instructions:</strong></p>␊ |
<p>The content of the page can use the <a href="{$url}">Markdown syntax</a>.</p>␊ |
<p>The content of the page can use the <a href="{$burl}">Markdown syntax</a> with the <a href="{$eurl}"><em>Extra</em> extension</a>.</p>␊ |
<p>Website addresses are automatically linked and you can link to another page in the documentation using double square brackets like that [[AnotherPage]].</p>␊ |
<p>To directly include a file content from the repository, embrace its path with triple square brackets: [[[path/to/file.txt]]].</p>␊ |
{/blocktrans}␊ |