# InDefero 1.3 - xxx xxx xx xx:xx 2011 UTC␊ |
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The development of this version of Indefero has partially been sponsored␊ |
The development of this version of Indefero has been sponsored␊ |
by the friendly folks from Scilab <http://www.scilab.org/>!␊ |
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ATTENTION: You need Pluf [4121ca4](http://projects.ceondo.com/p/pluf/source/commit/4121ca4)␊ |
issues, downloads, reviews, and so on. We now also ensure that notification␊ |
emails for one object are uniquely identifyable to support a grouped view␊ |
in email clients that support that. (fixes issues 334, 452, and 480)␊ |
- Projects can get an external project URL configured that is displayed as␊ |
linkable icon right beside the project name (if available)␊ |
- It is now possible to configure a web hook that informs an external URL about␊ |
new and updated downloads for a specific project, similar to the available ␊ |
post-commit web hook␊ |
- Indefero can now be configured to record activity metrics for all projects␊ |
in a forge. This needs a special cron job named 'activitycron.php` ␊ |
(under `scripts`) that is run on a regular basis. The metrics can be␊ |
fine-tuned via `activity_section_weights` and `activity_lookback` in␊ |
`idf.php` and the result is visible as green bar in the project list view.␊ |
- The forge's project list has been overhauled - its now possible to attach␊ |
labels on projects and to filter and order the project list by various␊ |
criteria. Additionally, projects can now get an external project URL␊ |
configured that is displayed as linkable icon right beside the project name␊ |
(if available)␊ |
- Forge administrators can furthermore configure an alternative entry page␊ |
for the forge that is displayed instead of the plain project list. This␊ |
page accepts standard Markdown syntax and has support for the new␊ |
`projectlist` macro that allows the (partial) inline rendering of the␊ |
known global project list. ␊ |
- It is now also possible to configure a web hook that informs an external␊ |
URL about new and updated downloads for a specific project, similar to the␊ |
available post-commit web hook.␊ |
- One can now upload multiple files at once by using a special archive format␊ |
which Indefero processes in the background and for which individual upload␊ |
records are created␊ |
records are created.␊ |
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## Bugfixes␊ |
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