␊ |
public function testGetTree()␊ |
{␊ |
// test root and sub tree fetching␊ |
$this->markTestIncomplete();␊ |
$instance = $this->createMock();␊ |
//␊ |
// non-existing revision␊ |
//␊ |
$this->assertEquals(array(), $instance->getTree('789'));␊ |
␊ |
$stdio = "7890123456789012345678901234567890123456\n";␊ |
$instance->getStdio()->setExpectedOutput(array('select', 't:789'), array(), $stdio);␊ |
␊ |
$stdio =<<<END␊ |
dir ""␊ |
birth [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
path_mark [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
␊ |
file "NEWS"␊ |
content [bf51bb66d1c1ffde9ed2fffe2e8c00942deeaa03]␊ |
size "2104"␊ |
birth [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
path_mark [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
content_mark [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
␊ |
dir "doc"␊ |
birth [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
path_mark [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
␊ |
file "doc/AUTHORS"␊ |
content [de9ed2fffe2e8c0094bf51bb66d1c1ff2deeaa03]␊ |
size "17024"␊ |
birth [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
path_mark [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
content_mark [276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f]␊ |
END;␊ |
$instance->getStdio()->setExpectedOutput(array('get_extended_manifest_of', '7890123456789012345678901234567890123456'), array(), $stdio);␊ |
␊ |
$stdio =<<<END␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "author"␊ |
value "joe@user.com"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "branch"␊ |
value "some.branch"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "changelog"␊ |
value "initial revision"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "date"␊ |
value "2011-01-24T00:00:23"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
END;␊ |
$instance->getStdio()->setExpectedOutput(array('certs', '276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f'), array(), $stdio);␊ |
␊ |
//␊ |
// root directory␊ |
//␊ |
$entries = $instance->getTree('t:789');␊ |
$this->assertEquals(3, count($entries));␊ |
␊ |
$file = $entries[0];␊ |
$this->assertEquals('', $file->fullpath);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('', $file->efullpath);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('', $file->file);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('tree', $file->type);␊ |
$this->assertEquals(0, $file->size);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f', $file->rev);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('joe@user.com', $file->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('2011-01-24 00:00:23', $file->date);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('initial revision', $file->log);␊ |
␊ |
$file = $entries[1];␊ |
$this->assertEquals('NEWS', $file->fullpath);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('NEWS', $file->efullpath);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('NEWS', $file->file);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('blob', $file->type);␊ |
$this->assertEquals(2104, $file->size);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('bf51bb66d1c1ffde9ed2fffe2e8c00942deeaa03', $file->hash);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f', $file->rev);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('joe@user.com', $file->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('2011-01-24 00:00:23', $file->date);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('initial revision', $file->log);␊ |
␊ |
$file = $entries[2];␊ |
$this->assertEquals('doc', $file->fullpath);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('doc', $file->efullpath);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('doc', $file->file);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('tree', $file->type);␊ |
$this->assertEquals(0, $file->size);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f', $file->rev);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('joe@user.com', $file->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('2011-01-24 00:00:23', $file->date);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('initial revision', $file->log);␊ |
␊ |
//␊ |
// sub directory␊ |
//␊ |
$entries = $instance->getTree('t:789', 'doc');␊ |
$this->assertEquals(1, count($entries));␊ |
␊ |
$file = $entries[0];␊ |
$this->assertEquals('doc/AUTHORS', $file->fullpath);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('doc/AUTHORS', $file->efullpath);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('AUTHORS', $file->file);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('blob', $file->type);␊ |
$this->assertEquals(17024, $file->size);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('de9ed2fffe2e8c0094bf51bb66d1c1ff2deeaa03', $file->hash);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('276264b0b3f1e70fc1835a700e6e61bdbe4c3f2f', $file->rev);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('joe@user.com', $file->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('2011-01-24 00:00:23', $file->date);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('initial revision', $file->log);␊ |
␊ |
//␊ |
// non-existing sub directory␊ |
//␊ |
$this->assertEquals(array(), $instance->getTree('t:789', 'foo'));␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
public function testFindAuthor()␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "author"␊ |
value "me@thomaskeller.biz"␊ |
value "joe@user.com"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "branch"␊ |
value "net.venge.monotone"␊ |
value "main.branch"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "changelog"␊ |
value "* po/de.po: German translation updated␊ |
"␊ |
value "something changed"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
$this->assertEquals(1, count($ret));␊ |
$this->assertTrue($ret[0] instanceof stdClass);␊ |
␊ |
$this->assertEquals('me@thomaskeller.biz', $ret[0]->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('net.venge.monotone', $ret[0]->branch);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('* po/de.po: German translation updated', $ret[0]->title);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('joe@user.com', $ret[0]->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('main.branch', $ret[0]->branch);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('something changed', $ret[0]->title);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890', $ret[0]->commit);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('2011-03-19 13:59:47', $ret[0]->date);␊ |
}␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "author"␊ |
value "me@thomaskeller.biz"␊ |
value "joe@user.com"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "branch"␊ |
value "net.venge.monotone.source-tree-cleanup"␊ |
value "some.branch"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
$this->assertEquals('blob', $file->type);␊ |
$this->assertEquals(17024, $file->size);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('fdb579b6682d78fac24912e7a82a8209b9a54099', $file->rev);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('me@thomaskeller.biz', $file->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('joe@user.com', $file->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('2011-01-24 00:00:23', $file->date);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('update the source paths', $file->log);␊ |
␊ |
key [10b5b36b4aadc46c0a946b6e76e087ccdddf8b86]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "author"␊ |
value "graydon@pobox.com"␊ |
value "mary@jane.com"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [10b5b36b4aadc46c0a946b6e76e087ccdddf8b86]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "branch"␊ |
value "net.venge.monotone.visualc8"␊ |
value "feature.branch"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [10b5b36b4aadc46c0a946b6e76e087ccdddf8b86]␊ |
$this->assertEquals('tree', $file->type);␊ |
$this->assertEquals(0, $file->size);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('a10037b1aa8a905018b72e6bd96fb8f8475f0f65', $file->rev);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('graydon@pobox.com', $file->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('mary@jane.com', $file->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('2006-03-13 08:06:22', $file->date);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('initial build working', $file->log);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
public function testGetChanges()␊ |
{␊ |
// test retrieving the changes of a specific revision␊ |
$this->markTestIncomplete();␊ |
$instance = $this->createMock();␊ |
␊ |
$this->assertFalse($instance->getChanges('t:234'));␊ |
␊ |
$stdio = "2345678901234567890123456789012345678901\n";␊ |
$instance->getStdio()->setExpectedOutput(array('select', 't:234'), array(), $stdio);␊ |
␊ |
$stdio =<<<END␊ |
format_version "1"␊ |
␊ |
new_manifest [cd109f812792d6d3de50b2c6d3ba3dc230a5c309]␊ |
␊ |
old_revision [3996c236cea1cde8e3be0b034b5d26a85378d718]␊ |
␊ |
delete "old_dir"␊ |
␊ |
delete "old_dir/old_file"␊ |
␊ |
rename "dir_with_old_name"␊ |
to "new_dir/dir_with_new_name"␊ |
␊ |
add_dir "new_dir"␊ |
␊ |
add_file "new_dir/new_file"␊ |
content [da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709]␊ |
␊ |
patch "existing_file"␊ |
from [da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709]␊ |
to [d53a205a336e07cf9eac45471b3870f9489288ec]␊ |
␊ |
clear "new_dir/dir_with_new_name"␊ |
attr "some-key"␊ |
␊ |
set "existing_file"␊ |
attr "multi␊ |
line␊ |
key"␊ |
value "␊ |
and another␊ |
multiline␊ |
value"␊ |
END;␊ |
$instance->getStdio()->setExpectedOutput(array('get_revision', '2345678901234567890123456789012345678901'), array(), $stdio);␊ |
␊ |
$expected = (object) array(␊ |
'additions' => array('new_dir', 'new_dir/new_file'),␊ |
'deletions' => array('old_dir', 'old_dir/old_file'),␊ |
'renames' => array('dir_with_old_name' => 'new_dir/dir_with_new_name'),␊ |
'patches' => array('existing_file'),␊ |
'properties' => array(␊ |
'new_dir/dir_with_new_name' => array(␊ |
'some-key' => null,␊ |
),␊ |
'existing_file' => array(␊ |
"multi\nline\nkey" => "\nand another\nmultiline\nvalue",␊ |
),␊ |
),␊ |
);␊ |
␊ |
$this->assertEquals($expected, $instance->getChanges('t:234'));␊ |
␊ |
// FIXME: properly handle and test merge revisions (issue 581)␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
public function testGetCommit()␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "author"␊ |
value "me@thomaskeller.biz"␊ |
value "joe@user.com"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
signature "ok"␊ |
name "author"␊ |
value "graydon@pobox.com"␊ |
value "mary@jane.com"␊ |
trust "trusted"␊ |
␊ |
key [1aaecf3a7c227e5545b0504aea5d3716d3128117]␊ |
$this->assertEquals(array('1234567890123456789012345678901234567891',␊ |
'1234567890123456789012345678901234567892'),␊ |
$commit->parents);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('me@thomaskeller.biz, graydon@pobox.com', $commit->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('joe@user.com, mary@jane.com', $commit->author);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('2011-03-19 13:59:47', $commit->date);␊ |
$this->assertEquals('something changed', $commit->title);␊ |
$this->assertEquals("---\nsomething changed here as\nwell, unbelievable!", $commit->full_message);␊ |
␊ |
public function testIsCommitLarge()␊ |
{␊ |
// test for true / false with commits with more than 100 changes␊ |
$this->markTestIncomplete();␊ |
$instance = $this->createMock();␊ |
␊ |
// kind of misleading, I know␊ |
$this->assertFalse($instance->isCommitLarge('890'));␊ |
␊ |
$stdio = "8901234567890123456789012345678901234567\n";␊ |
$instance->getStdio()->setExpectedOutput(array('select', 't:890'), array(), $stdio);␊ |
␊ |
$stdio =<<<END␊ |
format_version "1"␊ |
␊ |
new_manifest [e3f7896021ae38ea2b5c9766b9dc0e71cffbcbc3]␊ |
␊ |
old_revision [e4b7bfab4dae09770cf1b293d68bef34523fdaf5]␊ |
␊ |
add_dir "foo"␊ |
␊ |
add_file "bar"␊ |
content [56635b977a83788bf17c8225e291feeb9342ef16]␊ |
END;␊ |
$instance->getStdio()->setExpectedOutput(array('get_revision', '8901234567890123456789012345678901234567'), array(), $stdio);␊ |
␊ |
// easy case␊ |
$this->assertFalse($instance->isCommitLarge('t:890'));␊ |
␊ |
// slightly more complex case␊ |
$stdio =<<<END␊ |
format_version "1"␊ |
␊ |
new_manifest [e3f7896021ae38ea2b5c9766b9dc0e71cffbcbc3]␊ |
␊ |
old_revision [e4b7bfab4dae09770cf1b293d68bef34523fdaf5]␊ |
␊ |
␊ |
END;␊ |
for ($i=0; $i<=100; ++$i) {␊ |
if ($i % 2 == 0)␊ |
$stdio .= 'add_file "foo'.$i.'"'."\n".␊ |
' content [ae09770cf1b293d68bef34523fdaf5e4b7bfab4d]'."\n\n";␊ |
else␊ |
$stdio .= 'patch "foo'.$i.'"'."\n".␊ |
' from [ae09770cf1b293d68bef34523fdaf5e4b7bfab4d]'."\n".␊ |
' to [ef34523fdaf5e4bae09770cf1b293bfab4dd68b7]'."\n\n";␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$instance->getStdio()->setExpectedOutput(array('get_revision', '8901234567890123456789012345678901234567'), array(), $stdio);␊ |
␊ |
$this->assertTrue($instance->isCommitLarge('t:890'));␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
public function testGetChangeLog()␊ |