* 'mtn_repositories'␊ |
* 2) create a new server key in the same directory␊ |
* 3) create a new client key for IDF and store it in the project conf␊ |
* 4) write monotonerc␊ |
* 4) setup the configuration␊ |
* 5) add the database as new local server in the usher configuration␊ |
* 6) reload the running usher instance so it acknowledges the new server␊ |
*␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
// check some static configuration files␊ |
$confdir = Pluf::f('mtn_confdir', false);␊ |
if ($confdir === false) {␊ |
$confdir = dirname(__FILE__).'/SyncMonotone/';␊ |
}␊ |
$confdir_contents = array(␊ |
'monotonerc.in',␊ |
'remote-automate-permissions.in',␊ |
'hooks.d/',␊ |
// this is linked and not copied to be able to update␊ |
// the list of read-only commands on upgrades␊ |
'hooks.d/indefero_authorize_remote_automate.conf',␊ |
'hooks.d/indefero_authorize_remote_automate.lua',␊ |
'hooks.d/indefero_post_push.conf.in',␊ |
'hooks.d/indefero_post_push.lua',␊ |
);␊ |
// check whether we should handle additional files in the config directory␊ |
$confdir_extra_contents = Pluf::f('mtn_confdir_extra', false);␊ |
if ($confdir_extra_contents !== false) {␊ |
$confdir_contents =␊ |
array_merge($confdir_contents, $confdir_extra_contents);␊ |
}␊ |
foreach ($confdir_contents as $content) {␊ |
if (!file_exists($confdir.$content)) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('The configuration file %s is missing.'), $content␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$shortname = $project->shortname;␊ |
$projectpath = sprintf($projecttempl, $shortname);␊ |
if (file_exists($projectpath)) {␊ |
//␊ |
// step 3) create a client key, and save it in IDF␊ |
//␊ |
$clientkey_hash = '';␊ |
$monotonerc_tpl = 'monotonerc-noauth.tpl';␊ |
␊ |
if (Pluf::f('mtn_remote_auth', true)) {␊ |
$monotonerc_tpl = 'monotonerc-auth.tpl';␊ |
$keydir = Pluf::f('tmp_folder').'/mtn-client-keys';␊ |
if (!file_exists($keydir)) {␊ |
if (!mkdir($keydir)) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('The key directory %s could not be created.'), $keydir␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$clientkey_name = $shortname.'-client@'.$server;␊ |
$cmd = sprintf('au generate_key --keydir=%s %s ""',␊ |
escapeshellarg($keydir),␊ |
escapeshellarg($clientkey_name)␊ |
);␊ |
$keyinfo = self::_mtn_exec($cmd);␊ |
␊ |
$parsed_keyinfo = array();␊ |
try {␊ |
$parsed_keyinfo = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($keyinfo);␊ |
}␊ |
catch (Exception $e) {␊ |
$keydir = Pluf::f('tmp_folder').'/mtn-client-keys';␊ |
if (!file_exists($keydir)) {␊ |
if (!mkdir($keydir)) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('Could not parse key information: %s'), $e->getMessage()␊ |
__('The key directory %s could not be created.'), $keydir␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$clientkey_hash = $parsed_keyinfo[0][1]['hash'];␊ |
$clientkey_file = $keydir . '/' . $clientkey_name . '.' . $clientkey_hash;␊ |
$clientkey_data = file_get_contents($clientkey_file);␊ |
$clientkey_name = $shortname.'-client@'.$server;␊ |
$cmd = sprintf('au generate_key --keydir=%s %s ""',␊ |
escapeshellarg($keydir),␊ |
escapeshellarg($clientkey_name)␊ |
);␊ |
$keyinfo = self::_mtn_exec($cmd);␊ |
␊ |
$project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_name', $clientkey_name);␊ |
$project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_hash', $clientkey_hash);␊ |
$project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_data', $clientkey_data);␊ |
$parsed_keyinfo = array();␊ |
try {␊ |
$parsed_keyinfo = IDF_Scm_Monotone_BasicIO::parse($keyinfo);␊ |
}␊ |
catch (Exception $e) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('Could not parse key information: %s'), $e->getMessage()␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
// add the public client key to the server␊ |
$cmd = sprintf('au get_public_key --keydir=%s %s',␊ |
escapeshellarg($keydir),␊ |
escapeshellarg($clientkey_hash)␊ |
);␊ |
$clientkey_pubdata = self::_mtn_exec($cmd);␊ |
$clientkey_hash = $parsed_keyinfo[0][1]['hash'];␊ |
$clientkey_file = $keydir . '/' . $clientkey_name . '.' . $clientkey_hash;␊ |
$clientkey_data = file_get_contents($clientkey_file);␊ |
␊ |
$cmd = sprintf('au put_public_key --db=%s %s',␊ |
escapeshellarg($dbfile),␊ |
escapeshellarg($clientkey_pubdata)␊ |
);␊ |
self::_mtn_exec($cmd);␊ |
}␊ |
$project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_name', $clientkey_name);␊ |
$project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_hash', $clientkey_hash);␊ |
$project->getConf()->setVal('mtn_client_key_data', $clientkey_data);␊ |
␊ |
//␊ |
// step 4) write monotonerc␊ |
//␊ |
$monotonerc = file_get_contents(␊ |
dirname(__FILE__).'/SyncMonotone/'.$monotonerc_tpl␊ |
// add the public client key to the server␊ |
$cmd = sprintf('au get_public_key --keydir=%s %s',␊ |
escapeshellarg($keydir),␊ |
escapeshellarg($clientkey_hash)␊ |
);␊ |
$monotonerc = str_replace(␊ |
array('%%MTNPOSTPUSH%%', '%%PROJECT%%', '%%MTNCLIENTKEY%%'),␊ |
array($mtnpostpush, $shortname, $clientkey_hash),␊ |
$monotonerc␊ |
$clientkey_pubdata = self::_mtn_exec($cmd);␊ |
␊ |
$cmd = sprintf('au put_public_key --db=%s %s',␊ |
escapeshellarg($dbfile),␊ |
escapeshellarg($clientkey_pubdata)␊ |
);␊ |
self::_mtn_exec($cmd);␊ |
␊ |
$rcfile = $projectpath.'/monotonerc';␊ |
//␊ |
// step 4) setup the configuration␊ |
//␊ |
␊ |
if (file_put_contents($rcfile, $monotonerc, LOCK_EX) === false) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('Could not write mtn configuration file "%s"'), $rcfile␊ |
));␊ |
// we assume that all confdir entries ending with a slash mean a␊ |
// directory that has to be created, that all files ending on ".in"␊ |
// have to be processed and copied in place and that all other files␊ |
// just need to be symlinked from the original location␊ |
foreach ($confdir_contents as $content) {␊ |
$filepath = $projectpath.'/'.$content;␊ |
if (substr($content, -1) == '/') {␊ |
if (!mkdir($filepath)) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('Could not create configuration directory "%s"'), $filepath␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
continue;␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
if (substr($content, -3) != '.in') {␊ |
if (!symlink($confdir.$content, $filepath)) {␊ |
IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('Could not create symlink "%s"'), $filepath␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
continue;␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$filecontents = file_get_contents($confdir.'/'.$content);␊ |
$filecontents = str_replace(␊ |
array('%%MTNPOSTPUSH%%', '%%PROJECT%%', '%%MTNCLIENTKEY%%'),␊ |
array($mtnpostpush, $shortname, $clientkey_hash),␊ |
$filecontents␊ |
);␊ |
␊ |
// remove the .in␊ |
$filepath = substr($filepath, 0, -3);␊ |
if (file_put_contents($filepath, $filecontents, LOCK_EX) === false) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('Could not write configuration file "%s"'), $filepath␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
//␊ |
'--confdir', $projectpath,␊ |
'-d', $dbfile,␊ |
'--timestamps',␊ |
'--ticker=dot' ␊ |
'--ticker=dot'␊ |
)),␊ |
);␊ |
␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
if (Pluf::f('mtn_remote_auth', true)) {␊ |
$keydir = Pluf::f('tmp_folder').'/mtn-client-keys';␊ |
$keyname = $project->getConf()->getVal('mtn_client_key_name', false);␊ |
$keyhash = $project->getConf()->getVal('mtn_client_key_hash', false);␊ |
if ($keyname && $keyhash &&␊ |
file_exists($keydir .'/'. $keyname . '.' . $keyhash)) {␊ |
if (!@unlink($keydir .'/'. $keyname . '.' . $keyhash)) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('Could not delete client private key %s'), $keyname␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
$keydir = Pluf::f('tmp_folder').'/mtn-client-keys';␊ |
$keyname = $project->getConf()->getVal('mtn_client_key_name', false);␊ |
$keyhash = $project->getConf()->getVal('mtn_client_key_hash', false);␊ |
if ($keyname && $keyhash &&␊ |
file_exists($keydir .'/'. $keyname . '.' . $keyhash)) {␊ |
if (!@unlink($keydir .'/'. $keyname . '.' . $keyhash)) {␊ |
throw new IDF_Scm_Exception(sprintf(␊ |
__('Could not delete client private key %s'), $keyname␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
␊ |
private static function _delete_recursive($path)␊ |
{␊ |
if (is_file($path)) {␊ |
if (is_file($path) || is_link($path)) {␊ |
return @unlink($path);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |