$page_title = $bc.' - '.$title;␊ |
$cobject = $scm->getCommit($commit);␊ |
$in_branches = $scm->inBranches($commit, $request_file);␊ |
try {␊ |
$cache = Pluf_Cache::factory();␊ |
$key = sprintf('Project:%s::IDF_Views_Source::tree:%s::%s',␊ |
$request->project->id, $commit, $request_file);␊ |
if (null === ($res=$cache->get($key))) {␊ |
$res = new Pluf_Template_ContextVars($scm->getTree($commit, $request_file));␊ |
$cache->set($key, $res);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
} catch (Exception $e) {␊ |
throw $e;␊ |
$cache = Pluf_Cache::factory();␊ |
$key = sprintf('Project:%s::IDF_Views_Source::tree:%s::%s',␊ |
$request->project->id, $commit, $request_file);␊ |
if (null === ($res=$cache->get($key))) {␊ |
$res = new Pluf_Template_ContextVars($scm->getTree($commit, $request_file));␊ |
$cache->set($key, $res);␊ |
}␊ |
// try to find the previous level if it exists.␊ |
$prev = split('/', $request_file);␊ |
$bc = self::makeBreadCrumb($request->project, $commit, $request_file_info->file);␊ |
$page_title = $bc.' - '.$title;␊ |
$cobject = $scm->getCommit($commit);␊ |
$tree_in = in_array($commit, $branches);␊ |
$in_branches = $scm->inBranches($commit, $request_file);␊ |
// try to find the previous level if it exists.␊ |
$prev = split('/', $request_file);␊ |
$l = array_pop($prev);␊ |
'fullpath' => $request_file,␊ |
'base' => $request_file_info->file,␊ |
'prev' => $previous,␊ |
'tree_in' => $tree_in,␊ |
'tree_in' => $in_branches,␊ |
'branches' => $branches,␊ |
'props' => $props,␊ |
),␊ |
* @param string File content␊ |
* @return array Mime type found or 'application/octet-stream', basename, extension␊ |
*/␊ |
public static function getMimeTypeFromContent($file, &$filedata)␊ |
public static function getMimeTypeFromContent($file, $filedata)␊ |
{␊ |
$info = pathinfo($file);␊ |
$res = array('application/octet-stream', ␊ |