$out = array();␊ |
if ($request->method == 'GET') {␊ |
// We give the details of the form␊ |
$out['doc'] = 'A POST request against this url will allow you to create a new issue.';␊ |
$out['help'] = 'A POST request against this url will allow you to create a new issue.';␊ |
if ($request->user->hasPerm('IDF.project-owner', $request->project)␊ |
or $request->user->hasPerm('IDF.project-member', $request->project)) {␊ |
$out['status'] = array();␊ |
} else {␊ |
// We need to give back the results of the creation␊ |
if (is_object($p) and 'IDF_Issue' == get_class($p)) {␊ |
$out['mess'] = 'success';␊ |
$out['message'] = 'success';␊ |
$out['issue'] = $p->id;␊ |
} else {␊ |
$out['mess'] = 'error';␊ |
$out['message'] = 'error';␊ |
$out['errors'] = $p['form']->errors;␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* List all the projects␊ |
*/␊ |
public $projectIndex_precond = array('IDF_Precondition::apiSetUser');␊ |
␊ |
public function projectIndex($request, $match)␊ |
{␊ |
$view = new IDF_Views();␊ |
$projects = $view->index($request, $match, true);␊ |
␊ |
$data = array();␊ |
foreach ($projects as $p) {␊ |
$data[] = array("shortname" => $p->shortname, "name" => $p->name, "shortdesc" => $p->shortdesc, "private" => $p->private);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$out = array();␊ |
$out['message'] = 'success';␊ |
$out['projects'] = $data;␊ |
return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Json($out);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* Get the list of tags to give them to the end users when doing a␊ |
* GET request against a form. That way it is possible for them to␊ |
* know which tags/labels are available.␊ |