# Quick installation instruction␊ |
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The installation of InDefero is composed of 2 parts, first the␊ |
installation of the [Pluf framework](http://www.pluf.org) and second,␊ |
the installation of InDefero by itself.␊ |
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## Installation of Pluf␊ |
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* Checkout the trunk of [Pluf](http://www.pluf.org).␊ |
* Install the `Mail` and `Mail_mime` classes from [PEAR](http://pear.php.net).␊ |
* Install the `Mail` and `Mail_mime` classes from [PEAR](http://pear.php.net). You must use the `--alldeps` flag when installing these modules:␊ |
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$ sudo pear install --alldeps Mail␊ |
$ sudo pear install --alldeps Mail_mime␊ |
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The Pluf installation folder is the folder containing the file `Pluf.php`.␊ |
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## Installation of InDefero␊ |
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The installation is composed of the following steps:␊ |
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* Get the InDefero archive.␊ |
* Configure it correctly.␊ |
* Installation the database with the `migrate.php` script.␊ |
* Bootstrap the application with a `bootstrap.php` script.␊ |
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Here is the step-by-step installation procedure:␊ |
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* Extract the InDefero archive somewhere.␊ |
* The InDefero installation folder is the folder containing this file INSTALL.mdtext.␊ |
* Make a copy of `src/IDF/conf/idf.php-dist` as `src/IDF/conf/idf.php`.␊ |
* Update the idf.php file to match your system.␊ |
* Run `php /path/to/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -i -d -u` to test the installation of the tables.␊ |
* Run `php /path/to/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=IDF/conf/idf.php -a -i -d` to really install the tables.␊ |
* Create a bootsrap file to create the first project and admin user for example `www/bootstrap.php`:␊ |
* Open a terminal/shell and go into the InDefero installation folder.␊ |
* Run `php /path/to/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=src/IDF/conf/idf.php -a -i -d -u` to test the installation of the tables.␊ |
* Run `php /path/to/pluf/src/migrate.php --conf=src/IDF/conf/idf.php -a -i -d` to really install the tables.␊ |
* Create a bootstrap file to create the first project and admin user for example `www/bootstrap.php`. Do not forget to update the second line with your path to Pluf:␊ |
␊ |
<?php␊ |
set_include_path(get_include_path().PATH_SEPARATOR.dirname(__FILE__).'/../src');␊ |
print "Bootstrap ok\n";␊ |
?>␊ |
␊ |
* Run `php bootstrap.php`.␊ |
* Remove the `bootstrp.php` file.␊ |
* Run `php www/bootstrap.php`.␊ |
* Remove the `www/bootstrap.php` file.␊ |
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Now you can login with this user into the interface.␊ |
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