'widget' => 'Pluf_Form_Widget_TextareaInput',␊ |
));␊ |
␊ |
for ($i=1;$i<7;$i++) {␊ |
$this->fields['label'.$i] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar(␊ |
array('required' => false,␊ |
'label' => __('Labels'),␊ |
'initial' => '',␊ |
'widget_attrs' => array(␊ |
'maxlength' => 50,␊ |
'size' => 20,␊ |
),␊ |
));␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$projects = array('--' => '--');␊ |
foreach (Pluf::factory('IDF_Project')->getList(array('order' => 'name ASC')) as $proj) {␊ |
$projects[$proj->name] = $proj->shortname;␊ |
if (!$this->isValid()) {␊ |
throw new Exception(__('Cannot save the model from an invalid form.'));␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
// Add a tag for each label␊ |
$tagids = array();␊ |
for ($i=1;$i<7;$i++) {␊ |
if (strlen($this->cleaned_data['label'.$i]) > 0) {␊ |
if (strpos($this->cleaned_data['label'.$i], ':') !== false) {␊ |
list($class, $name) = explode(':', $this->cleaned_data['label'.$i], 2);␊ |
list($class, $name) = array(trim($class), trim($name));␊ |
} else {␊ |
$class = 'Other';␊ |
$name = trim($this->cleaned_data['label'.$i]);␊ |
}␊ |
$tag = IDF_Tag::addGlobal($name, $class);␊ |
$tagids[] = $tag->id;␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$project = new IDF_Project();␊ |
$project->name = $this->cleaned_data['name'];␊ |
$project->shortname = $this->cleaned_data['shortname'];␊ |
$project->shortdesc = $this->cleaned_data['shortdesc'];␊ |
␊ |
$tagids = array();␊ |
if ($this->cleaned_data['template'] != '--') {␊ |
// Find the template project␊ |
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('shortname=%s',␊ |
$tmpl = Pluf::factory('IDF_Project')->getOne(array('filter' => $sql->gen()));␊ |
$project->private = $tmpl->private;␊ |
$project->description = $tmpl->description;␊ |
␊ |
foreach ($tmpl->get_tags_list() as $tag) {␊ |
$tagids[] = $tag->id;␊ |
}␊ |
} else {␊ |
$project->private = $this->cleaned_data['private_project'];␊ |
$project->description = __('Click on the Project Management tab to set the description of your project.');␊ |
␊ |
// Add a tag for each label␊ |
for ($i=1;$i<7;$i++) {␊ |
if (strlen($this->cleaned_data['label'.$i]) > 0) {␊ |
if (strpos($this->cleaned_data['label'.$i], ':') !== false) {␊ |
list($class, $name) = explode(':', $this->cleaned_data['label'.$i], 2);␊ |
list($class, $name) = array(trim($class), trim($name));␊ |
} else {␊ |
$class = 'Other';␊ |
$name = trim($this->cleaned_data['label'.$i]);␊ |
}␊ |
$tag = IDF_Tag::addGlobal($name, $class);␊ |
$tagids[] = $tag->id;␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
$project->create();␊ |
$project->batchAssoc('IDF_Tag', $tagids);␊ |
␊ |
$conf = new IDF_Conf();␊ |
$conf->setProject($project);␊ |
$keys = array('scm', 'svn_remote_url', 'svn_username',␊ |