<?php␊ |
/* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */␊ |
/*␊ |
# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****␊ |
# This file is part of InDefero, an open source project management application.␊ |
# Copyright (C) 2008 Céondo Ltd and contributors.␊ |
#␊ |
# InDefero is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify␊ |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by␊ |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or␊ |
# (at your option) any later version.␊ |
#␊ |
# InDefero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,␊ |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of␊ |
# GNU General Public License for more details.␊ |
#␊ |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License␊ |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software␊ |
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA␊ |
#␊ |
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */␊ |
␊ |
Pluf::loadFunction('Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView');␊ |
Pluf::loadFunction('Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse');␊ |
Pluf::loadFunction('Pluf_Shortcuts_GetObjectOr404');␊ |
Pluf::loadFunction('Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel');␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* Documentation pages views.␊ |
*/␊ |
class IDF_Views_Wiki␊ |
{␊ |
/**␊ |
* View list of issues for a given project.␊ |
*/␊ |
public $index_precond = array('IDF_Precondition::accessWiki');␊ |
public function index($request, $match, $api=false)␊ |
{␊ |
$prj = $request->project;␊ |
$title = sprintf(__('%s Documentation'), (string) $prj);␊ |
// Paginator to paginate the pages␊ |
$pag = new Pluf_Paginator(new IDF_WikiPage());␊ |
$pag->class = 'recent-issues';␊ |
$pag->item_extra_props = array('project_m' => $prj,␊ |
'shortname' => $prj->shortname,␊ |
'current_user' => $request->user);␊ |
$pag->summary = __('This table shows the documentation pages.');␊ |
$pag->action = array('IDF_Views_Wiki::index', array($prj->shortname));␊ |
$pag->edit_action = array('IDF_Views_Wiki::view', 'shortname', 'title');␊ |
$sql = 'project=%s';␊ |
$ptags = self::getWikiTags($prj);␊ |
$dtag = array_pop($ptags); // The last tag is the deprecated tag.␊ |
$ids = self::getDeprecatedPagesIds($prj, $dtag);␊ |
if (count($ids)) {␊ |
$sql .= ' AND id NOT IN ('.implode(',', $ids).')';␊ |
}␊ |
$pag->forced_where = new Pluf_SQL($sql, array($prj->id));␊ |
$list_display = array(␊ |
'title' => __('Page Title'),␊ |
array('summary', 'IDF_Views_Wiki_SummaryAndLabels', __('Summary')),␊ |
array('modif_dtime', 'Pluf_Paginator_DateYMD', __('Updated')),␊ |
);␊ |
$pag->configure($list_display, array(), array('title', 'modif_dtime'));␊ |
$pag->items_per_page = 25;␊ |
$pag->no_results_text = __('No documentation pages were found.');␊ |
$pag->sort_order = array('title', 'ASC');␊ |
$pag->setFromRequest($request);␊ |
//$tags = $prj->getTagCloud('downloads');␊ |
return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/wiki/index.html',␊ |
array(␊ |
'page_title' => $title,␊ |
'pages' => $pag,␊ |
//'tags' => $tags,␊ |
'deprecated' => count($ids),␊ |
'dlabel' => $dtag,␊ |
),␊ |
$request);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* Create a new documentation page.␊ |
*/␊ |
public $create_precond = array('IDF_Precondition::accessWiki',␊ |
'Pluf_Precondition::loginRequired');␊ |
public function create($request, $match)␊ |
{␊ |
$prj = $request->project;␊ |
$title = __('New Page');␊ |
$preview = false;␊ |
if ($request->method == 'POST') {␊ |
$form = new IDF_Form_WikiCreate($request->POST,␊ |
array('project' => $prj,␊ |
'user' => $request->user␊ |
));␊ |
if ($form->isValid() and !isset($request->POST['preview'])) {␊ |
$page = $form->save();␊ |
$urlpage = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Wiki::view', ␊ |
array($prj->shortname, $page->title));␊ |
$request->user->setMessage(sprintf(__('The page <a href="%s">%s</a> has been created.'), $urlpage, Pluf_esc($page->title)));␊ |
$url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Wiki::index', ␊ |
array($prj->shortname));␊ |
return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect($url);␊ |
} elseif (isset($request->POST['preview'])) {␊ |
$preview = $request->POST['content'];␊ |
}␊ |
} else {␊ |
$form = new IDF_Form_WikiCreate(null,␊ |
array('project' => $prj,␊ |
'user' => $request->user));␊ |
}␊ |
return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/wiki/create.html',␊ |
array(␊ |
'auto_labels' => self::autoCompleteArrays($prj),␊ |
'page_title' => $title,␊ |
'form' => $form,␊ |
'preview' => $preview,␊ |
),␊ |
$request);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* View a documentation page.␊ |
*/␊ |
public $view_precond = array('IDF_Precondition::accessWiki');␊ |
public function view($request, $match)␊ |
{␊ |
$prj = $request->project;␊ |
// Find the page␊ |
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('project=%s AND title=%s', ␊ |
array($prj->id, $match[2]));␊ |
$pages = Pluf::factory('IDF_WikiPage')->getList(array('filter'=>$sql->gen()));␊ |
if ($pages->count() != 1) {␊ |
throw new Pluf_HTTP_Error404($request);␊ |
}␊ |
$page = $pages[0];␊ |
$title = $page->title;␊ |
$revision = $page->get_current_revision();␊ |
return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/wiki/view.html',␊ |
array(␊ |
'page_title' => $title,␊ |
'page' => $page,␊ |
'rev' => $revision,␊ |
'tags' => $page->get_tags_list(),␊ |
),␊ |
$request);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* View a documentation page.␊ |
*/␊ |
public $update_precond = array('IDF_Precondition::accessWiki',␊ |
'Pluf_Precondition::loginRequired');␊ |
public function update($request, $match)␊ |
{␊ |
$prj = $request->project;␊ |
// Find the page␊ |
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('project=%s AND title=%s', ␊ |
array($prj->id, $match[2]));␊ |
$pages = Pluf::factory('IDF_WikiPage')->getList(array('filter'=>$sql->gen()));␊ |
if ($pages->count() != 1) {␊ |
throw new Pluf_HTTP_Error404($request);␊ |
}␊ |
$page = $pages[0];␊ |
$title = sprintf(__('Update %s'), $page->title);␊ |
$revision = $page->get_current_revision();␊ |
$preview = false;␊ |
$params = array('project' => $prj,␊ |
'user' => $request->user,␊ |
'page' => $page);␊ |
if ($request->method == 'POST') {␊ |
$form = new IDF_Form_WikiUpdate($request->POST, $params);␊ |
if ($form->isValid() and !isset($request->POST['preview'])) {␊ |
$page = $form->save();␊ |
$urlpage = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Wiki::view', ␊ |
array($prj->shortname, $page->title));␊ |
$request->user->setMessage(sprintf(__('The page <a href="%s">%s</a> has been updated.'), $urlpage, Pluf_esc($page->title)));␊ |
$url = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('IDF_Views_Wiki::index', ␊ |
array($prj->shortname));␊ |
return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect($url);␊ |
} elseif (isset($request->POST['preview'])) {␊ |
$preview = $request->POST['content'];␊ |
}␊ |
} else {␊ |
␊ |
$form = new IDF_Form_WikiUpdate(null, $params);␊ |
}␊ |
return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/wiki/update.html',␊ |
array(␊ |
'auto_labels' => self::autoCompleteArrays($prj),␊ |
'page_title' => $title,␊ |
'page' => $page,␊ |
'rev' => $revision,␊ |
'form' => $form,␊ |
'preview' => $preview,␊ |
),␊ |
$request);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* Get the wiki tags.␊ |
*␊ |
* @param IDF_Project␊ |
* @return ArrayObject The tags␊ |
*/␊ |
public static function getWikiTags($project)␊ |
{␊ |
return $project->getTagsFromConfig('labels_wiki_predefined',␊ |
IDF_Form_WikiConf::init_predefined);␊ |
␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* Get deprecated page ids.␊ |
*␊ |
* @param IDF_Project␊ |
* @param IDF_Tag Deprecated tag (null)␊ |
* @return array Ids of the deprecated pages.␊ |
*/␊ |
public static function getDeprecatedPagesIds($project, $dtag=null)␊ |
{␊ |
if (is_null($dtag)) {␊ |
$ptags = self::getDownloadTags($project);␊ |
$dtag = array_pop($ptags); // The last tag is the deprecated tag␊ |
}␊ |
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('project=%s AND idf_tag_id=%s', array($project->id,␊ |
$dtag->id));␊ |
$ids = array();␊ |
foreach (Pluf::factory('IDF_WikiPage')->getList(array('filter' => $sql->gen(), 'view' => 'join_tags'))␊ |
as $file) {␊ |
$ids[] = (int) $file->id;␊ |
}␊ |
return $ids;␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* Create the autocomplete arrays for the little AJAX stuff.␊ |
*/␊ |
public static function autoCompleteArrays($project)␊ |
{␊ |
$conf = new IDF_Conf();␊ |
$conf->setProject($project);␊ |
$st = preg_split("/\015\012|\015|\012/", ␊ |
$conf->getVal('labels_wiki_predefined', IDF_Form_UploadConf::init_predefined), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);␊ |
$auto = '';␊ |
foreach ($st as $s) {␊ |
$v = '';␊ |
$d = '';␊ |
$_s = split('=', $s, 2);␊ |
if (count($_s) > 1) {␊ |
$v = trim($_s[0]);␊ |
$d = trim($_s[1]);␊ |
} else {␊ |
$v = trim($_s[0]);␊ |
}␊ |
$auto .= sprintf('{ name: "%s", to: "%s" }, ',␊ |
Pluf_esc($d), Pluf_esc($v));␊ |
}␊ |
return substr($auto, 0, -1);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
/**␊ |
* Display the summary of a page, then on a new line, display the␊ |
* list of labels.␊ |
*/␊ |
function IDF_Views_Wiki_SummaryAndLabels($field, $page, $extra='')␊ |
{␊ |
$tags = array();␊ |
foreach ($page->get_tags_list() as $tag) {␊ |
$tags[] = Pluf_esc((string) $tag);␊ |
}␊ |
$out = '';␊ |
if (count($tags)) {␊ |
$out = '<br /><span class="note label">'.implode(', ', $tags).'</span>';␊ |
}␊ |
return Pluf_esc($page->summary).$out;␊ |
}␊ |