foreach ($owners as $user => $nb) {␊ |
if ($user === '') {␊ |
$key = __('Not assigned');␊ |
$login = null;␊ |
} else {␊ |
$obj = Pluf::factory('Pluf_User')->getOne(array('filter'=>'id='.$user));␊ |
$key = $obj->first_name . ' ' . $obj->last_name;␊ |
$login = $obj->login;␊ |
}␊ |
$ownerStatistics[$key] = array($nb, (int)(100 * $nb / $opened), $obj->login);␊ |
$ownerStatistics[$key] = array($nb, (int)(100 * $nb / $opened), $login);␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
// Issue class tag statistics␊ |
*␊ |
* Only open issues are shown.␊ |
*/␊ |
public $myIssues_precond = array('IDF_Precondition::accessIssues');␊ |
public function myIssues($request, $match)␊ |
public $userIssues_precond = array('IDF_Precondition::accessIssues');␊ |
public function userIssues($request, $match)␊ |
{␊ |
$prj = $request->project;␊ |
␊ |
'current_user' => $request->user);␊ |
$pag->summary = __('This table shows the open issues.');␊ |
$pag->forced_where = $f_sql;␊ |
$pag->action = array('IDF_Views_Issue::myIssues', array($prj->shortname, $match[2]));␊ |
$pag->action = array('IDF_Views_Issue::userIssues', array($prj->shortname, $match[2]));␊ |
$pag->sort_order = array('modif_dtime', 'ASC'); // will be reverted␊ |
$pag->sort_reverse_order = array('modif_dtime');␊ |
$pag->sort_link_title = true;␊ |
$pag->items_per_page = 10;␊ |
$pag->no_results_text = __('No issues were found.');␊ |
$pag->setFromRequest($request);␊ |
return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/issues/my-issues.html',␊ |
return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/issues/userIssues.html',␊ |
array('project' => $prj,␊ |
'page_title' => $title,␊ |
'login' => $user->login,␊ |