</pre>␊ |
␊ |
<p>␊ |
The format is more or less self-explaining, all fields map to properties of a single download.␊ |
One special element has been introduced though, <code>replaces</code>. If this optional element␊ |
The format is more or less self-explaining, all fields map to properties of a single download. Note␊ |
that there is a limit of <strong>six</strong> labels that you can attach to a download, similar to␊ |
what the regular file upload functionality allows.␊ |
</p> ␊ |
␊ |
<p>One special element has been introduced and this is named <code>replaces</code>. If this optional element␊ |
is given, InDefero looks for a file with that name in the project and acts in one of the following␊ |
two ways:␊ |
</p>␊ |