<li><a href="#q-keyboard">{trans 'What are the keyboard shortcuts?'}</a></li>␊ |
<li><a href="#q-duplicate">{trans 'How to mark an issue as duplicate?'}</a></li>␊ |
<li><a href="#q-mugshot">{trans 'How can I display my head next to my comments?'}</a></li>␊ |
<li><a href="#q-api">{trans 'What is the API and how to use it?'}</a></li>␊ |
<li><a href="#q-api">{trans 'What is the API and how is it used?'}</a></li>␊ |
</ul>␊ |
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<h2 id="q-keyboard">{trans 'What are the keyboard shortcuts?'}</h2>␊ |
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<p>{blocktrans}You need to create an account on <a href="http://en.gravatar.com/">Gravatar</a>, this takes about 5 minutes and is free.{/blocktrans}</p>␊ |
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<h2 id="q-api">{trans 'What is the API and how to use it?'}</h2>␊ |
<h2 id="q-api">{trans 'What is the API and how is it used?'}</h2>␊ |
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<p>{blocktrans}The API (Application Programming Interface) is used to interact with InDefero with another program. For example, this can be used to create a desktop program to submit new tickets easily.{/blocktrans}</p>{aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views::faqApi'}␊ |
<p>{blocktrans}<a href="{$url}">Learn more about the API</a>.{/blocktrans}</p>␊ |