<?php␊ |
/**␊ |
* This is a basic test configuration file for unit tests. It mimics most of␊ |
* the defaults from IDF/conf/idf.php-dist, but sets up a local sqlite database␊ |
* which is purged before each test run and uses a different temporary file␊ |
* directory.␊ |
*␊ |
* You can keep most of these settings as is, but ensure that you set up␊ |
* 'pear_path' at least, otherwise you'll get strange errors.␊ |
*/␊ |
␊ |
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../src/IDF/conf/path.php';␊ |
␊ |
$cfg = array();␊ |
$cfg['debug'] = true;␊ |
$cfg['debug_scm'] = true;␊ |
$cfg['git_repositories'] = '/home/git/repositories/%s.git';␊ |
$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://localhost/%s.git';␊ |
$cfg['git_write_remote_url'] = 'git@localhost:%s.git';␊ |
$cfg['svn_repositories'] = 'file:///home/svn/repositories/%s';␊ |
$cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://localhost/svn/%s';␊ |
$cfg['mtn_path'] = 'mtn';␊ |
$cfg['mtn_opts'] = array('--no-workspace', '--no-standard-rcfiles');␊ |
$cfg['mtn_repositories'] = '/home/mtn/repositories/%s.mtn';␊ |
$cfg['mtn_remote_url'] = 'mtn://my-host.biz/%s';␊ |
$cfg['mtn_db_access'] = 'local';␊ |
#$cfg['mtn_confdir'] = '/path/to/dir/tree/';␊ |
#$cfg['mtn_confdir_extra'] = array('hooks.d/something.lua')␊ |
#$cfg['mtn_usher_conf'] = '/path/to/usher.conf';␊ |
$cfg['mercurial_repositories'] = '/home/mercurial/repositories/%s';␊ |
#$cfg['mercurial_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/hg/%s';␊ |
$cfg['admins'] = array(array('Admin', 'you@example.com'),);␊ |
$cfg['send_emails'] = true;␊ |
$cfg['mail_backend'] = 'smtp';␊ |
$cfg['mail_host'] = 'localhost';␊ |
$cfg['mail_port'] = 25;␊ |
$cfg['idf_base'] = '/index.php';␊ |
$cfg['url_base'] = 'http://localhost';␊ |
$cfg['url_media'] = 'http://localhost/media';␊ |
$cfg['url_upload'] = 'http://localhost/media/upload';␊ |
$cfg['upload_path'] = '/home/www/indefero/www/media/upload';␊ |
$cfg['upload_issue_path'] = '/home/www/indefero/attachments';␊ |
$cfg['secret_key'] = '';␊ |
$cfg['from_email'] = 'sender@example.com';␊ |
$cfg['bounce_email'] = 'no-reply@example.com';␊ |
$cfg['tmp_folder'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmp';␊ |
$cfg['db_login'] = 'www';␊ |
$cfg['db_password'] = '';␊ |
$cfg['db_server'] = '';␊ |
$cfg['db_version'] = '5.1';␊ |
$cfg['db_table_prefix'] = 'indefero_';␊ |
$cfg['db_engine'] = 'SQLite';␊ |
$cfg['db_database'] = dirname(__FILE__).'/test.db';␊ |
# $cfg['idf_extra_upload_ext'] = 'ext1 ext2';␊ |
# $cfg['max_upload_size'] = 2097152;␊ |
# $cfg['time_zone'] = 'Europe/Berlin';␊ |
$cfg['pear_path'] = '/usr/share/php';␊ |
$cfg['login_success_url'] = $cfg['url_base'].$cfg['idf_base'];␊ |
$cfg['after_logout_page'] = $cfg['url_base'].$cfg['idf_base'];␊ |
$cfg['cache_engine'] = 'Pluf_Cache_File';␊ |
$cfg['cache_timeout'] = 300;␊ |
$cfg['cache_file_folder'] = $cfg['tmp_folder'].'/cache';␊ |
$cfg['template_folders'] = array(dirname(__FILE__).'/../src/IDF/templates');␊ |
$cfg['installed_apps'] = array('Pluf', 'IDF');␊ |
$cfg['pluf_use_rowpermission'] = true;␊ |
$cfg['middleware_classes'] = array(␊ |
'Pluf_Middleware_Csrf',␊ |
'Pluf_Middleware_Session',␊ |
'IDF_Middleware',␊ |
'Pluf_Middleware_Translation',␊ |
);␊ |
$cfg['template_context_processors'] = array('IDF_Middleware_ContextPreProcessor');␊ |
$cfg['idf_views'] = dirname(__FILE__).'/../src/IDF/conf/urls.php';␊ |
␊ |
$cfg['languages'] = array('en', 'fr', 'de', 'es_ES');␊ |
$cfg['allowed_scm'] = array(␊ |
'git' => 'IDF_Scm_Git',␊ |
'svn' => 'IDF_Scm_Svn',␊ |
'mercurial' => 'IDF_Scm_Mercurial',␊ |
'mtn' => 'IDF_Scm_Monotone',␊ |
);␊ |
# $cfg['git_core_quotepath'] = false;␊ |
# $cfg['idf_strong_key_check'] = false;␊ |
# $cfg['idf_mimetypes_db'] = '/etc/mime.types';␊ |
# $cfg['idf_extra_text_ext'] = 'ext1 ext2 ext3';␊ |
# $cfg['idf_exec_cmd_prefix'] = '/usr/bin/env -i ';␊ |
# $cfg['svn_path'] = 'svn';␊ |
# $cfg['svnlook_path'] = 'svnlook';␊ |
# $cfg['svnadmin_path'] = 'svnadmin';␊ |
# $cfg['hg_path'] = 'hg';␊ |
# $cfg['git_path'] = 'git';␊ |
# $cfg['idf_no_size_check'] = false;␊ |
␊ |
return $cfg;␊ |
␊ |