// to start with, it can be practical.␊ |
$cfg['debug'] = false;␊ |
␊ |
// if you have a single git repository, just put the full path to it␊ |
// without trailing slash.␊ |
// If within a folder you have a series of bare git repository, just ␊ |
// put the folder without a trailing slash.␊ |
// InDefero will automatically append a slash, the project shortname ␊ |
// and .git to create the name of the repository.␊ |
$cfg['git_repositories'] = '/home/git/repositories/indefero.git';␊ |
$cfg['git_repositories_unique'] = true;␊ |
$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://projects.ceondo.com/indefero.git';␊ |
␊ |
// One git repository per project. "/".$project->shortname.".git"␊ |
// is automatically added to the end of the path/url.␊ |
//$cfg['git_repositories'] = '/home/git/repositories';␊ |
//$cfg['git_repositories_unique'] = false;␊ |
//$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://projects.ceondo.com';␊ |
// If you have a single git repository, just put the full path to it␊ |
// without trailing slash. The path is the path to the git database,␊ |
// so you need to include the /.git folder.␊ |
// For example: '/path/to/my/project/.git'␊ |
//␊ |
// If you have multiple repositories, you need to put %s where you␊ |
// want the shortname of the project to be replaced. ␊ |
// For example:␊ |
// - You have many projects on your local computer and want to use ␊ |
// InDefero to see them. Put: '/home/yourlogin/Projects/%s/.git'␊ |
// - You have many projects on a remote server with only "bare" git␊ |
// repositories. Put: '/home/git/repositories/%s.git'␊ |
//␊ |
$cfg['git_repositories'] = '/home/git/repositories/%s.git';␊ |
//␊ |
// Like for the git_repositories definition, the path can contains %s␊ |
// and it will be automatically replaced. You can ignore this␊ |
// configuration variable as it is only for information use in the␊ |
// tree view.␊ |
//␊ |
$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://projects.ceondo.com/%s.git';␊ |
␊ |
// Same as for git, you can have multiple repositories, one for each␊ |
// project or a single one for all the projects. ␊ |
// remote repository from the web interface. From the web interface␊ |
// you can define a local repository, local repositories are defined␊ |
// here. This if for security reasons.␊ |
$cfg['svn_repositories'] = 'file:///home/svn/repositories/indefero';␊ |
$cfg['svn_repositories_unique'] = true;␊ |
$cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/svn/indefero';␊ |
$cfg['svn_repositories'] = 'file:///home/svn/repositories/%s';␊ |
$cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/svn/%s';␊ |
␊ |
// Mercurial repositories path␊ |
//$cfg['mercurial_repositories'] = '/home/mercurial/repositories';␊ |
//$cfg['mercurial_repositories_unique'] = false;␊ |
//$cfg['mercurial_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/hg';␊ |
␊ |
// Example of one *local* subversion repository for each project:␊ |
␊ |
// the path to the repository on disk will automatically created to be␊ |
// 'file:///home/svn/repositories'.'/'.$project->shortname␊ |
// the url will be generated the same way:␊ |
// 'http://projects.ceondo.com/svn'.'/'.$project->shortname␊ |
// $cfg['svn_repositories'] = 'file:///home/svn/repositories';␊ |
// $cfg['svn_repositories_unique'] = false;␊ |
// $cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/svn';␊ |
//$cfg['mercurial_repositories'] = '/home/mercurial/repositories/%s';␊ |
//$cfg['mercurial_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/hg/%s';␊ |
␊ |
// admins will get an email in case of errors in the system in non␊ |
// debug mode.␊ |
# SCM base configuration␊ |
$cfg['allowed_scm'] = array('git' => 'IDF_Scm_Git',␊ |
'svn' => 'IDF_Scm_Svn',␊ |
'mercurial' => 'IDF_Scm_Mercurial',␊ |
);␊ |
␊ |
␊ |