$cfg['debug'] = true;␊ |
# It will help you catch errors at beginning when configuring your ␊ |
# SCM backend. It must be turned off in production.␊ |
$cfg['debug_scm'] = true; ␊ |
$cfg['debug_scm'] = false; ␊ |
␊ |
# If you have a single git repository, just put the full path to it␊ |
# without trailing slash. The path is the path to the git database,␊ |
# configuration variable as it is only for information use in the␊ |
# tree view.␊ |
#␊ |
$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://projects.ceondo.com/%s.git';␊ |
$cfg['git_remote_url'] = 'git://localhost/%s.git';␊ |
␊ |
# Same as for git, you can have multiple repositories, one for each␊ |
# project or a single one for all the projects. ␊ |
# you can define a local repository, local repositories are defined␊ |
# here. This if for security reasons.␊ |
$cfg['svn_repositories'] = 'file:///home/svn/repositories/%s';␊ |
$cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/svn/%s';␊ |
$cfg['svn_remote_url'] = 'http://localhost/svn/%s';␊ |
␊ |
# Mercurial repositories path␊ |
#$cfg['mercurial_repositories'] = '/home/mercurial/repositories/%s';␊ |
# $cfg['idf_base'] = '/myfolder/index.php';␊ |
# $cfg['url_base'] = 'http://www.mydomain.com';␊ |
#␊ |
# You have: ␊ |
# You have mod_rewrite: ␊ |
# http://www.mydomain.com/␊ |
# Put:␊ |
# $cfg['idf_base'] = '';␊ |
#␊ |
#␊ |
#␊ |
$cfg['idf_base'] = '';␊ |
$cfg['url_base'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com';␊ |
$cfg['idf_base'] = '/index.php';␊ |
$cfg['url_base'] = 'http://localhost';␊ |
␊ |
# Url to access the media folder which is in the www folder ␊ |
# of the archive␊ |
$cfg['url_media'] = 'http://projects.ceondo.com/media';␊ |
$cfg['url_media'] = 'http://localhost/media';␊ |
␊ |
# Url to access a folder in which the files you upload through␊ |
# the downloads tab will be stored.␊ |
$cfg['url_upload'] = 'http://projects/ceondo.com/media/upload';␊ |
$cfg['url_upload'] = 'http://localhost/media/upload';␊ |
# Path to the upload folder␊ |
$cfg['upload_path'] = '/path/to/media/upload';␊ |
$cfg['upload_path'] = '/home/www/indefero/www/media/upload';␊ |
␊ |
#␊ |
# The following path *MUST NOT* be accessible through a web browser ␊ |
# create *TERRIBLE* security issues. In this folder, the attachments ␊ |
# to the issues will be uploaded and we do not restrict the content type.␊ |
#␊ |
$cfg['upload_issue_path'] = '/path/to/attachments';␊ |
$cfg['upload_issue_path'] = '/home/www/indefero/attachments';␊ |
␊ |
#␊ |
# write here a long random string unique for this installation. This␊ |
$cfg['tmp_folder'] = '/tmp';␊ |
␊ |
# Database configuration␊ |
# For testing we are using in memory SQLite database.␊ |
$cfg['db_login'] = 'www';␊ |
$cfg['db_password'] = '';␊ |
$cfg['db_server'] = '';␊ |
# Only needed for MySQL␊ |
$cfg['db_version'] = '5.1';␊ |
$cfg['db_version'] = '5.1'; # Only needed for MySQL␊ |
# If you want to have different installations with the same DB␊ |
$cfg['db_table_prefix'] = 'indefero_'; ␊ |