{extends "idf/wiki/base.html"}␊ |
{block extraheader}{if $oldrev}<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX" />{/if}{/block}␊ |
{block docclass}yui-t3{assign $inResourceView=true}{/block}␊ |
{block body}␊ |
␊ |
{assign $submitter = $oldrev.get_submitter()}{aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_Wiki::viewResource', array($project.shortname, $resource.title)}␊ |
<div class="old-rev">␊ |
<p>{blocktrans}You are looking at an old revision (<em>{$oldrev.summary}</em>) of the resource ␊ |
<a href="{$url}">{$resource.title}</a>. This revision was created by {$submitter}.{/blocktrans}</p>␊ |
</div>␊ |
<p>{blocktrans}If you delete this old revision, it will be removed from the database and <strong>you will not be able to recover it</strong>.{/blocktrans}</p>␊ |
<form method="post" action=".">␊ |
<table class="form" summary="">␊ |
<tr>␊ |
<td> </td>␊ |
<td><input type="submit" value="{trans 'Delete Revision'}" name="submit" /> | <a href="{url 'IDF_Views_Wiki::viewResource', array($project.shortname, $resource.title)}">{trans 'Cancel'}</a> ␊ |
</td>␊ |
</tr>␊ |
</table>␊ |
</form>␊ |
␊ |
<p class="desc">{$resource.summary}</p>␊ |
␊ |
{assign $preview = $rev.renderRaw()}␊ |
{if $preview == ''}␊ |
{assign $preview = __('Unable to render preview for this MIME type.')}␊ |
{/if}␊ |
<p class="preview">{$preview|unsafe}</p>␊ |
␊ |
<ul>␊ |
<li>{trans 'File size'}: {$rev.filesize|size}</li>␊ |
<li>{trans 'MIME type'}: {$resource.mime_type}</li>␊ |
<li><a href="{$rev.getRawURL(true)}">{trans 'Download this file'}</a></li>␊ |
</ul>␊ |
{/block}␊ |
␊ |
{/block}␊ |
{block context}␊ |
{assign $submitter = $resource.get_submitter()}␊ |
<p><strong>{trans 'Created:'}</strong> <span class="nobrk">{$resource.creation_dtime|dateago}</span><br /><span class="nobrk">{blocktrans}by {$submitter}{/blocktrans}</span></p>␊ |
{if $rev.creation_dtime != $resource.creation_dtime}<p>{assign $submitter = $rev.get_submitter()}␊ |
<strong>{trans 'Updated:'}</strong> <span class="nobrk">{$rev.creation_dtime|dateago}</span><br /><span class="nobrk">{blocktrans}by {$submitter}{/blocktrans}</span></p>{/if}␊ |
{if $revs.count() > 0}␊ |
<p><strong>{trans 'Old Revisions'}</strong></p>␊ |
<ul>{foreach $revs as $old}␊ |
<li><a href="{url 'IDF_Views_Wiki::viewResource', array($project.shortname, $resource.title), array('rev'=>$old.id)}">{$old.summary}</a></li>␊ |
{/foreach}</ul>␊ |
{/if}␊ |
{/block}␊ |