),␊ |
));␊ |
␊ |
$this->fields['relation_type'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar(␊ |
$idx = 0;␊ |
// note: clean_relation_type0 and clean_relation_issue0 already␊ |
// exist in the base class␊ |
$this->fields['relation_type'.$idx] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar(␊ |
array('required' => false,␊ |
'label' => __('This issue'),␊ |
'initial' => current($this->relation_types),␊ |
'widget_attrs' => array('size' => 15),␊ |
));␊ |
␊ |
$this->fields['relation_issue'] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar(␊ |
$this->fields['relation_issue'.$idx] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar(␊ |
array('required' => false,␊ |
'label' => null,␊ |
'initial' => '',␊ |
'widget_attrs' => array('size' => 10),␊ |
));␊ |
␊ |
++$idx;␊ |
$relatedIssues = $this->issue->getGroupedRelatedIssues(array(), true);␊ |
foreach ($relatedIssues as $verb => $ids) {␊ |
$this->fields['relation_type'.$idx] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar(␊ |
array('required' => false,␊ |
'label' => __('This issue'),␊ |
'initial' => $verb,␊ |
'widget_attrs' => array('size' => 15),␊ |
));␊ |
$m = 'clean_relation_type'.$idx;␊ |
$this->$m = create_function('$form', '␊ |
return $form->clean_relation_type($form->cleaned_data["relation_type'.$idx.'"]);␊ |
');␊ |
␊ |
$this->fields['relation_issue'.$idx] = new Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar(␊ |
array('required' => false,␊ |
'label' => null,␊ |
'initial' => implode(', ', $ids),␊ |
'widget_attrs' => array('size' => 10),␊ |
));␊ |
$m = 'clean_relation_issue'.$idx;␊ |
$this->$m = create_function('$form', '␊ |
return $form->clean_relation_issue($form->cleaned_data["relation_issue'.$idx.'"]);␊ |
');␊ |
␊ |
++$idx;␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
$tags = $this->issue->get_tags_list();␊ |
for ($i=1;$i<7;$i++) {␊ |
$initial = '';␊ |
public function clean()␊ |
{␊ |
$this->cleaned_data = parent::clean();␊ |
␊ |
// normalize the user's input by removing dublettes and by combining␊ |
// ids from identical verbs in different input fields into one array␊ |
$normRelatedIssues = array();␊ |
for ($idx = 0; isset($this->cleaned_data['relation_type'.$idx]); ++$idx) {␊ |
$verb = $this->cleaned_data['relation_type'.$idx];␊ |
$ids = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $this->cleaned_data['relation_issue'.$idx],␊ |
if (count($ids) == 0)␊ |
continue;␊ |
␊ |
if (!array_key_exists($verb, $normRelatedIssues))␊ |
$normRelatedIssues[$verb] = array();␊ |
foreach ($ids as $id) {␊ |
if (!in_array($id, $normRelatedIssues[$verb]))␊ |
$normRelatedIssues[$verb][] = $id;␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
// now look at any added / removed ids␊ |
$added = $removed = array();␊ |
$relatedIssues = $this->issue->getGroupedRelatedIssues(array(), true);␊ |
$added = array_diff_key($normRelatedIssues, $relatedIssues);␊ |
$removed = array_diff_key($relatedIssues, $normRelatedIssues);␊ |
␊ |
$keysToLookAt = array_keys(␊ |
array_intersect_key($relatedIssues, $normRelatedIssues)␊ |
);␊ |
foreach ($keysToLookAt as $key) {␊ |
$a = array_diff($normRelatedIssues[$key], $relatedIssues[$key]);␊ |
if (count($a) > 0)␊ |
$added[$key] = $a;␊ |
$r = array_diff($relatedIssues[$key], $normRelatedIssues[$key]);␊ |
if (count($r) > 0)␊ |
$removed[$key] = $r;␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
// cache the added / removed data, so we do not have to␊ |
// calculate that again␊ |
$this->cleaned_data['_added_issue_relations'] = $added;␊ |
$this->cleaned_data['_removed_issue_relations'] = $removed;␊ |
␊ |
// As soon as we know that at least one change was done, we␊ |
// return the cleaned data and do not go further.␊ |
if (strlen(trim($this->cleaned_data['content']))) {␊ |
return $this->cleaned_data;␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
if (count($this->cleaned_data['_added_issue_relations']) != 0 ||␊ |
count($this->cleaned_data['_removed_issue_relations']) != 0) {␊ |
return $this->cleaned_data;␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
// no changes!␊ |
throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(__('No changes were entered.'));␊ |
foreach ($tags as $tag) {␊ |
if (!Pluf_Model_InArray($tag, $oldtags)) {␊ |
if (!isset($changes['lb'])) $changes['lb'] = array();␊ |
if (!isset($changes['lb']['add'])) $changes['lb']['add'] = array();␊ |
if ($tag->class != 'Other') {␊ |
$changes['lb'][] = (string) $tag; //new tag␊ |
$changes['lb']['add'][] = (string) $tag; //new tag␊ |
} else {␊ |
$changes['lb'][] = (string) $tag->name;␊ |
$changes['lb']['add'][] = (string) $tag->name;␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
foreach ($oldtags as $tag) {␊ |
if (!Pluf_Model_InArray($tag, $tags)) {␊ |
if (!isset($changes['lb'])) $changes['lb'] = array();␊ |
if (!isset($changes['lb']['rem'])) $changes['lb']['rem'] = array();␊ |
if ($tag->class != 'Other') {␊ |
$changes['lb'][] = '-'.(string) $tag; //new tag␊ |
$changes['lb']['rem'][] = (string) $tag; //new tag␊ |
} else {␊ |
$changes['lb'][] = '-'.(string) $tag->name;␊ |
$changes['lb']['rem'][] = (string) $tag->name;␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
}␊ |
or ((!is_null($owner) and !is_null($this->issue->get_owner())) and $owner->id != $this->issue->get_owner()->id)) {␊ |
$changes['ow'] = (is_null($owner)) ? '---' : $owner->login;␊ |
}␊ |
// Issue relations - additions␊ |
foreach ($this->cleaned_data['_added_issue_relations'] as $verb => $ids) {␊ |
$other_verb = $this->relation_types[$verb];␊ |
foreach ($ids as $id) {␊ |
$related_issue = new IDF_Issue($id);␊ |
$rel = new IDF_IssueRelation();␊ |
$rel->issue = $this->issue;␊ |
$rel->verb = $verb;␊ |
$rel->other_issue = $related_issue;␊ |
$rel->submitter = $this->user;␊ |
$rel->create();␊ |
␊ |
$other_rel = new IDF_IssueRelation();␊ |
$other_rel->issue = $related_issue;␊ |
$other_rel->verb = $other_verb;␊ |
$other_rel->other_issue = $this->issue;␊ |
$other_rel->submitter = $this->user;␊ |
$other_rel->create();␊ |
}␊ |
if (!isset($changes['rel'])) $changes['rel'] = array();␊ |
if (!isset($changes['rel']['add'])) $changes['rel']['add'] = array();␊ |
$changes['rel']['add'][] = $verb.' '.implode(', ', $ids);␊ |
}␊ |
// Issue relations - removals␊ |
foreach ($this->cleaned_data['_removed_issue_relations'] as $verb => $ids) {␊ |
foreach ($ids as $id) {␊ |
$db = &Pluf::db();␊ |
$table = Pluf::factory('IDF_IssueRelation')->getSqlTable();␊ |
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('verb=%s AND (␊ |
(issue=%s AND other_issue=%s) OR␊ |
(other_issue=%s AND issue=%s))',␊ |
array($verb,␊ |
$this->issue->id, $id,␊ |
$this->issue->id, $id));␊ |
$db->execute('DELETE FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$sql->gen());␊ |
}␊ |
␊ |
if (!isset($changes['rel'])) $changes['rel'] = array();␊ |
if (!isset($changes['rel']['rem'])) $changes['rel']['rem'] = array();␊ |
$changes['rel']['rem'][] = $verb.' '.implode(', ', $ids);␊ |
}␊ |
// Update the issue␊ |
$this->issue->batchAssoc('IDF_Tag', $tagids);␊ |
$this->issue->summary = trim($this->cleaned_data['summary']);␊ |