␊ |
.PHONY: help␊ |
help:␊ |
␉@printf "Rules for generate tarball :\n"␊ |
␉@printf "Rules for generating distributable files :\n"␊ |
␉@for b in `git branch | sed "s/^. //g"`; do \␊ |
␉␉printf "\t"$$b"_tarball - Generate a zip archive of the "$$b" branch.\n"; \␊ |
␉␉printf "\t"$$b"-zipfile - Generate a zip archive of the "$$b" branch.\n"; \␊ |
␉done␊ |
␉@printf "\nRules for internationnalization :\n";␊ |
␉@printf "\tpot-update - Update the POT file from HTML template and PHP source, then merge it with PO file.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpot-push - Send the POT file on transifex server.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpo-update - Merge POT file into PO file. POT is not regenerated.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpo-push - Send the all PO file on transifex server.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpo-pull - Get all PO file from transifex server.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpo-stats - Show statistics about translation on each PO file .\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\nRules for internationalization :\n";␊ |
␉@printf "\tpot-update - Update the POT file from HTML templates and PHP sources, then merge it with PO file.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpot-push - Send the POT file to the transifex server.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpo-update - Merge the POT file into the PO file. The POT is not regenerated.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpo-push - Send the all PO files to the transifex server.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpo-pull - Get all PO files from the transifex server.\n"␊ |
␉@printf "\tpo-stats - Show translation statistics of all PO files.\n"␊ |
␊ |
#␊ |
# Internationnalization rule, POT & PO file manipulation␊ |
# Internationalization rule, POT & PO file manipulation␊ |
#␊ |
.PHONY: pluf_path␊ |
pluf_path:␊ |
␉@cd src; php $(PLUF_PATH)/extracttemplates.php IDF/conf/idf.php IDF/gettexttemplates␊ |
␉@cd src; for phpfile in `find . -iname "*.php"`; do \␊ |
␉␉printf "Parsing file : "$$phpfile"\n"; \␊ |
␉␉xgettext -o idf.pot -p ./IDF/locale/ --from-code=UTF-8 -j --keyword --keyword=__ --keyword=_n:1,2 -L PHP $$phpfile ; \␊ |
␉␉xgettext -o idf.pot -p ./IDF/locale/ --from-code=UTF-8 -j \␊ |
␉␉␉--keyword --keyword=__ --keyword=_n:1,2 -L PHP $$phpfile ; \␊ |
␉␉done␊ |
␉#␉Remove tmp folder␊ |
␉rm -Rf src/IDF/gettexttemplates␊ |
␉printf "source_file = src/IDF/locale/idf.pot\n" >> .tx/config; \␊ |
␉printf "source_lang = en\n" >> .tx/config; \␊ |
␉fi␊ |
␉@if [ ! -e $(HOME)/.transifexrc ]; then␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉@if [ ! -e $(HOME)/.transifexrc ]; then␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉touch $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "[http://www.transifex.net]\n" >> $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "[http://www.transifex.net]\n" >> $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "username = \n" >> $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "token = \n" >> $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "token = \n" >> $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "password = \n" >> $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "hostname = http://www.transifex.net\n" >> $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "You must edit the file ~/.transifexrc to setup your transifex account (login & password) !\n";␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "hostname = http://www.transifex.net\n" >> $(HOME)/.transifexrc;␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉printf "You must edit the file ~/.transifexrc to setup your transifex account (login & password) !\n";␉\␊ |
␉exit 1;␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉␉\␊ |
␉fi␊ |
␊ |
␉done␊ |
␊ |
#␊ |
# Generic rule to build a tarball of indefero for a specified branch␊ |
# ex: make master_tarball␊ |
# make dev_tarball␊ |
# Generic rule to build a zipfile of indefero for a specified branch␊ |
# ex: make master_zipfile␊ |
# make develop_zipfile␊ |
#␊ |
%_tarball:␊ |
␉@git archive --format=zip --prefix="indefero/" $(@:_tarball=) > indefero-$(@:_tarball=)-`git log $(@:_tarball=) -n 1 --pretty=format:%H`.zip␊ |
%-zipfile:␊ |
␉@git archive --format=zip --prefix="indefero/" $(@:-zipfile=) \␊ |
␉␉> indefero-$(@:-zipfile=)-`git log $(@:-zipfile=) -n 1 \␊ |
␉␉--pretty=format:%h`.zip␊ |
␊ |