/* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
# This file is part of Plume Framework, a simple PHP Application Framework.
# Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors.
# Plume Framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Plume Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* Sort of Active Record Class
class Pluf_Model
public $_model = __CLASS__; //set it to your model name
/** Database connection. */
public $_con = null;
* Store the attributes of the model. To minimize pollution of the
* property space, all the attributes are stored in this array.
* Description of the keys:
* 'table': The table in which the model is stored.
* 'model': The name of the model.
* 'cols': The definition of the columns.
* 'idx': The definition of the indexes.
* 'views': The definition of the views.
* 'verbose': The verbose name of the model.
public $_a = array('table' => 'model',
'model' => 'Pluf_Model',
'cols' => array(),
'idx' => array(),
'views' => array(),
/** Storage of the data.
* The object data are stored in an associative array. Each key
* corresponds to a column and stores a Pluf_DB_Field_* variable.
protected $_data = array();
* Storage cached data for methods_get
protected $_cache = array(); // We should use a global cache.
/** List of the foreign keys.
* Set by the init() method from the definition of the columns.
protected $_fk = array();
* Methods available, this array is dynamically populated by init
* method.
protected $_m = array('list' => array(), // get_*_list methods
'many' => array(), // many to many
'get' => array(), // foreign keys
'extra' => array(), // added by some fields
function __construct($pk=null, $values=array())
if ((int) $pk > 0) {
$this->get($pk); //Should not have a side effect
function init()
// Define it yourself.
* Define the list of methods for the model from the available
* model relationship.
function _init()
if (isset($GLOBALS['_PX_models_init_cache'][$this->_model])) {
$init_cache = $GLOBALS['_PX_models_init_cache'][$this->_model];
$this->_cache = $init_cache['cache'];
$this->_m = $init_cache['m'];
$this->_a = $init_cache['a'];
$this->_fk = $init_cache['fk'];
$this->_data = $init_cache['data'];
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col => $val) {
$field = new $val['type']('', $col);
$col_lower = strtolower($col);
$type = 'foreignkey';
if ($type === $field->type) {
$this->_m['get']['get_'.$col_lower] = array($val['model'], $col);
$this->_cache['fk'][$col] = $type;
$this->_fk[$col] = $type;
$type = 'manytomany';
if ($type === $field->type) {
$this->_m['list']['get_'.$col_lower.'_list'] = $val['model'];
$this->_m['many'][$val['model']] = $type;
foreach ($field->methods as $method) {
$this->_m['extra'][$method[0]] = array($col_lower, $method[1]);
if (array_key_exists('default', $val)) {
$this->_data[$col] = $val['default'];
} else {
$this->_data[$col] = '';
$GLOBALS['_PX_models_init_cache'][$this->_model] = array(
'cache' => $this->_cache,
'm' => $this->_m,
'a' => $this->_a,
'fk' => $this->_fk,
'data' => $this->_data,
* Retrieve key relationships of a given model.
* @param string $model
* @param string $type Relation type: 'foreignkey' or 'manytomany'.
* @return array Key relationships.
public function getRelationKeysToModel($model, $type)
$keys = array();
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col => $val) {
if (isset($val['model']) && $model === $val['model']) {
$field = new $val['type']();
if ($type === $field->type) {
$keys[$col] = $val;
return $keys;
* Get the foreign keys relating to a given model.
* @deprecated Use {@link self::getRelationKeysToModel()} instead.
* @param string Model
* @return array Foreign keys
function getForeignKeysToModel($model)
return $this->getRelationKeysToModel($model, 'foreignkey');
* Get the raw data of the object.
* For the many to many relations, the value is an array of ids.
* @return array Associative array of the data.
function getData()
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col=>$val) {
$field = new $val['type']();
if ($field->type == 'manytomany') {
$this->_data[$col] = array();
$method = 'get_'.strtolower($col).'_list';
foreach ($this->$method() as $item) {
$this->_data[$col][] = $item->id;
return $this->_data;
* Set the association of a model to another in many to many.
* @param object Object to associate to the current object
function setAssoc($model)
if (!$this->delAssoc($model)) {
return false;
$hay = array(strtolower($model->_a['model']), strtolower($this->_a['model']));
$table = $hay[0].'_'.$hay[1].'_assoc';
$req = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->_con->pfx.$table."\n";
$req .= '('.$this->_con->qn(strtolower($this->_a['model']).'_id').', '
.$this->_con->qn(strtolower($model->_a['model']).'_id').') VALUES '."\n";
$req .= '('.$this->_toDb($this->_data['id'], 'id').', ';
$req .= $this->_toDb($model->id, 'id').')';
return true;
* Set the association of a model to another in many to many.
* @param object Object to associate to the current object
function delAssoc($model)
//check if ok to make the association
//current model has a many to many key with $model
//$model has a many to many key with current model
if (!isset($this->_m['many'][$model->_a['model']])
or strlen($this->_data['id']) == 0
or strlen($model->id) == 0) {
return false;
$hay = array(strtolower($model->_a['model']), strtolower($this->_a['model']));
$table = $hay[0].'_'.$hay[1].'_assoc';
$req = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->_con->pfx.$table.' WHERE'."\n";
$req .= $this->_con->qn(strtolower($this->_a['model']).'_id').' = '.$this->_toDb($this->_data['id'], 'id');
$req .= ' AND '.$this->_con->qn(strtolower($model->_a['model']).'_id').' = '.$this->_toDb($model->id, 'id');
return true;
* Bulk association of models to the current one.
* @param string Model name
* @param array Ids of Model name
* @return bool Success
function batchAssoc($model_name, $ids)
$currents = $this->getRelated($model_name);
foreach ($currents as $cur) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$m = new $model_name($id);
if ($m->id == $id) {
return true;
* Get a database connection.
function _getConnection()
static $con = null;
if ($this->_con !== null) {
return $this->_con;
if ($con !== null) {
$this->_con = $con;
return $this->_con;
$this->_con = &Pluf::db($this);
$con = $this->_con;
return $this->_con;
* Get a database connection.
function getDbConnection()
return $this->_getConnection();
* Get the table of the model.
* Avoid doing the concatenation of the prefix and the table
* manually.
function getSqlTable()
return $this->_con->pfx.$this->_a['table'];
* Overloading of the get method.
* @param string Property to get
function __get($prop)
return (array_key_exists($prop, $this->_data)) ?
$this->_data[$prop] : $this->__call($prop, array());
* Overloading of the set method.
* @param string Property to set
* @param mixed Value to set
function __set($prop, $val)
if (null !== $val and isset($this->_cache['fk'][$prop])) {
$this->_data[$prop] = $val->id;
} else {
$this->_data[$prop] = $val;
* Overloading of the method call.
* @param string Method
* @param array Arguments
function __call($method, $args)
// The foreign keys of the current object.
if (isset($this->_m['get'][$method])) {
if (isset($this->_cache[$method])) {
return $this->_cache[$method];
} else {
$this->_cache[$method] = Pluf::factory($this->_m['get'][$method][0], $this->_data[$this->_m['get'][$method][1]]);
if ($this->_cache[$method]->id == '') $this->_cache[$method] = null;
return $this->_cache[$method];
// Many to many or foreign keys on the other objects.
if (isset($this->_m['list'][$method])) {
if (is_array($this->_m['list'][$method])) {
$model = $this->_m['list'][$method][0];
} else {
$model = $this->_m['list'][$method];
$args = array_merge(array($model, $method), $args);
return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'getRelated'), $args);
// Extra methods added by fields
if (isset($this->_m['extra'][$method])) {
$args = array_merge(array($this->_m['extra'][$method][0], $method, $this), $args);
return call_user_func_array($this->_m['extra'][$method][1], $args);
throw new Exception(sprintf('Method "%s" not available.', $method));
* Get a given item.
* @param int Id of the item.
* @return mixed Item or false if not found.
function get($id)
$req = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->getSqlTable().' WHERE id='.$this->_toDb($id, 'id');
if (false === ($rs = $this->_con->select($req))) {
throw new Exception($this->_con->getError());
if (count($rs) == 0) {
return false;
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col => $val) {
$field = new $val['type']();
if ($field->type != 'manytomany' && array_key_exists($col, $rs[0])) {
$this->_data[$col] = $this->_fromDb($rs[0][$col], $col);
return $this;
* Get one item.
* The parameters are the same as the ones of the getList method,
* but, the return value is either:
* - The object
* - null if no match
* - Exception if the match results in more than one item.
* Usage:
* <pre>
* $m = Pluf::factory('My_Model')->getOne(array('filter' => 'id=1'));
* </pre>
* <pre>
* $m = Pluf::factory('My_Model')->getOne('id=1');
* </pre>
* @param array|string Filter string or array given to getList
* @see self::getList
public function getOne($p=array())
if (!is_array($p)) {
$p = array('filter' => $p);
$items = $this->getList($p);
if ($items->count() == 1) {
return $items[0];
if ($items->count() == 0) {
return null;
throw new Exception(__('Error: More than one matching item found.'));
* Get a list of items.
* The filter should be used only for simple filtering. If you want
* a complex query, you should create a new view.
* Both filter and order accept an array or a string in case of multiple
* parameters:
* Filter:
* array('col1=toto', 'col2=titi') will be used in a AND query
* or simply 'col1=toto'
* Order:
* array('col1 ASC', 'col2 DESC') or 'col1 ASC'
* This is modelled on the DB_Table pear module interface.
* @param array Associative array with the possible following
* keys:
* 'view': The view to use
* 'filter': The where clause to use
* 'order': The ordering of the result set
* 'start': The number of skipped rows in the result set
* 'nb': The number of items to get in the result set
* 'count': Run a count query and not a select if set to true
* @return ArrayObject of items or through an exception if
* database failure
function getList($p=array())
$default = array('view' => null,
'filter' => null,
'order' => null,
'start' => null,
'select' => null,
'nb' => null,
'count' => false);
$p = array_merge($default, $p);
if (!is_null($p['view']) && !isset($this->_a['views'][$p['view']])) {
throw new Exception(sprintf(__('The view "%s" is not defined.'), $p['view']));
$query = array(
'select' => $this->getSelect(),
'from' => $this->_a['table'],
'join' => '',
'where' => '',
'group' => '',
'having' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'props' => array(),
if (!is_null($p['view'])) {
$query = array_merge($query, $this->_a['views'][$p['view']]);
if (!is_null($p['select'])) {
$query['select'] = $p['select'];
if (!is_null($p['filter'])) {
if (is_array($p['filter'])) {
$p['filter'] = implode(' AND ', $p['filter']);
if (strlen($query['where']) > 0) {
$query['where'] .= ' AND ';
$query['where'] .= ' ('.$p['filter'].') ';
if (!is_null($p['order'])) {
if (is_array($p['order'])) {
$p['order'] = implode(', ', $p['order']);
if (strlen($query['order']) > 0 and strlen($p['order']) > 0) {
$query['order'] .= ', ';
$query['order'] .= $p['order'];
if (!is_null($p['start']) && is_null($p['nb'])) {
$p['nb'] = 10000000;
if (!is_null($p['start'])) {
if ($p['start'] != 0) {
$p['start'] = (int) $p['start'];
$p['nb'] = (int) $p['nb'];
$query['limit'] = 'LIMIT '.$p['nb'].' OFFSET '.$p['start'];
if (!is_null($p['nb']) && is_null($p['start'])) {
$p['nb'] = (int) $p['nb'];
$query['limit'] = 'LIMIT '.$p['nb'];
if ($p['count'] == true) {
if (isset($query['select_count'])) {
$query['select'] = $query['select_count'];
} else {
$query['select'] = 'COUNT(*) as nb_items';
$query['order'] = '';
$query['limit'] = '';
$req = 'SELECT '.$query['select'].' FROM '
.$this->_con->pfx.$query['from'].' '.$query['join'];
if (strlen($query['where'])) {
$req .= "\n".'WHERE '.$query['where'];
if (strlen($query['group'])) {
$req .= "\n".'GROUP BY '.$query['group'];
if (strlen($query['having'])) {
$req .= "\n".'HAVING '.$query['having'];
if (strlen($query['order'])) {
$req .= "\n".'ORDER BY '.$query['order'];
if (strlen($query['limit'])) {
$req .= "\n".$query['limit'];
if (false === ($rs=$this->_con->select($req))) {
throw new Exception($this->_con->getError());
if (count($rs) == 0) {
return new ArrayObject();
if ($p['count'] == true) {
return $rs;
$res = new ArrayObject();
foreach ($rs as $row) {
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col => $val) {
if (isset($row[$col])) $this->_data[$col] = $this->_fromDb($row[$col], $col);
// FIXME: The associated properties need to be converted too.
foreach ($query['props'] as $prop => $key) {
$this->_data[$key] = (isset($row[$prop])) ? $row[$prop] : null;
$res[] = clone($this);
return $res;
* Get the number of items.
* @see getList() for definition of the keys
* @param array with associative keys 'view' and 'filter'
* @return int The number of items
function getCount($p=array())
$p['count'] = true;
$count = $this->getList($p);
if (empty($count) or count($count) == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return (int) $count[0]['nb_items'];
* Get a list of related items.
* See the getList() method for usage of the view and filters.
* @param string Class of the related items
* @param string Method call in a many to many related
* @param array Parameters, see getList() for the definition of
* the keys
* @return array Array of items
function getRelated($model, $method=null, $p=array())
$default = array('view' => null,
'filter' => null,
'order' => null,
'start' => null,
'nb' => null,
'count' => false);
$p = array_merge($default, $p);
if ('' == $this->_data['id']) {
return new ArrayObject();
$m = new $model();
if (isset($this->_m['list'][$method])
and is_array($this->_m['list'][$method])) {
$foreignkey = $this->_m['list'][$method][1];
if (strlen($foreignkey) == 0) {
throw new Exception(sprintf(__('No matching foreign key found in model: %s for model %s'), $model, $this->_a['model']));
if (!is_null($p['filter'])) {
if (is_array($p['filter'])) {
$p['filter'] = implode(' AND ', $p['filter']);
$p['filter'] .= ' AND ';
} else {
$p['filter'] = '';
$p['filter'] .= $this->_con->qn($foreignkey).'='.$this->_toDb($this->_data['id'], 'id');
} else {
// Many to many: We generate a special view that is making
// the join
$hay = array(strtolower(Pluf::factory($model)->_a['model']),
$table = $hay[0].'_'.$hay[1].'_assoc';
if (isset($m->_a['views'][$p['view']])) {
$m->_a['views'][$p['view'].'__manytomany__'] = $m->_a['views'][$p['view']];
if (!isset($m->_a['views'][$p['view'].'__manytomany__']['join'])) {
$m->_a['views'][$p['view'].'__manytomany__']['join'] = '';
if (!isset($m->_a['views'][$p['view'].'__manytomany__']['where'])) {
$m->_a['views'][$p['view'].'__manytomany__']['where'] = '';
} else {
$m->_a['views']['__manytomany__'] = array('join' => '',
'where' => '');
$p['view'] = '';
$m->_a['views'][$p['view'].'__manytomany__']['join'] .=
' LEFT JOIN '.$this->_con->pfx.$table.' ON '
.$this->_con->qn(strtolower($m->_a['model']).'_id').' = '.$this->_con->pfx.$m->_a['table'].'.id';
$m->_a['views'][$p['view'].'__manytomany__']['where'] = $this->_con->qn(strtolower($this->_a['model']).'_id').'='.$this->_data['id'];
$p['view'] = $p['view'].'__manytomany__';
return $m->getList($p);
* Generate the SQL select from the columns
function getSelect()
if (isset($this->_cache['getSelect'])) return $this->_cache['getSelect'];
$select = array();
$table = $this->getSqlTable();
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col=>$val) {
if ($val['type'] != 'Pluf_DB_Field_Manytomany') {
$select[] = $table.'.'.$this->_con->qn($col).' AS '.$this->_con->qn($col);
$this->_cache['getSelect'] = implode(', ', $select);
return $this->_cache['getSelect'];
* Update the model into the database.
* If no where clause is provided, the index definition is used to
* find the sequence. These are used to limit the update
* to the current model.
* @param string Where clause to update specific items. ('')
* @return bool Success
function update($where='')
$req = 'UPDATE '.$this->getSqlTable().' SET'."\n";
$fields = array();
$assoc = array();
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col=>$val) {
$field = new $val['type']();
if ($col == 'id') {
} elseif ($field->type == 'manytomany') {
if (is_array($this->$col)) {
$assoc[$val['model']] = $this->$col;
$fields[] = $this->_con->qn($col).' = '.$this->_toDb($this->$col, $col);
$req .= implode(','."\n", $fields);
if (strlen($where) > 0) {
$req .= ' WHERE '.$where;
} else {
$req .= ' WHERE id = '.$this->_toDb($this->_data['id'], 'id');
if (false === $this->get($this->_data['id'])) {
return false;
foreach ($assoc as $model=>$ids) {
$this->batchAssoc($model, $ids);
return true;
* Create the model into the database.
* If raw insert is requested, the preSave/postSave methods are
* not called and the current id of the object is directly
* used. This is particularily used when doing backup/restore of
* data.
* @param bool Raw insert (false)
* @return bool Success
function create($raw=false)
if (!$raw) {
$req = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->getSqlTable()."\n";
$icols = array();
$ivals = array();
$assoc = array();
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col=>$val) {
$field = new $val['type']();
if ($col == 'id' and !$raw) {
} elseif ($field->type == 'manytomany') {
// If is a defined array, we need to associate.
if (is_array($this->_data[$col])) {
$assoc[$val['model']] = $this->_data[$col];
$icols[] = $this->_con->qn($col);
$ivals[] = $this->_toDb($this->_data[$col], $col);
$req .= '('.implode(', ', $icols).') VALUES ';
$req .= '('.implode(','."\n", $ivals).')';
if (!$raw) {
if (false === ($id=$this->_con->getLastID())) {
throw new Exception($this->_con->getError());
$this->_data['id'] = $id;
foreach ($assoc as $model=>$ids) {
$this->batchAssoc($model, $ids);
if (!$raw) {
return true;
* Get models affected by delete.
* @return array Models deleted if deleting current model.
function getDeleteSideEffect()
$affected = array();
foreach ($this->_m['list'] as $method=>$details) {
if (is_array($details)) {
// foreignkey
$related = $this->$method();
$affected = array_merge($affected, (array) $related);
foreach ($related as $rel) {
if ($details[0] == $this->_a['model']
and $rel->id == $this->_data['id']) {
continue; // $rel == $this
$affected = array_merge($affected, (array) $rel->getDeleteSideEffect());
return Pluf_Model_RemoveDuplicates($affected);
* Delete the current model from the database.
* If another model link to the current model through a foreign
* key, find it and delete it. If this model is linked to other
* through a many to many, delete the association.
* FIXME: No real test of circular references. It can break.
function delete()
if (false === $this->get($this->_data['id'])) {
return false;
// Drop the row level permissions if we are using them
if (Pluf::f('pluf_use_rowpermission', false)) {
$_rpt = Pluf::factory('Pluf_RowPermission')->getSqlTable();
$sql = new Pluf_SQL('model_class=%s AND model_id=%s',
array($this->_a['model'], $this->_data['id']));
$this->_con->execute('DELETE FROM '.$_rpt.' WHERE '.$sql->gen());
// Find the models linking to the current one through a foreign key.
foreach ($this->_m['list'] as $method=>$details) {
if (is_array($details)) {
// foreignkey
$related = $this->$method();
foreach ($related as $rel) {
if ($details[0] == $this->_a['model']
and $rel->id == $this->_data['id']) {
continue; // $rel == $this
// We do not really control if it can be deleted
// as we can find many times the same to delete.
} else {
// manytomany
$related = $this->$method();
foreach ($related as $rel) {
$req = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->getSqlTable().' WHERE id = '.$this->_toDb($this->_data['id'], 'id');
return true;
* Reset the fields to default values.
function _reset()
foreach ($this->_a['cols'] as $col => $val) {
if (isset($val['default'])) {
$this->_data[$col] = $val['default'];
} elseif (isset($val['is_null'])) {
$this->_data[$col] = null;
} else {
$this->_data[$col] = '';
* Represents the model in auto generated lists.
* You need to overwrite this method to have a nice display of
* your objects in the select boxes, logs.
function __toString()
return $this->_a['model'].'('.$this->_data['id'].')';
* Hook run just after loading a model from the database.
* Just overwrite it into your model to perform custom actions.
function restore()
* Hook run just before saving a model in the database.
* Just overwrite it into your model to perform custom actions.
* @param bool Create.
function preSave($create=false)
function postSave($create=false)
* Hook run just before deleting a model from the database.
* Just overwrite it into your model to perform custom actions.
function preDelete()
* Set the values from form data.
function setFromFormData($cleaned_values)
foreach ($cleaned_values as $key=>$val) {
$this->_data[$key] = $val;
* Set a view.
* @param string Name of the view.
* @param array Definition of the view.
function setView($view, $def)
$this->_a['views'][$view] = $def;
* Prepare the value to be put in the DB.
* @param mixed Value.
* @param string Column name.
* @return string SQL ready string.
function _toDb($val, $col)
$m = $this->_con->type_cast[$this->_a['cols'][$col]['type']][1];
return $m($val, $this->_con);
* Get the value from the DB.
* @param mixed Value.
* @param string Column name.
* @return mixed Value.
function _fromDb($val, $col)
$m = $this->_con->type_cast[$this->_a['cols'][$col]['type']][0];
return ($m == 'Pluf_DB_IdentityFromDb') ? $val : $m($val);
* Display value.
* When you have a list of choices for a field and you want to get
* the display value of the current stored value.
* @param string Field to display the value.
* @return mixed Display value, if not available default to the value.
function displayVal($col)
if (!isset($this->_a['cols'][$col]['choices'])) {
return $this->_data[$col]; // will on purposed failed if not set
$val = array_search($this->_data[$col], $this->_a['cols'][$col]['choices']);
if ($val !== false) {
return $val;
return $this->_data[$col];
* Build the automatic methods for the relations of given type.
* Adds the get_xx_list method when the methods of the model
* contains custom names.
* @param string $type Relation type: 'foreignkey' or 'manytomany'.
protected function _setupAutomaticListMethods($type)
$current_model = $this->_a['model'];
if (isset($GLOBALS['_PX_models_related'][$type][$current_model])) {
$relations = $GLOBALS['_PX_models_related'][$type][$current_model];
foreach ($relations as $related) {
if ($related != $current_model) {
$model = new $related();
} else $model = clone $this;
$fkeys = $model->getRelationKeysToModel($current_model, $type);
foreach ($fkeys as $fkey => $val) {
$mname = (isset($val['relate_name'])) ? $val['relate_name'] : $related;
$mname = 'get_'.strtolower($mname).'_list';
if ('foreignkey' === $type) {
$this->_m['list'][$mname] = array($related, $fkey);
} else {
$this->_m['list'][$mname] = $related;
$this->_m['many'][$related] = $type;
* Check if a model is already in an array of models.
* It is not possible to override the == function in PHP to directly
* use in_array.
* @param Pluf_Model The model to test
* @param Array The models
* @return bool
function Pluf_Model_InArray($model, $array)
if ($model->id == '') {
return false;
foreach ($array as $modelin) {
if ($modelin->_a['model'] == $model->_a['model']
and $modelin->id == $model->id) {
return true;
return false;
* Return a list of unique models.
* @param array Models with duplicates
* @return array Models with duplicates.
function Pluf_Model_RemoveDuplicates($array)
$res = array();
foreach ($array as $model) {
if (!Pluf_Model_InArray($model, $res)) {
$res[] = $model;
return $res;