{extends "idf/gadmin/usher/base.html"} {block docclass}yui-t3{assign $inUsher=true}{/block} {block body} <table class="recent-issues"> <tr> <th>{trans "server name"}</th> <th>{trans "status"}</th> <th>{trans "action"}</th> </tr> {if count($servers) == 0} <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center">{trans 'No monotone servers configured.'}</td> </tr> {else} {foreach $servers as $server} <tr> <td>{$server.name}</td> <td>{$server.status}</td> <td> {if preg_match("/ACTIVE|WAITING|RUNNING|SLEEPING/", $server.status)} <a href="{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::usherServerControl', array($server.name, 'stop')}"> {trans 'stop'}</a> {elseif $server.status == "STOPPED"} <a href="{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::usherServerControl', array($server.name, 'start')}"> {trans 'start'}</a> {/if} {if preg_match("/ACTIVE|WAITING|SLEEPING|STOPPING/", $server.status)} | <a href="{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::usherServerControl', array($server.name, 'kill')}"> {trans 'kill'}</a> {/if} {if preg_match("/STOPPING|ACTIVE/", $server.status)} | <a href="{url 'IDF_Views_Admin::usherServerConnections', array($server.name)}"> {trans 'active connections'}</a> {/if} </tr> {/foreach} {/if} </table> {/block} {block context} <div class="issue-submit-info"> <p><strong>{trans 'Status explanation'}</strong></p> <ul> <li>REMOTE: {trans 'remote server without open connections'}</li> <li>ACTIVE n: {trans 'server with n open connections'}</li> <li>WAITING: {trans 'local server running, without open connections'}</li> <li>SLEEPING: {trans 'local server not running, waiting for connections'}</li> <li>STOPPING n: {trans 'local server is about to stop, n connections still open'}</li> <li>STOPPED: {trans 'local server not running, not accepting connections'}</li> <li>SHUTDOWN: {trans 'usher is shut down, not running and not accepting connections'}</li> </ul> </div> {/block}
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