
srchub-old Mercurial Source Tree


{extends "idf/admin/base.html"}
{block docclass}yui-t3{assign $inMembers = true}{/block}
{block body}
<form method="post" action=".">
<table class="form" summary="">
<td colspan="2">{$form.f.owners.labelTag}:<br />
{if $form.f.owners.errors}{$form.f.owners.fieldErrors}{/if}
<td colspan="2">{$form.f.members.labelTag}:<br />
{if $form.f.members.errors}{$form.f.members.fieldErrors}{/if}
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="{trans 'Save Changes'}" name="submit" /> 


{block context}
<div class="issue-submit-info">
<p>Specify each person by its login. Each person must have already registered with the given login.</p>
<p>Separate the logins with commas and/or new lines.</p>
<div class="issue-submit-info">
<p>A project owner may make any change to this project, including removing other project owners. You need to be carefull when you give owner rights.</p>
<p>A project member will not have access to the administration area but will have more options available in the use of the project.</p>
Source at commit 13ec43cec797 created 10 years 10 months ago.
By "Nathan Adams ", Updating google analytics in Pluf framework

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