
srchub-old Mercurial Source Tree


{extends "idf/base-simple.html"}
{block body}
{if $form.errors}
<div class="px-message-error">
<p>{trans 'Oops, we found an error in the form.'}</p>
{if $form.get_top_errors}

<form method="post" action=".">
<table class="form" summary="">
<td> </td>
<td><strong>{$form.f.key.labelTag}:</strong><br />
{if $form.f.key.errors}{$form.f.key.fieldErrors}{/if}
<td> </td>
<td><input type="submit" value="{trans 'Recover Your Password'}" name="submit" /> | <a href="{url 'IDF_Views::index'}">{trans 'Cancel'}</a>
{block context}
<div class="issue-submit-info">
<h2>{trans 'Instructions'}</h2>
<p>{trans 'Use your email software to read your emails and open your verification email. Either click directly on the verification link or copy/paste the verification key in the box and submit the form.'}</p>
<p>{trans 'Just after providing the confirmation key, you will be able to reset your password and use this website fully.'}</p>
{block javascript}<script type="text/javascript">

Source at commit 128fa1b9447e created 10 years 6 months ago.
By "Nathan Adams ", Adding RSS icons to make it more obvious on how to subscribe to feeds issue 32

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