Comment 1 by austin j, Jul, 1 2014 4:39:49 PM
Comment 2 by Natalie Adams, Nov, 30 2014 9:34:04 PM
There is already this functionality provided by indefero. Background info: If you go to Project Management -> Source -> Webhook URL - basically this will allow you to call a web page to do something. I would be surprised if IFTTT doesn't support that - if not then it wouldn't be hard to write a page to call IFTTT with the right parameters. However - I just did some testing and this seems broken. It did reveal another problem that the post-commit hooks weren't running because www-data was being blocked from running the at command. I'll keep digging and update this ticket accordingly.
Comment 3 by Natalie Adams, Nov, 30 2014 11:31:31 PM
I track the issue down to a cron job I didn't install but that's the easy problem. In Webhooks.php indefero is using fopen to send the web hook call. After some debugging the queuing system is getting stuck on that line - probably fopen is failing. I really don't know why they used fopen to make the HTTP call as curl is built into PHP. When I get some time I'll update it with curl calls.
Comment 4 by Natalie Adams, Dec, 10 2014 10:24:58 PM
Should be working now on a 5 minute check (at least for SVN - haven't tested git/hg...going to create new tickets to test those). Some sample code/output (assuming the URL points to this script): <?php $json = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); file_put_contents("/tmp/out.txt", print_r($json, true)); This will output: Array ( [project] => test-svn [rev] => 18 [scm] => svn [summary] => test POST COMMIT HOOK!!! [fullmessage] => [author] => nadams [creation_date] => 2014-12-11 04:09:43 ) Of course - you should verify the message by looking at the header X-Web-Hook-Hmac and checking it using hash_hmac. While this doesn't give you the URL for either the project page or commit view - you can extrapolate those yourself. If there is high demand for it - then I'll add it. See this snippet from Webhook.php to give you an idea of how it's signed ($data being the json encoded data): $sign = hash_hmac('md5', $data, $payload['authkey']); Now this exposes another issue - using MD5 signing. We could argue about how insecure MD5 is - but the bottom line is 2 fold: * This isn't a multi-billion dollar application that has highly sensitive information * Potential breaking of if anyone is expecting this behavior Sometime in the near future I will add another header with a sha512 signing. And phase out the MD5 header several versions in the future.
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Reported by austin j, Jul, 1 2014 4:39:39 PM