
Issue 14: Fix text when project doesn't have description

Reported by Ivan Fraixedes, Aug, 4 2013 5:09:25 AM

srchub show this default text when a project doesn't have a 
description "Click on the Project Management tab to set the 
description of your project."

But "Project Management tab" doesn't exist, so I 
understood that it should be "Project Home tab"

Comment 1 by Natalie Adams, Aug, 4 2013 9:18:08 PM

Owner: nadams

Comment 2 by Natalie Adams, Aug, 5 2013 10:03:26 PM

FAQ created [NewRepoFAQ](

Comment 3 by Natalie Adams, Aug, 5 2013 10:04:03 PM

Status: Fixed

Created: 11 years 2 months ago by Ivan Fraixedes

Updated: 11 years 2 months ago

Status: Fixed

Owner: Natalie Adams


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