<?php /* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of Plume Framework, a simple PHP Application Framework. # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors. # # Plume Framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Plume Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * Form validation class. * * This class is used to generate a form. You basically build it the * same way you build a model. * * The form handling is heavily inspired by the Django form handling. * */ class Pluf_Form implements Iterator, ArrayAccess { /** * The fields of the form. * * They are the fully populated Pluf_Form_Field_* of the form. You * define them in the initFields method. */ public $fields = array (); /** * Prefix for the names of the fields. */ public $prefix = '' ; public $id_fields = 'id_%s' ; public $data = array (); public $cleaned_data = array (); public $errors = array (); public $is_bound = false; public $f = null; public $label_suffix = ':' ; protected $is_valid = null; function __construct( $data =null, $extra = array (), $label_suffix =null) { if ( $data !== null) { $this ->data = $data ; $this ->is_bound = true; } if ( $label_suffix !== null) $this ->label_suffix = $label_suffix ; $this ->initFields( $extra ); $this ->f = new Pluf_Form_FieldProxy( $this ); } function initFields( $extra = array ()) { throw new Exception( 'Definition of the fields not implemented.' ); } /** * Add the prefix to the form names. * * @param string Field name. * @return string Field name or field name with form prefix. */ function addPrefix( $field_name ) { if ( '' !== $this ->prefix) { return $this ->prefix. '-' . $field_name ; } return $field_name ; } /** * Check if the form is valid. * * It is also encoding the data in the form to be then saved. It * is very simple as it leaves the work to the field. It means * that you can easily extend this form class to have a more * complex validation procedure like checking if a field is equals * to another in the form (like for password confirmation) etc. * * @param array Associative array of the request * @return array Array of errors */ function isValid() { if ( $this ->is_valid !== null) { return $this ->is_valid; } $this ->cleaned_data = array (); $this ->errors = array (); $form_methods = get_class_methods( $this ); $form_vars = get_object_vars( $this ); foreach ( $this ->fields as $name => $field ) { $value = $field ->widget->valueFromFormData( $this ->addPrefix( $name ), $this ->data); try { $value = $field ->clean( $value ); $this ->cleaned_data[ $name ] = $value ; $method = 'clean_' . $name ; if (in_array( $method , $form_methods )) { $value = $this -> $method (); $this ->cleaned_data[ $name ] = $value ; } else if ( array_key_exists ( $method , $form_vars ) && is_callable ( $this -> $method )) { $value = call_user_func( $this -> $method , $this ); $this ->cleaned_data[ $name ] = $value ; } } catch (Pluf_Form_Invalid $e ) { if (!isset( $this ->errors[ $name ])) $this ->errors[ $name ] = array (); $this ->errors[ $name ][] = $e ->getMessage(); if (isset( $this ->cleaned_data[ $name ])) { unset( $this ->cleaned_data[ $name ]); } } } if ( empty ( $this ->errors)) { try { $this ->cleaned_data = $this ->clean(); } catch (Pluf_Form_Invalid $e ) { if (!isset( $this ->errors[ '__all__' ])) $this ->errors[ '__all__' ] = array (); $this ->errors[ '__all__' ][] = $e ->getMessage(); } } if ( empty ( $this ->errors)) { $this ->is_valid = true; return true; } // as some errors, we do not have cleaned data available. $this ->failed(); $this ->cleaned_data = array (); $this ->is_valid = false; return false; } /** * Form wide cleaning function. That way you can check that if an * input is given, then another one somewhere is also given, * etc. If the cleaning is not ok, your method must throw a * Pluf_Form_Invalid exception. * * @return array Cleaned data. */ public function clean() { return $this ->cleaned_data; } /** * Method just called after the validation if the validation * failed. This can be used to remove uploaded * files. $this->['cleaned_data'] will be available but of course * not fully populated and with possible garbage due to the error. * */ public function failed() { } /** * Get initial data for a given field. * * @param string Field name. * @return string Initial data or '' of not defined. */ public function initial( $name ) { if (isset( $this ->fields[ $name ])) { return $this ->fields[ $name ]->initial; } return '' ; } /** * Get the top errors. */ public function render_top_errors() { $top_errors = (isset( $this ->errors[ '__all__' ])) ? $this ->errors[ '__all__' ] : array (); array_walk ( $top_errors , 'Pluf_Form_htmlspecialcharsArray' ); return new Pluf_Template_SafeString(Pluf_Form_renderErrorsAsHTML( $top_errors ), true); } /** * Get the top errors. */ public function get_top_errors() { return (isset( $this ->errors[ '__all__' ])) ? $this ->errors[ '__all__' ] : array (); } /** * Helper function to render the form. * * See render_p() for a usage example. * * @credit Django Project ( * @param string Normal row. * @param string Error row. * @param string Row ender. * @param string Help text HTML. * @param bool Should we display errors on a separate row. * @return string HTML of the form. */ protected function htmlOutput( $normal_row , $error_row , $row_ender , $help_text_html , $errors_on_separate_row ) { $top_errors = (isset( $this ->errors[ '__all__' ])) ? $this ->errors[ '__all__' ] : array (); array_walk ( $top_errors , 'Pluf_Form_htmlspecialcharsArray' ); $output = array (); $hidden_fields = array (); foreach ( $this ->fields as $name => $field ) { $bf = new Pluf_Form_BoundField( $this , $field , $name ); $bf_errors = $bf ->errors; array_walk ( $bf_errors , 'Pluf_Form_htmlspecialcharsArray' ); if ( $field ->widget->is_hidden) { foreach ( $bf_errors as $_e ) { $top_errors [] = sprintf(__( '(Hidden field %1$s) %2$s' ), $name , $_e ); } $hidden_fields [] = $bf ; // Not rendered } else { if ( $errors_on_separate_row and count ( $bf_errors )) { $output [] = sprintf( $error_row , Pluf_Form_renderErrorsAsHTML( $bf_errors )); } if ( strlen ( $bf ->label) > 0) { $label = htmlspecialchars( $bf ->label, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ); if ( $this ->label_suffix) { if (!in_array(mb_substr( $label , -1, 1), array ( ':' , '?' , '.' , '!' ))) { $label .= $this ->label_suffix; } } $label = $bf ->labelTag( $label ); } else { $label = '' ; } if ( $bf ->help_text) { // $bf->help_text can contains HTML and is not // escaped. $help_text = sprintf( $help_text_html , $bf ->help_text); } else { $help_text = '' ; } $errors = '' ; if (! $errors_on_separate_row and count ( $bf_errors )) { $errors = Pluf_Form_renderErrorsAsHTML( $bf_errors ); } $output [] = sprintf( $normal_row , $errors , $label , $bf ->render_w(), $help_text ); } } if ( count ( $top_errors )) { $errors = sprintf( $error_row , Pluf_Form_renderErrorsAsHTML( $top_errors )); array_unshift ( $output , $errors ); } if ( count ( $hidden_fields )) { $_tmp = '' ; foreach ( $hidden_fields as $hd ) { $_tmp .= $hd ->render_w(); } if ( count ( $output )) { $last_row = array_pop ( $output ); $last_row = substr ( $last_row , 0, - strlen ( $row_ender )). $_tmp . $row_ender ; $output [] = $last_row ; } else { $output [] = $_tmp ; } } return new Pluf_Template_SafeString(implode( "\n" , $output ), true); } /** * Render the form as a list of paragraphs. */ public function render_p() { return $this ->htmlOutput( '<p>%1$s%2$s %3$s%4$s</p>' , '%s' , '</p>' , ' %s' , true); } /** * Render the form as a list without the <ul></ul>. */ public function render_ul() { return $this ->htmlOutput( '<li>%1$s%2$s %3$s%4$s</li>' , '<li>%s</li>' , '</li>' , ' %s' , false); } /** * Render the form as a table without <table></table>. */ public function render_table() { return $this ->htmlOutput( '<tr><th>%2$s</th><td>%1$s%3$s%4$s</td></tr>' , '<tr><td colspan="2">%s</td></tr>' , '</td></tr>' , '<br /><span class="helptext">%s</span>' , false); } /** * Overloading of the get method. * * The overloading is to be able to use property call in the * templates. */ function __get( $prop ) { if (!in_array( $prop , array ( 'render_p' , 'render_ul' , 'render_table' , 'render_top_errors' , 'get_top_errors' ))) { return $this -> $prop ; } return $this -> $prop (); } /** * Get a given field by key. */ public function field( $key ) { return new Pluf_Form_BoundField( $this , $this ->fields[ $key ], $key ); } /** * Iterator method to iterate over the fields. * * Get the current item. */ public function current() { $field = current( $this ->fields); $name = key( $this ->fields); return new Pluf_Form_BoundField( $this , $field , $name ); } public function key() { return key( $this ->fields); } public function next() { next( $this ->fields); } public function rewind () { reset( $this ->fields); } public function valid() { // We know that the boolean false will not be stored as a // field, so we can test against false to check if valid or // not. return (false !== current( $this ->fields)); } public function offsetUnset( $index ) { unset( $this ->fields[ $index ]); } public function offsetSet( $index , $value ) { $this ->fields[ $index ] = $value ; } public function offsetGet( $index ) { if (!isset( $this ->fields[ $index ])) { throw new Exception( 'Undefined index: ' . $index ); } return $this ->fields[ $index ]; } public function offsetExists( $index ) { return (isset( $this ->fields[ $index ])); } } function Pluf_Form_htmlspecialcharsArray(& $item , $key ) { $item = htmlspecialchars( $item , ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ); } function Pluf_Form_renderErrorsAsHTML( $errors ) { $tmp = array (); foreach ( $errors as $err ) { $tmp [] = '<li>' . $err . '</li>' ; } return '<ul class="errorlist">' .implode( "\n" , $tmp ). '</ul>' ; } |