<?php /* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of Plume Framework, a simple PHP Application Framework. # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors. # # Plume Framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Plume Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * Generator of the schemas corresponding to a given model. * * This class is for MySQL, you can create a class on the same * model for another database engine. */ class Pluf_DB_Schema_MySQL { /** * Mapping of the fields. */ public $mappings = array ( 'varchar' => 'varchar(%s)' , 'sequence' => 'mediumint(9) unsigned not null auto_increment' , 'boolean' => 'bool' , 'date' => 'date' , 'datetime' => 'datetime' , 'file' => 'varchar(150)' , 'manytomany' => null, 'foreignkey' => 'mediumint(9) unsigned' , 'text' => 'longtext' , 'html' => 'longtext' , 'time' => 'time' , 'integer' => 'integer' , 'email' => 'varchar(150)' , 'password' => 'varchar(150)' , 'float' => 'numeric(%s, %s)' , 'blob' => 'blob' , ); public $defaults = array ( 'varchar' => "''" , 'sequence' => null, 'boolean' => 1, 'date' => 0, 'datetime' => 0, 'file' => "''" , 'manytomany' => null, 'foreignkey' => 0, 'text' => "''" , 'html' => "''" , 'time' => 0, 'integer' => 0, 'email' => "''" , 'password' => "''" , 'float' => 0.0, 'blob' => "''" , ); private $con = null; function __construct( $con ) { $this ->con = $con ; } /** * Get the SQL to generate the tables of the given model. * * @param Object Model * @return array Array of SQL strings ready to execute. */ function getSqlCreate( $model ) { $tables = array (); $cols = $model ->_a[ 'cols' ]; $manytomany = array (); $sql = 'CREATE TABLE `' . $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ]. '` (' ; foreach ( $cols as $col => $val ) { $field = new $val [ 'type' ](); if ( $field ->type != 'manytomany' ) { $sql .= "\n" . $this ->con->qn( $col ). ' ' ; $_tmp = $this ->mappings[ $field ->type]; if ( $field ->type == 'varchar' ) { if (isset( $val [ 'size' ])) { $_tmp = sprintf( $this ->mappings[ 'varchar' ], $val [ 'size' ]); } else { $_tmp = sprintf( $this ->mappings[ 'varchar' ], '150' ); } } if ( $field ->type == 'float' ) { if (!isset( $val [ 'max_digits' ])) { $val [ 'max_digits' ] = 32; } if (!isset( $val [ 'decimal_places' ])) { $val [ 'decimal_places' ] = 8; } $_tmp = sprintf( $this ->mappings[ 'float' ], $val [ 'max_digits' ], $val [ 'decimal_places' ]); } $sql .= $_tmp ; if ( empty ( $val [ 'is_null' ])) { $sql .= ' NOT NULL' ; } if (isset( $val [ 'default' ])) { $sql .= ' default ' ; $sql .= $model ->_toDb( $val [ 'default' ], $col ); } elseif ( $field ->type != 'sequence' ) { $sql .= ' default ' . $this ->defaults[ $field ->type]; } $sql .= ',' ; } else { $manytomany [] = $col ; } } $sql .= "\n" . 'PRIMARY KEY (`id`))' ; $sql .= 'ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;' ; $tables [ $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ]] = $sql ; // Now for the many to many foreach ( $manytomany as $many ) { $omodel = new $cols [ $many ][ 'model' ](); $hay = array ( strtolower ( $model ->_a[ 'model' ]), strtolower ( $omodel ->_a[ 'model' ])); sort( $hay ); $table = $hay [0]. '_' . $hay [1]. '_assoc' ; $sql = 'CREATE TABLE `' . $this ->con->pfx. $table . '` (' ; $sql .= "\n" . '`' . strtolower ( $model ->_a[ 'model' ]). '_id` ' . $this ->mappings[ 'foreignkey' ]. ' default 0,' ; $sql .= "\n" . '`' . strtolower ( $omodel ->_a[ 'model' ]). '_id` ' . $this ->mappings[ 'foreignkey' ]. ' default 0,' ; $sql .= "\n" . 'PRIMARY KEY (' . strtolower ( $model ->_a[ 'model' ]). '_id, ' . strtolower ( $omodel ->_a[ 'model' ]). '_id)' ; $sql .= "\n" . ') ENGINE=InnoDB' ; $sql .= ' DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;' ; $tables [ $this ->con->pfx. $table ] = $sql ; } return $tables ; } /** * Get the SQL to generate the indexes of the given model. * * @param Object Model * @return array Array of SQL strings ready to execute. */ function getSqlIndexes( $model ) { $index = array (); foreach ( $model ->_a[ 'idx' ] as $idx => $val ) { if (!isset( $val [ 'col' ])) { $val [ 'col' ] = $idx ; } $index [ $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ]. '_' . $idx ] = sprintf( 'CREATE INDEX `%s` ON `%s` (%s);' , $idx , $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ], Pluf_DB_Schema::quoteColumn( $val [ 'col' ], $this ->con)); } foreach ( $model ->_a[ 'cols' ] as $col => $val ) { $field = new $val [ 'type' ](); if ( $field ->type == 'foreignkey' ) { $index [ $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ]. '_' . $col . '_foreignkey' ] = sprintf( 'CREATE INDEX `%s` ON `%s` (`%s`);' , $col . '_foreignkey_idx' , $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ], $col ); } if (isset( $val [ 'unique' ]) and $val [ 'unique' ] == true) { $index [ $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ]. '_' . $col . '_unique' ] = sprintf( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `%s` ON `%s` (%s);' , $col . '_unique_idx' , $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ], Pluf_DB_Schema::quoteColumn( $col , $this ->con) ); } } return $index ; } /** * Workaround for <> which limits the * length of foreign key identifiers to 64 characters. * * @param string * @return string */ function getShortenedFKeyName( $name ) { if ( strlen ( $name ) <= 64) { return $name ; } return substr ( $name , 0, 55). '_' . substr (md5( $name ), 0, 8); } /** * Get the SQL to create the constraints for the given model * * @param Object Model * @return array Array of SQL strings ready to execute. */ function getSqlCreateConstraints( $model ) { $table = $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ]; $constraints = array (); $alter_tbl = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table ; $cols = $model ->_a[ 'cols' ]; $manytomany = array (); foreach ( $cols as $col => $val ) { $field = new $val [ 'type' ](); // remember these for later if ( $field ->type == 'manytomany' ) { $manytomany [] = $col ; } if ( $field ->type == 'foreignkey' ) { // Add the foreignkey constraints $referto = new $val [ 'model' ](); $constraints [] = $alter_tbl . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $this ->getShortenedFKeyName( $table . '_' . $col . '_fkey' ).' FOREIGN KEY ( '.$this->con->qn($col).' ) REFERENCES '.$this->con->pfx.$referto->_a[' table '].' (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION'; } } // Now for the many to many foreach ( $manytomany as $many ) { $omodel = new $cols [ $many ][ 'model' ](); $hay = array ( strtolower ( $model ->_a[ 'model' ]), strtolower ( $omodel ->_a[ 'model' ])); sort( $hay ); $table = $this ->con->pfx. $hay [0]. '_' . $hay [1]. '_assoc' ; $alter_tbl = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table ; $constraints [] = $alter_tbl . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $this ->getShortenedFKeyName( $table . '_fkey1' ).' FOREIGN KEY ( '.strtolower($model->_a[' model ']).' _id) REFERENCES '.$this->con->pfx.$model->_a[' table '].' (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION'; $constraints [] = $alter_tbl . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $this ->getShortenedFKeyName( $table . '_fkey2' ).' FOREIGN KEY ( '.strtolower($omodel->_a[' model ']).' _id) REFERENCES '.$this->con->pfx.$omodel->_a[' table '].' (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION'; } return $constraints ; } /** * Get the SQL to drop the tables corresponding to the model. * * @param Object Model * @return string SQL string ready to execute. */ function getSqlDelete( $model ) { $cols = $model ->_a[ 'cols' ]; $manytomany = array (); $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ]. '`' ; foreach ( $cols as $col => $val ) { $field = new $val [ 'type' ](); if ( $field ->type == 'manytomany' ) { $manytomany [] = $col ; } } //Now for the many to many foreach ( $manytomany as $many ) { $omodel = new $cols [ $many ][ 'model' ](); $hay = array ( strtolower ( $model ->_a[ 'model' ]), strtolower ( $omodel ->_a[ 'model' ])); sort( $hay ); $table = $hay [0]. '_' . $hay [1]. '_assoc' ; $sql .= ', `' . $this ->con->pfx. $table . '`' ; } return array ( $sql ); } /** * Get the SQL to drop the constraints for the given model * * @param Object Model * @return array Array of SQL strings ready to execute. */ function getSqlDeleteConstraints( $model ) { $table = $this ->con->pfx. $model ->_a[ 'table' ]; $constraints = array (); $alter_tbl = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table ; $cols = $model ->_a[ 'cols' ]; $manytomany = array (); foreach ( $cols as $col => $val ) { $field = new $val [ 'type' ](); // remember these for later if ( $field ->type == 'manytomany' ) { $manytomany [] = $col ; } if ( $field ->type == 'foreignkey' ) { // Add the foreignkey constraints $referto = new $val [ 'model' ](); $constraints [] = $alter_tbl . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $this ->getShortenedFKeyName( $table . '_' . $col . '_fkey' ); } } // Now for the many to many foreach ( $manytomany as $many ) { $omodel = new $cols [ $many ][ 'model' ](); $hay = array ( strtolower ( $model ->_a[ 'model' ]), strtolower ( $omodel ->_a[ 'model' ])); sort( $hay ); $table = $this ->con->pfx. $hay [0]. '_' . $hay [1]. '_assoc' ; $alter_tbl = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table ; $constraints [] = $alter_tbl . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $this ->getShortenedFKeyName( $table . '_fkey1' ); $constraints [] = $alter_tbl . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $this ->getShortenedFKeyName( $table . '_fkey2' ); } return $constraints ; } } |