1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | {assign $eurl = ''} {assign $burl = ''} {aurl 'furl', 'IDF_Views::faq'} {blocktrans} < p >< strong >Instructions:</ strong ></ p > < p >The content of the page can use the < a href = "{$burl}" >Markdown syntax</ a > with the < a href = "{$eurl}" >< em >Extra</ em > extension</ a >.</ p > < p >Website addresses are automatically linked and you can link to another page in the documentation using double square brackets like that < code >[[AnotherPage]]</ code >.</ p > < p >If you want to embed uploaded resources, use the < code >[[!ResourceName]]</ code > syntax for that. This is described more in detail < a href = "{$furl}#q-wiki" >in the FAQ.</ a ></ p > < p >To directly include a file content from the repository, embrace its path with triple square brackets: < code >[[[my/file.txt]]]</ code >.</ p > {/blocktrans} |