You are looking at an old revision of the page Syntaxhighlight. This revision was created by Natalie Adams.
How to use syntax highlighting
srchub has 2 systems for syntaxhighlighting.
- Syntaxhighlighter -
- Prettyprint -
This is used when viewing source. You can use it in documentation/wiki as well.
If you would like to have links to lines in your sample code you can wrap your code in a <div id="highlight">
For example:
/* some css */
Note: for C/C++ examples if you are including a header file then you need to use the script tag rather than a pre tag.
Pros: Looks nicer, ability to select different themes from your project management page
Cons: Have to specify the language
Pretty print
Pretty print is a generic highlighter.
<pre class="prettyprint">
// some code
// some code
Pros: It's simple
Cons: The highlighting isn't as good as syntaxhighlighter