Comment 1 by Natalie Adams, Nov, 15 2015 10:38:25 PM
This was an interesting bug. It dealt with the fact that the system caches commit data. The commit data includes the hash of the file. If there were 2 or more files with the same hash (ie same contents) - the system would override array keys causing loss of data. When indefero went to display the information - it only had the default information (which was to display nothing). After some debugging I decided a better approach was to do the following: SHA1(SHA1(file hash) + full path of file) The SHA1 file hash was provided by git. Combining the file hash + full path should result in a unique hash. This bug may appear in other SCM backends - so I'll create tickets to verify those.

Comment 4 by Natalie Adams, Nov, 16 2015 11:08:07 PM
A temporary fix has been put into place for the git SCM. The fix will cache ALL data for all commits on source view - rather than just the commit it needs. I need to write it so that it only cares about the commit the user is currently looking at.

Comment 6 by Natalie Adams, Apr, 23 2016 12:02:13 PM
Ok this should be finally fixed properly in 3f699e0afddab7f35cf88b8be446cddbeaa0c013
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Reported by Natalie Adams, Nov, 15 2015 10:31:39 PM