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/*! @file
 * @brief
 * generic implementation of an array class of bits (in dense representation)
#include <new>
using std::nothrow;
#include "utils.H"
class myBitString
  template <class Tuint> class CmyBitMask
     inline const Tuint operator[] (const unsigned int i) const
        return static_cast<Tuint>(1)<<i;
  static const CmyBitMask<unsigned int> bitmask;
  int size;
  unsigned int *data;
  inline void resize(int newsize)
      if (newsize < size) return;
      //cerr << "Resize " << size << " to " << newsize << endl;
      unsigned int *olddata = data;
      data = new(nothrow) unsigned int[newsize];
      if (!data)
      cerr << "myBitString.resize(" << newsize << ") out of memory" << endl;
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++) data[i] = olddata[i];
      for (int i=size; i< newsize; i++) data[i]=0;
      if (olddata) delete [] olddata;
  inline void optisize(void)
      int i=size-1;
      while (i>=0 && data[i]==0) i--;
      if (i==size-1) return; // nothing to do...
      if (size<128)
         // to avoid heap pollution for small sizes, simply decrease
         // the size without reallocating any heap memory
#ifdef VERBOSE
         cout << "MyBitString::Optisize, no reallocate " << size << " to " << i+1 << endl;
         size=i+1; return;
#ifdef VERBOSE
      cout << "MyBitString::Optisize, reallocate" << size << " to " << i+1 << endl;
      if (i<0) { delete [] data; data=NULL; size=0; return; } // now empty
      size=i+1; // new size
      unsigned int *olddata = data;
      data = new(nothrow) unsigned int[size];
      if (!data)
      cerr << "myBitString.optisize(" << size << ") out of memory" << endl;
      for (; i>=0; --i) data[i] = olddata[i];
      if (olddata) delete [] olddata;
  inline myBitString(void) : size(0), data(NULL) { }
  inline ~myBitString(void)
      if (data) delete [] data;
  inline myBitString(const myBitString &rhs) : size(rhs.size), data(NULL)
     data = new(nothrow) unsigned int[size];
     if (!data)
         cerr << "myBitString.operator=(" << size << ") out of memory" << endl;
     for (int i=size-1; i>=0; --i) data[i] = rhs.data[i];
  inline myBitString& operator= (const myBitString &rhs)
     if (data) delete [] data;
     data = new(nothrow) unsigned int[size];
     if (!data)
         cerr << "myBitString.operator=(" << size << ") out of memory" << endl;
     for (int i=size-1; i>=0; --i) data[i] = rhs.data[i];
     return *this;
  inline int count(const bool b = true) const
      int i;
      int z=0;
      if (!b) return -1;
      for (i=0; i<size; i++)
      register unsigned int h = data[i];
      while (h)
          if (h&1) z++;
      return z;
  inline int first(const bool b = true) const
      if (b)
      int j=0;
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
          register unsigned int h = data[i];
          while (h)
          if (h&1)
              //cerr << "first(1)=" << 8*sizeof(unsigned int)*i+j << endl;
              return 8*sizeof(unsigned int)*i+j;
      //cerr << "first(1)=-1" << endl;
      return -1;
      cerr << "myBitString.first(0) not implemented" << endl;
  inline int next(int pos, const bool b = true) const
      int i,j;
      if (pos<0) return first(b);
      if (b)
      i=pos/(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      j=pos%(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      if (i>=size) return -1;
      register unsigned int h = data[i];
      if (h)
          while (!(h&1))
          return pos;
          j = 0;
          for (i++;i<size; i++)
          h = data[i];
          while (h)
              if (h&1) return 8*sizeof(unsigned int)*i+j;
      return -1;
      cerr << "myBitString.next(0) not implemented" << endl;
  inline int last(const bool b = true) const
      int i;
      if (b)
      int j = 8*sizeof(unsigned int)-1;
      for (i=size-1; i>=0; i--)
          //cerr << "i=" << i << endl;
          register unsigned int h = data[i];
          while (h)
          if (h& bitmask[8*sizeof(unsigned int)-1])
              //cerr << "last(1)=" << 8*sizeof(unsigned int)*i+j << endl;
              return 8*sizeof(unsigned int)*i+j;
      //cerr << "last(1)=-1"<<endl;
      return -1;
      cerr << "myBitString.last(0) not implemented" << endl;
  inline int prev(int pos, const bool b = true) const
      int i,j;
      if (pos>size*8*static_cast<int>(sizeof(unsigned int))) return last(b);
      if (pos<=0) return -1;
      if (b)
      i=pos/(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      j=pos%(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      register unsigned int h = data[i];
      h<<=8*sizeof(unsigned int)-j-1;
      if (h)
          while (!(h&bitmask[8*sizeof(unsigned int)-1]))
          return pos;
          j = 8*sizeof(unsigned int)-1;
          for (i--;i>=0; i--)
          h = data[i];
          while (h)
              if (h&bitmask[8*sizeof(unsigned int)-1])
            return 8*sizeof(unsigned int)*i+j;
      return -1;
      cerr << "myBitString.prev(0) not implemented" << endl;
  inline void invert(const int pos)
      //cerr << "invert("<<pos<<")"<<endl;
      int i=pos/(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      int j=pos%(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      if (i>=size) resize(i+1);
      data[i] ^= bitmask[j];
  inline bool test_and_invert(const int pos)
      //cerr << "test_and_invert("<<pos<<")"<<endl;
      int i=pos/(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      int j=pos%(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      if (i>=size) resize(i+1);
      const bool ret = (data[i] & bitmask[j]);
      data[i] ^= bitmask[j];
      return ret;
  inline bool test(const int pos) const
      int i=pos/(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      int j=pos%(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      if (i>=size) return false;
      //cerr << "test("<<pos<<")=" << (data[i] & bitmask[j]) << endl;
      return (data[i] & bitmask[j]);
  inline void set(const int pos, const bool b = true)
      //cerr << "set("<<pos<< "," << b << ")" << endl;
      int i=pos/(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      int j=pos%(8*sizeof(unsigned int));
      if (i>=size)
    if (b)
      if (b)
    data[i] |= bitmask[j];
    data[i] &= ~bitmask[j];
  inline void _xor(const myBitString &s)
      if (s.size>size)
      //cerr << "myBitString.xor calls resize" << endl;
      resize (s.size);
      for (int i=0; i<s.size; i++)
    data[i] ^= s.data[i];
  inline const myBitString& operator ^= (const myBitString &s)
      _xor(s); return *this;  
  inline void _and(const myBitString &s1, const myBitString &s2)
  // der eigene Bitstring wird durch s1&s2 (komponentenweise) überschrieben
      int i = MIN(s1.size,s2.size)-1;
      if (i>=size) // <-> i+1>size
          // CAUTION:  (this == &s1 || this == &s2) -> BOOM!!
          // But since (this == &s1 || this == &s2) also
          // implies MIN(s1.size,s2.size)-1 < size, we can safely
          // destroy the array...
          if (data) delete [] data; // alten Vektor löschen
          data = new unsigned int[size];
      // Initialisieren der Bits  des neuen Vektors nicht notwendig (geschieht ja gleich durch das and)
         register int j=size-1;
         while (j>i) data[j--]=0; // überschüssige Bits im Resultat löschen
      for (; i>=0; --i)
    data[i] = s1.data[i] & s2.data[i];
  template<typename T> void test_and_add_carry(const myBitString &s2, T &CarryVec) const
  // temporäre (komponentenweise) AND-Verknüpfung den eigenen Bitstrings
  // mit s2; den Vektor CarryVector an den korrespondierenden gesetzten
  // Positionen inkrementieren.
      const int s = MIN(size,s2.size);
      const int Bits = 8*sizeof(unsigned int);
      for (int i=0; i<s; ++i)
         register unsigned int h = data[i] & s2.data[i];
         register int j=0;
         while (h)
            if (h&0xff)
               CarryVec[Bits*i+j  ]+=h&1;
Source at commit b0b32840dfbc created 11 years 9 months ago.
By Nathan Adams, compile issues

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