
qsieve Mercurial Source Tree


/*! @file
 * @brief
 * main implementation file of Qsieve standalone
#include "at_startup.H"
// sanity checks
#ifdef IS_CLIENT
 #error "qsieve is not a client!"
#ifdef IS_SERVER
 #error "qsieve is not a server!"
 #error "qsieve uses no network features!"
 #error "qsieve is a standalone application!"
extern "C"
 #include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <gmp.h>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <ctime>
#include "qsieve.H"
#include "StaticFactorbase.H"
#include "FactorFound.H"
TFoundFactors FoundFactors;
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <algorithm>
 #warning "undefining NOTIFY_PARENT, since this is not a networked server"
const string RecoveryFile         = "recovery.dat";
const string FoundFactorsFile     = "FoundFactors.dat";
const string StaticRelationsFile  = "static_relations.dat";
const string SpecialRelationsFile = "special_relations.dat";
// provide streams for storing relations and other data
// *************************************************************************
// **** important:
// **** If "ostream" and "istream" are handled by the same filebuf,
// **** then you *must not* rely on
// **** "tellp()" and "tellg()" behave independently from each other!
// **** Any write operation may change also the value of "tellg()"
// **** and any read operation may change the value of "tellp()"!
// *************************************************************************
// for Recovery
filebuf Recovery_buffer;
ostream Recovery_to_file (&Recovery_buffer);
istream Recovery_from_file (&Recovery_buffer);
#include "mpqsPolynom.H"
mpz_t n, // number to factorize (will be reduced during factorization)
      kN; // input for MPQS (includes a suitable multiplier)
#include "StaticRelations.H"
#include "DynamicRelations.H"
#include "SpecialRelations.H"
#include "Sieving.H"
#include "ConfigFile.cc"
CmpqsPolynom Polynom; // object to manage polynomial computations for multipolynomial sieve (MPQS)
#include "mpqsStatistics.cc" // statistical stuff about found relations, client connections, etc.
#include "modulo.H" // modulo operations for unsigned int
using namespace numtheory;
#include "FactorFound.cc"
#include "polynomial.H" /* for fast polynomial arithmetic & fft-continuation */
#include "fft_param.cc"  /* discrete fast fourier transform */
#include "elliptic_curve.H" /* invariant part of elliptic curve method (ecm) */
#include "elliptic_curve-variant.cc" /* variant part of elliptic curve method (ecm) */
#include "ExitManager.cc" /* controlled termination of program */
#include "StaticRelations.cc"
// this stuff may only be needed by server or stand-alone version
#include "easy_factor.H"
// this is a predicate stating "false"
const bool without_multi_combine_init = false; // true ->multi-init, false ->no multi_init on StaticRelations::insert
#include "CRelation-inc.cc"
#include "SpecialRelations.cc"
#include "parse_term.cc"
void process_ecm()
  streampos fpos = Recovery_from_file.tellg();
  int Anzahl_Kurven = 0;
  string s;
  srand(time(NULL)); // setting a random seed (time(NULL) should satisfy for our needs)
  unsigned int dezimalstellen = mpz_sizeinbase(n,10);
  tune_parameters(dezimalstellen); // as the name says: tuning of parameters according to our input number
  Recovery_from_file >> Anzahl_Kurven;
  Recovery_from_file.ignore(1,'\n'); // overread "end of line"
   ifstream in("ecm-recover.dat");
   if (in) // does a recovery file exist?
     elliptic_curves elliptic_curve; // create a curve
     elliptic_curve.go(-1,elcu_Phase1,elcu_Phase2); // try to recover curve and retry factorization with elliptic curve
  while (Anzahl_Kurven<elcu_Kurven)
    cout << "elliptic curve #" << Anzahl_Kurven << "/" << elcu_Kurven << endl;
    int ecm_sigma = rand(); // choose a random curve
    elliptic_curves elliptic_curve; // create curve
    elliptic_curve.go(ecm_sigma,elcu_Phase1,elcu_Phase2); // try factorization with elliptic curve
    // write number of processed curves to recovery file
    Recovery_to_file << Anzahl_Kurven << endl << flush;
    // found a factor?
    if (dezimalstellen==mpz_sizeinbase(n,10)) continue; // no new factor
    // digits of n has changed -> new factor
    if (mpz_probab_prime_p(n,probab_prime_checks))
        Factorization_to_file << MAL(n);
        cout << "remaining factor: " << n << endl;
        cout << "remaining factor is most probably prime!" << endl;
        mpz_set_ui(n,1); // n has been factorized
    if ( (mpz_cmp_ui(n,1)==0) || Potenztest(n) ) // factorization complete?
        cout << "factorization successfully completed." << endl;
        Factorization_to_file << endl;
        ExitManager::StopFactorization(); // terminate program (do finalize work)
    // tune parameters for further ecm-rounds...
    // since the number to factorize has become smaller, the recovery-file need to be updated as well!
    Recovery_buffer.close(); // close file
    Recovery_buffer.open(RecoveryFile.c_str(),ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc); // re-open (-> create empty file)
    Recovery_to_file << n << endl; // write out number to factorize
    fpos = Recovery_from_file.tellg(); // mark position
    Recovery_to_file << Anzahl_Kurven << endl << flush; // store number of curves done so far
  cout << "ECM-Phase (standalone) completed." << endl;
void cleanup_files()
  cout << "cleaning files..." << endl;
void cleanup_memory()
  cout << "cleanup allocated memory" << endl;
  mpz_clear(kN); mpz_clear(n);
int main(const int argc, const char* const argv[])
  new Cncursed(); // trigger activation of ncursed streams
  PrintHeader("Qsieve standalone");
  if (argc>2)
      cerr << "number for factorization expected!" << endl;
  const bool recover = (argc==1); // without argument: Recovery-Mode
  cout.setf(ios::fixed); // fixed decimal notation, not scientific notation!
  mpz_init(n); // our number to factorize
  ExitManager::register_exithandler(cleanup_memory); // on successful exit free allocated data
  if (!recover) // not in recovery-mode -> evaluate arguments
      // get and evaluate given number
      char* const neuer_str = strdup(argv[1]);
      char* str = neuer_str;
      if (!parse_term::get_number(n, str))
      cout << "Wrong input at: '" << str << "'" << endl;
    if (str[0]!='\0')
        cout << "Syntax error in input term. (parenthesis?)" << endl;
      if (mpz_cmp_ui(n,0)<=0)
          cout << "Input must be positive natural number!" << endl;
      free(neuer_str); // don't call "delete []" because of "stdup/malloc"
  if (recover)
      // Recovery: continue a factorization, which was previously aborted
      // (try to) open the necessary file streams
      if (!DynamicRelations::FileBuffer.open(DynamicRelationsFile.c_str(),ios::in|ios::out))
         cerr << "Cannot access " << DynamicRelationsFile << endl;
      // offenbar wird trotz ios::ate nicht (immer) ans Ende positioniert
      // deshalb wird die Testabfrage modifiziert:
      if (Recovery_from_file) Recovery_from_file.seekg(0,ios::end);
#ifdef STL_STREAM_workaround
      if ( (!Recovery_from_file) || (Recovery_from_file.tellg()==std::streampos(0)) || (Recovery_from_file.tellg()==std::streampos(-1)) )
// tellg()==0 indicates empty file -> we cannot recover
// tellg()==-1 indicates failure -> we cannot recover
// remark:
//  in gcc 3.4 (cvs-experimental-2003-10-17 we cannot compare with "<" !!)
//  do we really need a workaround to check this condition?
      if ( (!Recovery_from_file) || (Recovery_from_file.tellg()<1) )
#endif /* STL_STREAM_workaround */
      cerr << "Recovery not possible!" << endl;
      Recovery_from_file >> n; // retrieve number
      cout << "Continue factorization for " << endl;
      cout << n << endl;
      // mark recovery-mode in Factorization-File! One never knows, what has
      // happened to that file in the mean time!
      Factorization_to_file << " [RECOVERY] "; // flush not necessary...
      // First start of this factorization (i.e. not a recovery)
      // open streams
      if (!DynamicRelations::FileBuffer.open(DynamicRelationsFile.c_str(),ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc))
         cerr << "Cannot access " << DynamicRelationsFile << endl;
      cout_status << "Starting factorization for" << endl;
      cout_status << n << endl;
      Factorization_to_file << endl << "Factorization of " << argv[1] << ":" << endl;
      Factorization_to_file << n << " = " << endl;
      easy_factor(); // remove "easy" detectable factors
      cout_status << "Starting factorization with ECM and MPQS for" << endl;
      cout_status << n << endl;
      Recovery_to_file << n << endl;
      unlink("ecm-recover.dat"); // remove any existent ecm recovery file
  ExitManager::register_exithandler(cleanup_files); // on successful exit delete the files
  // The standalone-version should use elliptic curves, too.
  if (!SkipECM) process_ecm(); // start ECM...
#if defined(USE_DFT) || (CONTINUATION_METHOD==2)
  // at this place, all possible functions that made possible use of
  // discrete fast fourier transform have been finished.
  //  --> we can release the DFT-object and associated auxiliary memory...
#endif /* USE_DFT */
  // now prepare everything for the Quadratic Sieve...
  determine_best_MPQS_Multiplier(n,kN,MPQS_Multiplier); // calculate a good/optimal value for fastest possible sieving
  tune_parameters(mpz_sizeinbase(n,10)); // tune parameters for n
  if ( sqrt(mpz_get_d(kN)) < PhysicalSieveSize )
      cerr << "Sieve size too big (you may want to reduce its size)!" << endl;
  // Set a threshold for Double-Large-Primes,
  // this is the square of the maximal Single Large Prime...
  SieveControl::compute_SieveThreshold(); // Threshold for detecting relations during sieving phase
  for (int i=0; i<64; ++i) SieveArray_[i]=-1; // initialize array underflow trigger values
  Polynom.compute_first_polynomial(kN,LogicalSieveSize); // compute the first MPQS polynomial to sieve with
  if (recover)
      StaticRelations::Load(); // read in Static Relations
      DynamicRelations::Load(); // read in Dynamic Relations
      statistical_data::ProgressStats.take_sample(); // first statistical sample right here
        // CycleSearch triggers taking a sample when finding a cycle,
        // but this sample wouldn't contain the full DLP size (see CycleSearch)!
        // So we need the first sample taken before the first CycleSearch...
      // are all the relations valid?
      streampos fpos = Recovery_from_file.tellg();
      Polynom.load_if_available(Recovery_from_file); // get current polynomial (to continue factorization)
  // The ultimate loop:
  while(true) // sieve relations as long no factorization has been found.
     // for Recovery:
     streampos fpos = Recovery_to_file.tellp();
     Polynom.save(Recovery_to_file); // store current MPQS polynomial (for recovery)
  cout << endl << "Session ended successfully." << endl;
  return 0;
Source at commit a3b3bd390cec created 11 years 9 months ago.
By Nathan Adams, configure

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