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// very tiny ncurses window wrapper
// written 2004-02-13 by Thorsten Reinecke
/*! @file
 * @brief
 * very tiny ncurses window wrapper
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <streambuf>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;
 * @short
 * stream buffer class for accessing a ncurses window 
 * This class wraps the ncurses functions to provide access to a window
 * through a stream buffer. The stream buffer is initialized with the
 * coordinates of the window.
class outbuf : public streambuf
  WINDOW *win;
 outbuf(int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x)
 #if 1 /* window with outside border */
   box(win, 0 , 0);                /* 0, 0 gives default characters
                                    * for the vertical and horizontal
                                    * lines                        */
   if (nlines==0) nlines=LINES-begin_y;
   if (ncols==0) ncols=COLS-begin_x;
   delwin(win); win=NULL;
 int wgetch()
   return ::wgetch(win);
 virtual int overflow (int c)
   return c;
 * @short
 * stream class for accessing a ncurses window 
 * This class wraps the ncurses functions to provide access
 * to a window through a stream. The stream is initialized with
 * the coordinates of the window.
class Cwin : public ostream
 outbuf mywindow;
 Cwin(int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x)
  : ostream(&mywindow), mywindow(nlines,ncols,begin_y,begin_x)
  { }
 int wgetch() { return mywindow.wgetch(); }
static void exit_my_ncurses();
static bool init_called = false;
static void init_my_ncurses()
  if (init_called) exit(94); // error, error!!
  initscr();                      // Start curses mode
  cbreak();                       // Line buffering disabled, pass on everything to me
  static bool installed = false;
  if (!installed) atexit(exit_my_ncurses);
static void exit_my_ncurses()
  if (init_called)
     endwin();           /* End curses mode */
#if 0
int main()
 initscr();                      // Start curses mode
 cbreak();                       // Line buffering disabled, pass on everything to me
 Cwin win1(5,40,10,12);
 Cwin win2(5,40,16,7);
 for (int i=0; i< 100; ++i)
    win1 << "Hallo! " << i << endl;
    win2 << i;
 endwin();                       /* End curses mode */
Source at commit a3b3bd390cec created 11 years 9 months ago.
By Nathan Adams, configure

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